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吳德意(Wu Deyi)----- 上海交通大學環(huán)境科學與工程學院 教授

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2013-02-18  瀏覽次數(shù):378
核心提示:吳德意(Wu Deyi) 教授 性別:男 電子郵件:dywu@sjtu.edu.cn 辦公室電話:021-54744540 傳真:

吳德意(Wu Deyi) 教授 
辦公室電話:021-54744540   傳真:
  • 1.水處理中的吸附與離子交換技術及相關環(huán)境材料研發(fā);
  • 2.河湖生態(tài)安全評價與生態(tài)修復工程;
  • 1994年畢業(yè)于日本國立愛媛大學,獲博士學位。


  • 最近三年來(2006-2008)的代表性論文:
  • 1. Wu D Y, Zhang B H, Yan L, et al. Effect of some additives on synthesis of zeolite from coal fly ash. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2006, 80, 266-272.

    2. Chen J G, Kong H N, Wu D Y, et al. Removal of phosphate from aqueous solution by zeolite synthesized from fly ash. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2006, 300:491-497.

    3. Wu D Y, Zhang B H, Li C J, et al. Simultaneous removal of ammonium and phosphate from aqueous solution by zeolite synthesized from fly ash as influenced by salt treatment. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2006, 304, 300-306.

    4. Wang Z S, Kong H N, Wu D Y. Reproductive toxicity of dietary copper to a saltwater cladoceran Moina Mongolica Daday. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2007, 26 (1): 126-131.

    5. Zhang B H, Wu D Y, Wang C, et al. Simultaneous removal of ammonium and phosphate by zeolite synthesized from coal fly ash as influenced by acid treatment. Journal of Environmental Science, 2007, 19:540-545.

    6. Wu D Y, Hu Z B, Wang X Z, et al. Use of zeolitized fly ash in the simultaneous removal of ammonium and phosphate from aqueous solution. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China, 2007, 1:213-220.

    7. Chen J G, Kong H N, Wu D Y, et al. Phosphate immobilization from aqueous solution by fly ashes in relation to their composition. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2007, 139:293-300.

    8. Wang Z S, Kong H N, Wu D Y. Acute and chronic copper toxicity to a saltwater cladoceran Moina monogolica daday. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2007, 53(1):50-56.

    9. Wu D Y, Lu Y K, Kong H N, et al. Synthesis of zeolite from thermally treated sediment. Industrial &   Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008, 47, 295-302.

    10. Wu D Y, Sui Y M, Chen X C, et al. Changes of mineralogical-chemical composition, cation exchange capacity, and phosphate immobilization capacity during the hydrothermal conversion process of coal fly ash into zeolite. Fuel, 2008, 87:2194-2200.

    11. Sui Y M, Wu D Y, Zhang D L, et al. Factors affecting the sorption of trivalent chromium by zeolite synthesized from fly ash. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2008, 322:13-21.

    12. Wu D Y, Sui Y M, He S B, et al. Removal of trivalent chromium from aqueous solution by zeolite synthesized from coal fly ash. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 155:415-423.





  • Wu Deyi ,born in March, 1964, graduated from Dept. of Environmental Protection for Organisms, Ehime Univ. Japan in 1994, got the doctorship.
  • Research field: Sorption and ion-exchange technology and related materials in water treatment, Evaluation of water quality of lakes and rivers and the ecological engineering technology for restoration of the water quality.
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