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周保學(Zhou Baoxue) ----上海交通大學 環(huán)境科學與工程學院 教授

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2013-02-18  瀏覽次數(shù):398
核心提示:周保學(Zhou Baoxue) 教授 性別:男 電子郵件:zhoubaoxue@sjtu.edu.cn 辦公室電話:021-5474735

周保學(Zhou Baoxue) 教授 
辦公室電話:021-54747351   傳真:




        發(fā)表刊物論文100余篇,其中包括在環(huán)境功能材料領域頂尖級刊物之一的Advanced Materials(SCI影響因子8.191)以及與環(huán)境學科有關的Applied Catalysis B: Environmental(SCI IF 5.625)、Water Research(SCI IF 4.865)、Journal of Hazardous Materials(SCI IF 4.173)、Chemical Communications(SCI IF 6.169)、Chemsphere、 科學通報等SCI刊物論文五十余篇,ESI高被引用論文(SCI引用頻次進入世界前1%的頂級論文)4篇



1.Quanpeng Chen, Jinhua Li, Baoxue Zhou,* and Weimin Cai, etal., Visible-light responsive photocatalytic fuel cell based on WO3/W photoanode and Cu2O/Cu photocathode for simultaneous wastewater treatment and electricity generation. Environmental Science & Technology, (accepted 2012.9, SCI IF 5.228)

2.Qing Zheng, Baoxue Zhou,* Jing Bai and Weimin Cai, etal., Self-Organized TiO2 Nanotube Array Sensor for the Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand,Advanced Materials, 2008, 20(5), 1044-1049 (SCI IF 8.191, ESI高被引用論文)

3.Yanbiao Liu, Haibin Zhou, Baoxue Zhou* and Weimin Cai, etal., Highly Stable Cds-Modified Short TiO2 Nanotube Array Electrode For Efficient Visible-Light Hydrogen Generation,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011,36,167-174 (SCI IF 4.054, ESI高被引用論文)

4.Yanbiao Liu, Jinhua Li, Baoxue Zhou,* and Weimin Cai, etal., A TiO2-nanotube-array-based photocatalytic fuel cell using refractory organic compounds as substrates for electricity generation. Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 10314–10316 (SCI IF 6.169)

5.Yanbiao Liu, Jinhua Li, Baoxue Zhou* and Weimin Cai, etal.,  Photoelectrocatalytic degradation of refractory organic compounds enhanced by a photocatalytic fuel cell. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2012, 111-112, 485-491 (SCI IF 5.625)

6.Yanbiao Liu, Jinhua Li, Baoxue Zhou* and Weimin Cai, etal., Efficient electricity production and simultaneously wastewater treatment via a high-performance photocatalytic fuel cell. Water Research. 2011,45,3991-3998 (SCI IF 4.865)

7.Jinhua Li, Chenglan Yao, Yanbiao Liu, Di Li, Baoxue Zhou*, Weimin Cai, The hazardous hexavalent chromium formed on trivalent chromium conversion coating: The origin, influence factors and control measures, Journal Of Hazardous Materials,2012, 221-222, 56-61 (SCI IF 4.173)

8.Quanpeng Chen, Jinhua Li, Baoxue Zhou* and Weimin Cai, etal., Preparation of well-aligned WO3 nanoflake arrays vertically grown on tungsten substrate as photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting.  Electrochemistry Communications, 2012, 20, 153-156 (SCI IF 4.859)

9.Yanbiao Liu, Baoxue Zhou*, Jing Bai and Weimin Cai, etal., Efficient photochemical water splitting and organic pollutant degradation by highly ordered TiO2 nanopore arrays, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2009,89, 142-148(SCI IF 5.252)

10.Yanbiao Liu, Baoxue Zhou*, Jinhua Li and Weimin Cai, etal., Preparation of Short, Robust and Highly-ordered TiO2 Nanotube Arrays and Their Applications as Electrode, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2009,92(3-4),326-332 (SCI IF 5.252)

11.Jing Bai, Jinhua Li, Yanbiao Liu, Baoxue Zhou*, Weimin Cai, A new glass substrate photoelectrocatalytic electrode for efficient visible-light hydrogen production:CdS sensitized TiO2 nanotube arrays, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2010,95,408-413(SCI IF 5.252)

12.Jialing Zhang, Baoxue Zhou*, Qing Zheng and Weimin Cai, etal., Photoelectrocatalytic COD Determination Method Using Highly Ordered TiO2 Nanotube Array,Water Research, 2009, 43,1986-1992(SCI IF 4.355)

13.Jing bai, Yanbiao Liu, Jinhua Li, Baoxue Zhou* , Qing Zheng, Weimin Cai, A novel thin-layer photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) reactor with double-faced titania nanotube arrays electrode for effective degradation of tetracycline, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2010, 98,154-160 (SCI IF 5.252)

14.Li Jinhua, Zhou BaoXue* and Weimin Cai, etal., Influence of the presence of heavy metals and surface-active compounds on the sorption of bisphenol A to sediment. Chemosphere 2007,68 (7): 1298-1303. (SCI IF 2.739)

15.Jinhua Li, Baoxue Zhou* and Weimin Cai, etal., Influence of the coexisting contaminants on bisphenol A sorption and desorption in soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008,151 (2-3)389-393(SCI IF 2.975)






鄭  青,國家獎學金(2008)






白  晶,上海市優(yōu)秀博士論文(2011)

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