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王洪濤----清華大學(xué) 環(huán)境學(xué)院 教授,所長,系主任

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2013-06-02  瀏覽次數(shù):459
核心提示:王洪濤----清華大學(xué) 環(huán)境學(xué)院 教授,所長,系主任



姓  名: 王洪濤
所在單位: 固體廢物控制與資源化研究所
職  稱: 正高級
職  務(wù): 環(huán)境工程系主任,所長
郵寄地址: 清華大學(xué)環(huán)境學(xué)院,郵編100084
辦公電話: 010-62773438
電子郵件: htwang@tsinghua.edu.cn
辦公地點: 清華大學(xué)環(huán)境節(jié)能樓



1992.09—1994.10 中國地質(zhì)大學(xué)(北京) 水資源與環(huán)境學(xué)院 博士

1978.09—1985.08 長春地質(zhì)學(xué)院 水工系 學(xué)士,碩士



2011.01—現(xiàn)在 清華大學(xué)環(huán)境學(xué)院 教授,所長,系主任

2002.01—2011.01 清華大學(xué) 環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程系 教授

1995.02—2002.01 清華大學(xué) 環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程系 副教授

2004.04—2007.06 清華大學(xué) 環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程系 副系主任

2001.04—2004.04 清華大學(xué) 環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程系 黨委副書記

1988.09—1990.02 荷蘭王國自由大學(xué) 訪問學(xué)者


1. 研究生基礎(chǔ)課:多孔介質(zhì)污染物遷移動力學(xué)(清華大學(xué)精品課)

2. 英語課程:Integrated solid waste management



1.1997.06—今 聯(lián)合國環(huán)境署巴塞爾公約亞太區(qū)域中心培訓(xùn)部副主任

2. Journal of Hydrology, Associate Editor, Board member


1. 固體廢物填埋處置技術(shù)

2. 固體廢物堆肥化技術(shù)

2. 有機廢物能源轉(zhuǎn)化技術(shù)

4. 污染場地治理和多孔介質(zhì)污染物遷移模擬






1. 環(huán)保部公益專項項目:固體廢物處置設(shè)施環(huán)境安全評價技術(shù)研究

2. 國家863計劃課題:含氯代有機物工業(yè)廢物處理技術(shù)研究與示范

3. 國家自然科學(xué)基金項目:淋洗結(jié)合共摻雜改性TiO2太陽光光催化修復(fù)氯代憎水性有機物污染土壤技術(shù)研究

4. 國家重大水專項課題:昆明主城區(qū)污染物綜合減排與水質(zhì)保障關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研究與示范之污泥與綠化廢物協(xié)同快速堆肥技術(shù)

5. 國家重大水專項課題:產(chǎn)業(yè)密集型城鎮(zhèn)水環(huán)境綜合整治技術(shù)研究與示范子任務(wù)污泥無害化處置和資源化利用技術(shù)研究


1. “滇池流域面源污染控制技術(shù)研究”獲得教育部科技進步一等獎,第3獲獎人,2006









1. 王洪濤編著,《多孔介質(zhì)污染物遷移動力學(xué)》,北京:高等教育出版社,2008(國家科學(xué)技術(shù)學(xué)術(shù)著作出版基金資助,清華大學(xué)優(yōu)秀教材一等獎)

2. 王洪濤、陸文靜主編,《農(nóng)業(yè)固體廢物處理處置與資源化技術(shù)》,北京:中國環(huán)境科學(xué)出版社,2006年

3. 陳吉寧,李廣賀,王洪濤,黃霞等著《流域面源污染控制技術(shù)-以滇池流域為例》,北京:中國環(huán)境科學(xué)出版社,2009

4. 李金惠、王琪、王洪濤編著,《危險廢物管理與處理處置技術(shù)》,化學(xué)工業(yè)出版社,2003

5. 聶永豐主編,《三廢處理工程技術(shù)手冊-固體廢物卷》,國家“95”重點圖書,化學(xué)工業(yè)出版社,2000,作者之一



1. Hongtao Wang, Jinwen Liu, Yan Zhao, Wenjing Lu, Huayong Wu. Stepwise superposition approach for the analytical solutions of multi-dimensional contaminant transport in finite- and semi-infinite aquifers. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 125(1-4): 86-101, 2011.

2. Hongtao Wang, Rong Han, Yan Zhao, Wenjing Lu, Yaxin Zhang. Stepwise superposition approximation approach for analytical solutions with non-zero initial concentration using existing solutions of zero initial concentration in contaminate transport. Journal of Environmental Science, 23(6): 923-930, 2011.

3. Huayong Wu, Zeyu Zhou, Yaxin Zhang, Tan Chen, Hongtao Wang, Wenjing Lu. Fluorescence-based Rapid Assessment of the Biological Stability of Landfilled Municipal Solid Waste. Bioresource Technology, 110: 174-183, 2012.

4. Rong Han, Jinwen Liu, Yuancheng Zhang, Xiaoqian Fan, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang. Dewatering and granulation of sewage sludge by biophysical drying and thermo-degradation performance of prepared sludge particles during succedent fast pyrolysis. Bioresource Technology, 107: 429-436, 2012.

5. Chi Zifang, Wang Hongtao, Lu Wenjing, Zhu Yong, Long Yuyang, Zhao Yan. Diversity of methanotrophs in simulated landfill biocover reactor as revealed by PCR-DGGE. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 24:1076-1082, 2012.

6. Xiaojie Sun, Dunqiu Wang, Wenjing Lu and Hongtao Wang. Characteristics of night soil and leaf co-composting using aerobic static method. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China, 6(3): 421-427, 2012.

7. Yan Zhao, Thomas H. Christensen, Wenjing Lu, Huayong Wu, Hongtao Wang. Environmental impact assessment of solid waste management in Beijing City, China. Waste Management, 31(4): 793-799, 2011.

8. Yuyang Long, Dongsheng Shen, Hongtao Wang, Wenjing Lu, Yan Zhao. Heavy metal source analysis in municipal solid waste: Case study on Cu and Zn. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186(2-3): 1082-1087, 2011.

9. Jinwen Liu, Rong Han, Hongtao, Wang. Photoassisted degradation of pentachlorophenol in a simulated soil washing system containing nonionic surfactant Triton X-100 with La-B codoped TiO2 under visible and solar light irradiation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 103: 470-478, 2011.

10. Chenxi Zhao Dimitar Karakashev, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang, Irini Angelidaki. Xylose fermentation to biofuels (hydrogen and ethanol) by extreme thermophilic (70 oC) mixed culture. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35: 3415- 3422, 2010.

11. Yan Zhao, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang, Dong Li. Combined supercritical and subcritical process for cellulose hydrolysis to fermentable hexoses, Environmental Science & Technology, 43(5): 1565-1570, 2009.

12. Hongtao WANG, Huayong WU. Analytical solutions of three-dimensional contaminant transport in uniform flow field in porous media: A library. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China, 3(1): 112-128, 2009.

13. Yan Zhao, Hongtao Wang, Wenjing Lu, Anders Damgaard, Thomas H. Christensen. Life cycle assessment of the municipal solid waste management system in Hangzhou, China (EASEWASTE). Waste Management and Research, 27(4): 399–406, 2009.

14. Chenxi Zhao, Sompong O-Thong, Dimitar Karakashev, Irini Angelidaki, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang. High yield simultaneous hydrogen and ethanol production under extreme thermophilic (70℃) mixed culture environment. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34(14):5657-5665, 2009.

15. Yan Zhao, Wenjing Lu, Hongtao Wang, Jinlong Yang. Fermentable hexose production from corn stalks and wheat straw with combined supercritical and subcritical hydrothermal technology, Bioresource Technology, 100(23): 5884-5889, 2009.

16. Wejing Lu, Hongtao Wang. Aromatic compound degradation by iron reducing bacteria isolated from irrigated tropical paddy soils. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 20:1487-1493, 2008.

17. Baoguo Tian, Jitao Si, Yanzhao Zhao, Hongtao Wang, Jiming Hao. Approach of technical decision-making by element flow analysis and Monte-Carlo simulation of municipal solid waste stream. Journal of Environmental Science, 19(5):633-640, 2007.

18. Jitao Si, Baoguo Tian, Hongtao Wang, Nicholas Basta, Jackie Schroder, Mark Casillas. Assessing availability, phytotoxicity and bioaccumulation of lead to ryegrass and millet based on the 0.1 mol/L Ca(NO3)2 extraction. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 18(5): 958-963, 2006.

19. Dong Li, Jie Zhang, Hongtao Wang, Lixue Chen, Hao Wang. Application of Biological Process to Treat the Groundwater with High Concentration of Iron and Manganese. Journal of AQUA, 55 (5): 313-320, 2006.

20. Hongtao Wang, Enzhi Wang, Kaiming Tian. A model coupling discrete and continuum fracture domains for groundwater flow in fractured media. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 42(extra): 58-66, 2004.

21. Hongtao Wang, Yongfeng Nie. Municipal solid waste characteristics and management in China. Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 51: 250-263, 2001.

22. Hongtao Wang, Yongfeng Nie. Remedial strategies for municipal solid waste management in China. Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 51: 264-272, 2001.


1. 王洪濤、張相鋒、周輝宇、聶永豐:一種新型有機廢物堆肥倉強制通風(fēng)系統(tǒng),03119303.X

2. 張相鋒、王洪濤、周輝宇、聶永豐:好氧堆肥溫度反饋通風(fēng)的半自動控制方法,03119301.3

3. 陸文靜、王洪濤:木質(zhì)纖維素類廢物堆肥化復(fù)合菌劑,200611021310.2

4. 陸文靜、王洪濤、楊仕建:可控孔徑聚丙烯酰胺大孔凝膠常溫制備技術(shù),200611020160.X

5. 王洪濤、陸文靜、殷勇、王昊:填埋場固體廢物水力參數(shù)的直接測定方法及其專用設(shè)備,CN101025412

6. 陸文靜、王洪濤、牟子申、遲子芳、朱勇:用于生活垃圾填埋場溫室氣體減排的覆蓋層自充氧系統(tǒng),200910090356.8

7. 趙巖、王洪濤、陸文靜:生物質(zhì)超臨界亞臨界組合連續(xù)式預(yù)處理與水解設(shè)備及方法,200910088895.8

8. 趙巖、王洪濤、陸文靜:一種采用可溶性纖維低聚糖制取六碳糖的亞臨界水解方法,CN101845523A

9. 王洪濤、陽金龍、杜瓊、李東、趙巖、陸文靜、韓融:一種測定多孔基質(zhì)空氣溫濕度及氧氣和氨氣濃度的一體化檢測儀,201010268644.0

10. 王洪濤、吳華勇、陳坦、趙巖:一種現(xiàn)場測量填埋堆體氣體滲透系數(shù)的方法發(fā)明專利,201010542580.9

11. 王洪濤、陽金龍、韓融:一種污泥生物物理聯(lián)合干燥裝置,201120200328.X

12. 王洪濤、韓融、陽金龍:一種連續(xù)流污泥生物—物理聯(lián)合干化方法及裝置,201010237297.5

13. 孫曉杰、王洪濤、陸文靜等:一處理垃圾滲濾液的方法及其專業(yè)裝置,200810102861.5

14. 王洪濤:流網(wǎng)分析與質(zhì)點示蹤軟件(FlowC v1.0),2007SRBJ0671

15. 王洪濤:多孔介質(zhì)水流和污染物遷移解析解軟件(FlowCAS v1.0),BJ23694


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