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喬向利 (Qiao Xiangli) ---- 上海交通大學 環(huán)境科學與工程學院 副研究員

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2013-09-07  瀏覽次數(shù):227
核心提示:喬向利 (Qiao Xiangli) ---- 上海交通大學 環(huán)境科學與工程學院 副研究員


喬向利(Qiao Xiangli) 副研究員 
辦公室電話:021-54745704   傳真:





1. Qiao Xiangli, Liu Zhe, Liu Zhiwei, Zeng Yinglin, and Zhang Zhenjia. Optimized immobilization of activated 1 sludge in poly(ethylene glycol) gels by UV technology. Process Biochemistry 2010,x1-x2 (online)
2. Qiao Xiangli, Liu Zhe, Liu Zhiwei, Zeng Yinglin, Zhang Zhengjia. Immobilization of activated sludge in poly(ethylene glycol) by UV technology and its application in micro-polluted wastewater. Biochemical Engineering Journal 2010, 50:71-76
3.Qiao Xiangli, Zhang Zhenjia, Ping Zhenghua. Hydrophilic modification of ultrafiltration membranes and their application in Salvia Miltiorrhiza decoction. Separation and Purification Technology  2007, 56: 265–269
4.Qiao Xiangli, Chen Qingxuan, Zhang Zhenjia. Comparative study of nitrification performances of immobilized cell fluidized bed reactor and contact oxidation biofilm reactor in treating high strength ammonia wastewater. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 2008,83: 84-90.
5.Qiao Xiangli, Zhang Zhenjia. The pH influence of the yield and properties of photochemically synthesized poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) nanoparticles. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2007,190: 15–21
6.Qiao Xiangli, Zhang Zhenjia, Yao Side. Preparation of initiator and cross-linker-free poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) nanogels by photopolymerization. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2006, 177: 191-196
7.Qiao Xiangli, Zhang Zhenjia, Chen Qingxuan, Chen Yajie. Nitrification characteristics of PEG immobilized activated sludge at high ammonia and COD loading rates. Desalination 2008, 222: 340-347
8. Qiao Xiangli, Zhang Zhenjia, Wang Nongcun, Victor Wee, Megan Low, C.S. Loh, Ng Teck Hing. Coagulation pretreatment for a large-scale ultrafiltration process treating water from the Taihu River. Desalination 2008, 230: 305-313.
9. Qiao Xiangli, Zhang Zhenjia, Yu Jialiang, Ye Xiaofeng. Performance characteristics of a hybrid membrane pilot-scale plant for oilfield-produced wastewater. Desalination 2008, 225: 113-122.
10.Qiao Xiangli, Chen Shiming, Tan Li, Zheng Hu, Ding Yadi, Ping Zhenghua. Investigation of formation of superoxide anion radical in DMSO by ESR: Part 1. Influence of Fe2+ and Cu2+. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 2001, 39: 207-211.
11 Qiao Xiangli, Yu Jadong, Zhang Yejian, Zhang Chunhui, Zhang Zhenjia. Urban Wastewater Treatment with Chemical Flocculants. Proceedings of the 9th-10th Joint Seminar of JSPS-MOE Core University Program on Urban Environment 2005, 127-134.
12. Zhang Yejian, Qiao Xiangli, Chi Lina, Niu Xiangjun, Zhang Zhenjia. Integration of biological method and membrane technology in treating palm oil mill effluent (POME). Journal of Environmental Sciences 2008, 20: 558–564.
13. Wang Jin, Long MinCe, Zhang Zhenjia, Chi Lina, Qiao Xiangli, Zhu Huxue, Zhang Zhufeng. Removal of organic compounds during treating printing and dyeing wastewater of different process units. Chemosphere 2008, 71: 195–202.


1.發(fā)明專利 200910194651.8
2. 發(fā)明專利 200910056687.x
3.發(fā)明專利, ZL200510026477.8
4.發(fā)明專利   ZL 200510026746.0
5.發(fā)明專利   200410017912.6

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