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祝凌燕---- 姓名:祝凌燕 職稱:南開大學特聘教授,博士生導師 職務(wù):副院長,國家杰出青年基金獲得者,教育部長江學者特聘教授,天津市城市生態(tài)環(huán)境修復與污染防治重點實驗室副主任 研究領(lǐng)域:污染生態(tài)化

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2013-10-04  瀏覽次數(shù):1174
核心提示:祝凌燕---- 南開大學 特聘教授 ,博士生導師。院長助理,天津市城市生態(tài)環(huán)境修復與污染防治重點實驗室副主任



1987.09-1991.07 南開大學環(huán)境科學系環(huán)境化學專業(yè),獲理學學士學位
1995.09-1998.06 南開大學元素有機化學研究所工作,獲碩士學位
1999.01-2002.12 新加坡國立大學化學系,獲博士學位
2003.01-2005.09 美國印第安那大學公共環(huán)境與事物學院博士后


1991.07-1998.12 南開大學元素有機化學研究所工作 講師
2001.10-2002.12 新加坡國立大學醫(yī)學院社區(qū)、職業(yè)、家庭與醫(yī)藥系 研究員
2005.10- 至今 引進人才,南開大學特聘教授,南開大學環(huán)境科學與工程學院



4.Nature子刊Scientific Report編委


2.國家自然科學基金面上項目,多氟烷基磷酸酯(PAPs)在水生生物體中的富集與轉(zhuǎn)化機制研究, 2016/01-2019/12,83.6萬元,在研,主持
6.教育部博士點基金優(yōu)先領(lǐng)域項目,《基于異構(gòu)體指紋識別的全氟化合物環(huán)境界面行為與生物積累機制》,負責人,40萬元 (20130031130005),在研,主持
14.國家自然科學基金委外國青年基金,《Study of the discipline and mechanism of accumulation and elimination of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in human body》,中方負責人,結(jié)題



1) Shuyan Zhao, Lingyan Zhu*, Uptake and metabolism of 10:2 fluorotelomer alcohol in soil-earthworm (Eisenia fetida) and soil-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) systems, Environmental Pollution, 2016, in press.
2) Liwen Qiang, Meng Chen, Lingyan Zhu*, Wei Wu, Qiang Wang, Facilitated bioaccumulation of perfluorooctane sulfonate in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) by graphene oxide and remission mechanism of fulvic acid, Environmental Science & Technology, 2016.
3) Lixia Zhao, Lingyan Zhu*, Shuyan Zhao, Xinxin Ma, Sequestration and Bioavailability of Perfluoro- alkyl Acids (PFAAs) in Soils: Implications for Their Underestimated Risk, Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 572: 169-176.
4) Hangbiao Jin, Lingyan Zhu*, Occurrence and partitioning of bisphenol analogues in water and sediment from Liaohe River Basin and Taihu Lake, China, Water Research, 2016, 103: 343–351.
5) Hangbiao Jin@, Yifeng Zhang@, Weiwei Jiang, Lingyan Zhu*, and Jonathan W. Martin*, Isomer- Specific Distribution of Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Blood, Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50 (14): 7808–7815.
6) Wei Wu, Guoqiang Shan, Shanfeng Wang, Lingyan Zhu*, Longfei Yue, Qian Xiang, Yinqing Zhang, Zhuo Li, Environmentally relevant impacts of nano-TiO2 on abiotic degradation of bisphenol A under sunlight irradiation, Environmental Pollution, 2016, 216: 166-172.
7) Shuhong Fang, Yifeng Zhang, Shuyan Zhao, Liwen Qiang, Meng Chen, Lingyan Zhu*, Bioaccumu- lation of Perfluoroalkyl Acids including the Isomers of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate in Carp (Cyprinus carpio) in a Sediment/Water Microcosm, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2016, in press.
8) Binbin Sun, Fei Lian*, Qiongli Bao, Zhongqi Liu, Zhengguo Song, Lingyan Zhu, Impact of low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) on biochar micropores and sorption properties for sulfamethoxazole, Environmental Pollution, 2016, 214: 142-148.
9) Zhuo Li, Lingyan Zhu*, Wei Wu, Shanfeng Wang, Liwen Qiang, Highly efficient photocatalysis toward tetracycline under simulated solar-light by Ag+-CDs-Bi2WO6: Synergistic effects of silver ions and carbon dots, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2016, 192 (5): 277-285.
10) Liwen Qiang, Xiaoyu Pan, Lingyan Zhu*, Shuhong Fang, Shengyan Tian, Effects of nano-TiO2 on perfluorooctanesulfonate bioaccumulation in fishes living in different water layers: implications for enhanced risk of perfluorooctanesulfonate, Nanotoxicicology, 2016,10 (4): 471-479.
11) Shuyan Zhao, Xinxin Ma, Shuhong Fang, Lingyan Zhu*, Behaviors of N-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfo- namide ethanol in a Soil-Earthworm System: transformation and bioaccumulation, Science of Total Environment, 2016, 554-555: 186-191.
12) Guoqiang Shan, Zhi Wang, Lianqiu Zhou, Pin Du, Xiaoxiao Luo, Qiannian Wu, Lingyan Zhu*, Impacts of daily intakes on the isomeric profiles of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in human serum, Environment International, 2016, 89-90: 62-70.
13) Xiaolong Chu, Guoqiang Shan, Chun Chang, Yu Fu, Longfei Yue, Lingyan Zhu*, Effective degradation of tetracycline by mesoporous Bi2WO6 under visible light irradiation, Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2016, 10(2): 211-218.
14) Liwen Qiang, Xiaomei Shi, Xiaoyu Pan, Lingyan Zhu*, Meng Chen, Yuwei Han, Facilitated bio- accumulation of perfluorooctanesulfonate in zebrafish by nano-TiO2 in two crystalline phases, Environmental Pollution, 2015, 206: 644-651.
15) Meng Chen, Liwen Qiang, Xiaoyu Pan, Shuhong Fang, Yuwei Han, Lingyan Zhu*, In Vivo and In Vitro Isomer-Specific Biotransformation of Perfluorooctane Sulfonamide in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio), Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49 (23): 13817–13824.
16) Longfei Yue, Shanfeng Wang, Guoqiang Shan, Wei Wu, Liwen Qiang, Lingyan Zhu*, Novel MWNTs- Bi2WO6 composites with enhanced simulated solar photoactivity toward adsorbed and free tetracycline in water, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2015, 176-177: 11–19.
17) Hangbiao Jin, Yifeng Zhang, Lingyan Zhu*, and Jonathan W. Martin*, Isomer profiles of perfluoro- alkyl substances in water and soil surrounding a Chinese fluorochemical manufacturing park, Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49: 4946−4954.
18) Guoqiang Shan, Xinwei Chen, Lingyan Zhu*, Occurrence, fluxes and sources of perfluoroalkyl substances with isomer analysis in the snow of northern China, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 299: 1-8.
19) Xinwei Chen, Lingyan Zhu*, Shuhong Fang, Yifeng Zhang, Liping Yang, Isomeric specific partitioning behaviors of perfluoroalkyl substances in water dissolved phase, suspended particulate matters and sediments in Liao River Basin and Taihu Lake, China, Water Research, 2015, 80: 235-244.
20) Weiwei Jiang, Yifeng Zhang, Xiaolong Chu, Lingyan Zhu*, Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) with isomer analysis in the commercial PFOS and PFOA products in China, Chemosphere, 2015, 127: 180-187.
21) Guoqiang Shan, Yu Fu, Xiaolong Chu, Chun Chang, Lingyan Zhu*, Highly active magnetic Bi2WO6/ Fe3O4composite under visible light irradiation in the presence of H2O2, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 444: 123-131.
22) Guoqiang Shan, Ao Yu*, Chuanfang Zhao, Chunhua Huang, Lingyan Zhu, Benzhan Zhu*, A combined experimental and computational investigation on the unusual molecular mechanism of Lossen rearrangement reaction activated by the carcinogenic halogenated quinones, Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015, 80 (1): 180-189.
23) Shuhong Fang, Shuyan Zhao, Yifeng Zhang, Wenjue Zhong, Lingyan Zhu*, Distribution of perfluoro- alkyl substances (PFASs) with isomer analysis among the tissues of aquatic organisms in Taihu Lake, China, Environmental Pollution 193 (2014) 224-232.
24) Lixia Zhao, Yifeng Zhang, Shuhong Fang, Lingyan Zhu*, Zhengtao Liu, Comparative sorption and desorption behaviors of PFHxS and PFOS on sequentially extracted humic substances from a peat soil, Journal of Environmental Science, 2014, in press.
25) Lixia Zhao, Jingna Bian, Yahui Zhang, Lingyan Zhu*, Zhengtao Liu, Comparison of the Sorption Behaviors and Mechanisms of Perfluorosulfonates and Perfluorocarboxylic Acids on Three Kinds of Clay Minerals, Chemosphere, 2014, 114:51-58.
26) Guoqiang Shan, Mingcui Wei, Lingyan Zhu*, Zhengtao Liu, Yahui Zhang, Concentration profiles and spatial distribution of perfluoroalkyl substances in an industrial center with condensed fluorochemical facilities, Science of Total Environment, 2014, 490 (15): 351–359.
27) Fei Lian, Binbin Sun, Zhengguo Song, Lingyan Zhu, Xinhua Qi, Baoshan Xing, Physicochemical properties of herb-residue biochar and its sorption To ionizable antibiotic sulfamethoxazole, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 248:128-134.
28) Yifeng Zhang, Weiwei Jiang, Shuhong Fang, Lingyan Zhu*, Jimin Deng, Perfluoroalkyl acids and the isomers of perfluorooctanesulfonate andperfluorooctanoatein the sera of 50 new couples in Tianjin, China, Environment International, 2014, 68: 185-191.
29) Chun Chang, Lingyan Zhu*, Shanfeng Wang, Xiaolong Chu, Longfei Yue, A novel mesoporous graphite carbon nitride/BiOI heterojunction for enhancing photocatalytic performance under visible light irradiation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6: 5083−5093.
30) Shuhong Fang, Xinwei Chen, Shuyan Zhao, Yifeng Zhang, Weiwei Jiang, Liping Yang, Lingyan Zhu*, Trophic magnification and isomer fractionation of perfluoroalkyl substances in the food web of Taihu Lake, China, Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48: 2173−2182.
31) Weiwei Jiang, Yifeng Zhang, Lingyan Zhu*, Jimin Deng, Serum levels of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) with isomer analysis and their associations with medical parameters in Chinese pregnant women, Environment International, 2014, 64: 40–47.
32) Shuyan Zhao, Shuhong Fang, Lingyan Zhu*, Li Liu, Zhengtao Liu, Yahui Zhang, Mutual Impacts of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Earthworms (Eisenia fetida) on the Bioavailability of Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in Soil, Environmental Pollution, 2014, 184: 495-501.
33) Chun Chang, Chun Chang, Lingyan Zhu*, Yu Fu, Xiaolong Chu, Highly active Bi/BiOI composite synthesized by one-step reaction and its capacity to degrade bisphenol A under simulated solar light irradiation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 233: 305-314.
34) Guoqiang Shan, Minqiang Ye, Benzhan Zhu, Lingyan Zhu*, Enhanced Cytotoxicity of Pentachloro- phenol by Perfluorooctane Sulfonate or Perfluorooctanoic Acid in HepG2 Cells, Chemosphere, 2013, 93: 2101–2107.
35) Yifeng Zhang, Sanjay Beesoon, Lingyan Zhu*, Jonathan W. Martin*, Biomonitoring of perfluoroalkyl acids in Human Urine and Estimates of Biological Half-Life, Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47,10619-10627.
36) Yu Fu, Chun Chang, Peng Chen, Xiaolong Chu, Lingyan Zhu*, Enhanced photocatalytic performance of boron doped Bi2WO6 nanosheets under simulated solar light irradiation, Journal of hazardous materials, 2013, 254-255 (15) 185-192.
37) Shuyan Zhao, Lingyan Zhu*, Li Liu, Zhengtao Liu, Yahui Zhang, Bioaccumulation of perfluoroalkyl carboxylates (PFCAs) and perfluoroalkane sulfonates (PFSAs) by earthworms (Eisenia fetida) in Soil, Environmental Pollution, 2013, 179: 45-52.
38) Fei Lian, Zhengguo Song, Zhongqi Liu, Lingyan Zhu*, Mechanisitic understanding of tetracycline sorption on waste tire powder and its chars as affected by Cu2+ and pH, Environmental Pollution, 2013, 178: 264-270.
39) Chunying Wang, Lingyan Zhu*, Chun Chang, Yu Fu, Xiaolong Chu, Preparation of magnetic composite photocatalyst Bi2WO6/CoFe2O4 by two-step hydrothermal method and its photocatalytic degradation of bisphenol A, Catalysis Communications, 2013, 37: 92–95.
40) Chun Chang, Yu Fu, Meng Hu, Chunying Wang, Guoqiang Shan, Lingyan Zhu*, Photodegradation of bisphenol A by highly stable palladium-dopedmesoporous graphite carbon nitride (Pd/mpg-C3N4) under simulatedsolar light irradiation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2013, 142– 143, 553– 560.
41) Yifeng Zhang, Sanjay Beesoon, Lingyan Zhu*, Jonathan W. Martin*, Isomers of perfluorooctane- sulfonate and perfluorooctanoate and total perfluoroalkyl acids in human serum from two cities in North China, Environment International, 2013, 53: 9–17.
42) Liping Yang, Shengyan Tian, Lingyan Zhu*, Zhengtao Liu, Yahui Zhang, Bioaccumulation and distribution of Perfloroalkyl acids in seafood products from Bohai Bay, China, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2012, 31(9): 1972-1979.
43) Lixia Zhao, Lingyan Zhu*, Liping Yang, Zhengtao Liu, Yahui Zhang, Distribution and Desorption of Perfluorinated Compounds in Fractionated Sediments, Chemosphere, 2012, 88(11): 1390-1397.
44) Fei Lian, Baoshan Xing, Lingyan Zhu*, Waste polymer derived carbons as efficient adsorbents for removal of hydrophobic organic compounds: kinetic and isotherm study. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2012, 24(9) 1549–1558.
45) Shengyan Tian, Lingyan Zhu*, Shuhong Fang, Bioaccumulation and Metabolism of PBDEs in Carps (Cyprinus carpio) in a Water/Sediment Microcosm: The Important Role of Particulate Matter Exposure, Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46(5): 2951-2958.
46) Peng Chen, Lingyan Zhu*, Shuhong Fang, Chunying Wang, Guoqiang Shan, Photocatalytic Degradation Efficiency and Mechanism of Microcystin-RR by Mesoporous Bi2WO6 under Near Ultraviolet Light, Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46: 2345-2351.
47) Chunying Wang, Lingyan Zhu*, Mingcui Wei, Peng Chen, Guoqiang Shan, Photolytic reaction mechanism and impacts of coexisting substances on photodegradation of bisphenol A by Bi2WO6 in water, Water Research, 2012, 46: 845-853.
48) Chao Song, Peng Chen, Chunying Wang, Lingyan Zhu*, Photodegradation of perfluorooctanoic acid by synthesized TiO2-MWCNT composites under 365 nm UV irradiation, Chemosphere, 2012, 86: 853-859.
49) Yang Du, Lingyan Zhu*, Guoqiang Shan, Removal of Cd2+ from contaminated water by nano-sized aragonite mollusk shell and the competition of co-existing metal ions, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2012, 367: 378-382.
50) Man Liu, Shengyan Tian, Peng Chen, Lingyan Zhu*, Predicting the Bioavailability of Sediment- associated Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers using a 45-d Sequential Tenax Extraction, Chemosphere, 2011, 85: 424-431.
51) Chun Chang, Fei Lian, Lingyan Zhu*, Simultaneous adsorption and degradation of g-HCH by nZVI/Cu bimetallic nanoparticles with activated carbon support, Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159: 2507-2514.
52) Chunying Wang, Lingyan Zhu*, Guoqiang Shan, Chao Song, Peng Chen. Characterization of Photo- catalyst Bi3.84W0.16O6.24 and its photocatalytic degradation to bisphenol A under simulated solar light irradiation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2011, 105: 229-236.
53) Fei Lian, Baoshan Xing, Lingyan Zhu*, Comparative study on composition, structure, and adsorption behavior of activated carbons derived from different synthetic waste polymers, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011, 360: 725-730.
54) Yang Du, Fei Lian, Lingyan Zhu*, Biosorption of divalent Pb, Cd and Zn on aragonite and calcite mollusk shells, Environmental Pollution 2011, 159: 1763-1768.
55) Liping Yang, Lingyan Zhu*, Zhengtao Liu, Occurrence and partition of perfluorinated compounds in water and sediment from Liao River and Taihu Lake, China Chemosphere 2011, 83: 806-814.
56) Shengyan Tian, Lingyan Zhu*, Bioaccumulation kinetics of sediment-associated DE-83 in benthic invertebrates (Nereis succinea, polychaete), Chemosphere, 2011, 84: 160–165.
57) Fei Lian, Fang Huang, Wei Chen, Baoshan Xing, Lingyan Zhu* .Sorption of apolar and polar organic contaminants by waste tire rubber and its chars in single- and bi-solute systems. Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159: 850-857.
58) Baohua Tang, Lingyan Zhu, Qixing Zhou, Joint effect of copper, cadmium, and Penta-BDE upon Daphnia magna survival and antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation,  Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2011,5(1): 99-110.
59) Chunying Wang, Hao Zhang, Fang Li, Lingyan Zhu*, Degradation and mineralization of Bisphenol A by mesoporous Bi2WO6 under simulated solar light irradiation, Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 44, 6843- 6848.
60) Xianwei Liang, Shuzhen Zhu, Peng Chen, Lingyan Zhu*, Bioaccumulation and Bioavailability of Polybrominated Diphynel Ethers (PBDEs) in Soil, Environmental Pollution, 2010,158, 2387-2392.
61) Shuzhen Zhu, Shengyan Tian, Lingyan Zhu*, Bioaccumulation and Single and Joint Toxicities of Penta-BDE and Cadmium to Earthworms (Eisenia fetida) Exposed to Spiked Soils, Science China Chemistry, 2010, 53, 1025-1032.
62) Shengyan Tian, Lingyan Zhu*, Man Liu, Impacts of Biological and Ecological Fators on the Bio- accumulation of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Marine Species from Bohai Bay, China. Environ. Toxico. Chem. 2010, 29, 2278-2285.
63) Zizhong Zhang, Mengyan Li, Wei Chen, Shuzhen Zhu, Nannan Liu and Lingyan Zhu, Immobilization of lead and cadmium from aqueous solution, Environmental Pollution, 2010, 158,514-519



學生培養(yǎng)情況 (博士生,碩士生)
2011屆 梁賢偉 國環(huán)危險廢物處置工程技術(shù)(天津)有限公司
2011屆 廉  菲 農(nóng)業(yè)部環(huán)境保護科研監(jiān)測所 副研究員 獲國家自然科學基金青年基金資助、面上項
2011屆 田勝燕 天津科技大學 副研究員 獲國家自然科學基金青年基金資助
2011屆 王春英 江西理工大學 副教授 獲國家自然科學基金青年基金資助
2012屆 張義峰 阿爾伯塔大學(加拿大),博士后
2013屆 趙麗霞 農(nóng)業(yè)部環(huán)境保護科研監(jiān)測所 助理研究員 獲國家自然科學基金青年基金資助
2013屆 趙淑艷 大連理工大學 講師 獲國家自然科學基金青年基金資助
2014屆 常  春 渤海大學 講師 獲國家自然科學基金青年基金資助
2015屆 方淑紅 成都信息工程大學 講師 獲國家自然科學基金青年基金資助
2016屆 強瀝文 農(nóng)業(yè)部環(huán)境保護科研監(jiān)測所 助理研究員
2016屆 金航標 浸會大學 博士后
2015年 付裕 獲 天津市優(yōu)秀碩士學位論文
2014年 陳鵬 獲 天津市優(yōu)秀碩士學位論文

姓    名 祝凌燕
職稱職務(wù) 南開大學特聘教授,博士生導師。院長助理,天津市城市生態(tài)環(huán)境修復與污染防治重點實驗室副主任
研究領(lǐng)域 污染生態(tài)化學;環(huán)境分析與監(jiān)測;污染控制與生態(tài)修復
郵    箱 zhuly@nankai.edu.cn


1987.09-1991.07 南開大學環(huán)境科學系環(huán)境化學專業(yè),獲理學學士學位
1991.07-1998.12 南開大學元素有機化學研究所工作 講師
1995.09-1998.06 南開大學元素有機化學研究所工作,獲碩士學位
1999.01-2002.12 新加坡國立大學化學系,獲博士學位
2001.10-2002.12 新加坡國立大學醫(yī)學院社區(qū)、職業(yè)、家庭與醫(yī)藥系 研究員
2003.01-2005.09 美國印第安那大學公共環(huán)境與事物學院博士后


2005.10- 至今 引進人才,南開大學特聘教授,南開大學環(huán)境科學與工程學院


Environmental Science & Technology 雜志特約審稿人                       
International Association of Great Lakes Research, (國際大湖研究協(xié)會會員) 
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, (環(huán)境毒理與化學學會資深會員認證) 
American Chemical Society Member Recognition,(美國化學協(xié)會資深會員認證) 
Singapore National Institute of Chemistry Member,(新加坡國家化學學會資深會員認證)



The Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN),USEPA, 主要參與者 
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (flame retardants) in babies, sediment cores and fishes in Great Lakes area, USEPA,執(zhí)行人 
Carcinogenic heterocyclic amines (HAA) in the Chinese diet: Development of an instrument for exposure assessment in population-based studies,Singapore National Medical Research Council,主要參與者 
Development of on-line enrichment technique for capillary electrophoresis and its application in environmental analysis,Singapore National Research Council, 執(zhí)行人 

The Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN), USEPA, 主要參與者,結(jié)題 
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (flame retardants) in babies, sediment cores and fishes in Great Lakes area, USEP, 執(zhí)行人, 結(jié)題 
Carcinogenic heterocyclic amines (HAA) in the Chinese diet: Development of an instrument for exposure assessment in population-based studies,Singapore National Medical Research Council,主要參與者, 結(jié)題 
Development of on-line enrichment technique for capillary electrophoresis and its application in environmental analysis,Singapore National Research Council, 執(zhí)行人 
天津市自然科學基金,《多溴聯(lián)苯醚在陸生生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的遷移轉(zhuǎn)化及生物有效性調(diào)控 》,負責人,結(jié)題 
國家自然科學基金委外國青年基金,《Study of the discipline and mechanism of accumulation and elimination of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in human body》,中方負責人 





代表性學術(shù)論文 (2005-2012)*表示通訊作者
Liping Yang, Shengyan Tian, Lingyan Zhu*, Zhengtao Liu, Yahui Zhang, Bioaccumulation and distribution of Perfloroalkyl acids in seafood products from Bohai Bay, China, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2012, 31(9): 1972-1979 
Lixia Zhao, Lingyan Zhu*, Liping Yang, Zhengtao Liu, Yahui Zhang, Distribution and Desorption of Perfluorinated Compounds in Fractionated Sediments, Chemosphere, 2012, 88(11): 1390-1397 
Fei Lian, Baoshan Xing, Lingyan Zhu*, Waste polymer derived carbons as efficient adsorbents for removal of hydrophobic organic compounds: kinetic and isotherm study. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2012, 24(9) 1549–1558. 
Shengyan Tian, Lingyan Zhu*, Shuhong Fang, Bioaccumulation and Metabolism of PBDEs in Carps (Cyprinus carpio) in a Water/Sediment Microcosm: The Important Role of Particulate Matter Exposure, Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46(5): 2951-2958 
Peng Chen, Lingyan Zhu*, Shuhong Fang, Chunying Wang, Guoqiang Shan, Photocatalytic Degradation Efficiency and Mechanism of Microcystin-RR by Mesoporous Bi2WO6 under Near Ultraviolet Light, Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46: 2345-2351 
Chunying Wang, Lingyan Zhu*, Mingcui Wei, Peng Chen, Guoqiang Shan, Photolytic reaction mechanism and impacts of coexisting substances on photodegradation of bisphenol A by Bi2WO6 in water, Water Research, 2012, 46: 845-853 
Chao Song, Peng Chen, Chunying Wang, Lingyan Zhu*, Photodegradation of perfluorooctanoic acid by synthesized TiO2-MWCNT composites under 365 nm UV irradiation, Chemosphere, 2011, In press 
Yang Du, Lingyan Zhu*, Guoqiang Shan, Removal of Cd2+ from contaminated water by nano-sized aragonite mollusk shell and the competition of co-existing metal ions, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2011, 159:1763-1768 
Man Liu, Shengyan Tian, Peng Chen, Lingyan Zhu*, Predicting the Bioavailability of Sediment-associated Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers using a 45-d Sequential Tenax Extraction, Chemosphere, 2011, 85: 424-431 
Chun Chang, Fei Lian, Lingyan Zhu*, Simultaneous adsorption and degradation of g-HCH by nZVI/Cu bimetallic nanoparticles with activated carbon support, Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159: 2507-2514 
Chunying Wang, Lingyan Zhu*, Guoqiang Shan, Chao Song, Peng Chen. Characterization of Photocatalyst Bi3.84W0.16O6.24 and its photocatalytic degradation to bisphenol A under simulated solar light irradiation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2011, 105: 229-236 
Fei Lian, Baoshan Xing, Lingyan Zhu*, Comparative study on composition, structure, and adsorption behavior of activated carbons derived from different synthetic waste polymers, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2011, 360: 725-730 
Yang Du, Fei Lian, Lingyan Zhu*, Biosorption of divalent Pb, Cd and Zn on aragonite and calcite mollusk shells, Environmental Pollution 2011, 159: 1763-1768 
Liping Yang, Lingyan Zhu*, Zhengtao Liu, Occurrence and partition of perfluorinated compounds in water and sediment from Liao River and Taihu Lake, China, Chemosphere 2011, 83: 806-814 
Shengyan Tian, Lingyan Zhu*,Bioaccumulation kinetics of sediment-associated DE-83 in benthic invertebrates (Nereis succinea, polychaete), Chemosphere, 2011, 84: 160–165 
Tang Baohua, Zhu Lingyan, Zhou Qixing, Joint effects of Penta-BDE and heavy metals on Daphnia magna survival, its antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2011. 5(1): 99-110. 
Fei Lian, Fang Huang, Wei Chen, Baoshan Xing, Lingyan Zhu* .Sorption of apolar and polar organic contaminants by waste tire rubber and its chars in single- and bi-solute systems. Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159: 850-857. 
Chunying Wang, Hao Zhang, Fang Li, Lingyan Zhu*. Degradation and Mineralization of Bisphenol A by Mesoporous Bi2WO6 under Simulated Solar Light Irradiation. Environ. Sci. & Technol, 2010, 44, 6843–6848 
Xianwei Liang, Shuzhen Zhu, Peng Chen, Lingyan Zhu*, Bioaccumulation and Bioavailability of Polybrominated Diphynel Ethers (PBDEs) in Soil, Environmental Pollution, 158, 2010, 2387-2392 
Shuzhen Zhu, Shengyan Tian, Lingyan Zhu*, Bioaccumulation and Single and Joint Toxicities of Penta-BDE and Cadmium to Earthworms (Eisenia fetida) Exposed to Spiked Soils, Science China Chemistry, 53, 2010, 1025-1032 
Zizhong Zhang, Mengyan Li, Wei Chen, Shuzhen Zhu, Nannan Liu and Lingyan Zhu*, Immobilization of lead and cadmium from aqueous solution, Environmental Pollution, 158, 2010, 514-519 
Yinping Liu, Peng Dai, Jingguang Li, Lei Zhang, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu, Lingyan Zhu, Fast determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in human milk using gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization/mass spectrometry, Chinese Journal of Chromatography, 2008,26(6):687-691 
Lingyan Zhu*, Baoling Ma, Ronald A. Hites, Brominated Flame Retardants in Serum from the General Population in Northern China, Environ. Sci. & Technol, 43,2009, 6963 – 6968 
Lingyan Zhu*, Baoling Ma, et al, Distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in breast milk from North China: Implication of exposure pathways, Chemosphere, 74, 2009, 1429-1434 
Lingyan Zhu*,Baoling Ma, Xianwei Liang, Quantitative analysis of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in earthworms and soil by gas chromatography coupled to ion-trap tandem mass spectrometry, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 22, 2008, 394-400 
Lingyan Zhu*, Baoling Ma, Lei Zhang, Li Zhang, The study of distribution and fate of nitrobenzene in water/sediment microcosm, Chemosphere, 69,2007, 1579-1585 
Janice A. Dye,Marta Venier , Lingyan Zhu, Cynthia R. Ward , Ronald A. Hites , Linda S.. Birnbaum,Elevated PBDEs level in pet cats: Sentinels for humans? Environ. Sci. & Technol. 41, 2007, 6350-6356 
Lingyan Zhu,Ronald A. Hites, Brominated Flame Retardants in Tree Bark from North America, Environ. Sci. & Technol. 40, 2006, 3711-3716 
Eunha Hoh, Lingyan Zhu; Ronald A. Hites, Dechlorane Plus, a Chlorinated Flame Retardant, in the Great Lakes, Environ. Sci. & Technol. 40, 2006, 1184-1189 
Lingyan Zhu,Ronald A. Hites, Identification of Brominated Carbazoles in the Sediment Cores from Lake Michigan, Environ. Sci. & Technol. 39,2005,9456-9451 
Lingyan Zhu,Ronald A. Hites, Brominated Flame Retardants in Sediment Cores from Lakes Michigan and Erie, Environ. Sci. & Technol. 39, 2005, 3488-3494 
Eunha Hoh; Lingyan Zhu; Ronald A. Hites, Novel Flame Retardants, 1,2-Bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)ethane and 2,3,4,5,6-Pentabromoethylbenzene, in Environmental Samples, Environ. Sci. & Technol. 39, 2005, 2472-2477 



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