電 話:0531-88363015
傳 真:0531-88364513
通訊地址:山東大學環(huán)境科學與工程學院 250100
2008/08–2008/12,university of california, san diego,訪問學者
1. 國家科技重大專項之子課題,河流生態(tài)反應器水質凈化系統(tǒng)構建與示范(2012zx07203 - 004). 2012-2015.
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目, 亞硝化-厭氧氨氧化生物自養(yǎng)脫氮工藝中n2o的釋放機理研究(21177075). 2012-2015.
3. 山東省自然科學杰出青年基金,污水生態(tài)/生物處理理論與技術(jq201216). 2012-2015.
4. 教育部新世紀優(yōu)秀人才支持計劃項目,污水生物處理系統(tǒng)中氧化亞氮的產(chǎn)生過程及其微生物作用機理(ncet-10-0554). 2011-2013.
5. 國家科技重大專項,河口多級串聯(lián)人工濕地水質改善技術與示范(2009zx07210- 009-04),2009-2012.
6. 國家“十一五”科技支撐計劃重點項目課題, 南水北調東線南四湖生態(tài)恢復與綜合整治技術開發(fā)(2006bac10b03). 2006-2011.
7. 國家自然科學基金國際合作項目子課題, 流域水環(huán)境修復與資源/能源生產(chǎn)耦合系統(tǒng)及其關鍵技術研究(50721140017). 2007-2009.
8. 國家自然科學基金青年項目, 人工濕地系統(tǒng)中n2o的產(chǎn)生機理及其控制研究(50508019). 2005-2008.
1. 2012年11月,“南水北調東線南四湖流域污染綜合治理技術體系創(chuàng)新與應用”獲山東省科技進步一等獎
2. 2012年6月,獲山東省自然科學杰出青年基金資助
3. 2011年4月,入選教育部新世紀優(yōu)秀人才支持計劃
4. 2010年12月,“山東省人工濕地工程技術規(guī)范研究”獲山東省科技進步三等獎
5. 2008年12月,獲第七屆中國環(huán)境科學學會優(yōu)秀環(huán)境科技工作者獎
6. 2008年5月,獲第十二屆山東青年五四獎章
7. 2007年5月,“高效多功能無機-有機復合水處理劑的研制與開發(fā)”獲山東省科技進步二等獎
- hai liu, jian zhang*, chenglu zhang, nan bao, cheng cheng. activated carbons with well-developed microporosity and high surface acidity prepared from lotus stalks by organophosphorus compounds activations. carbon, 2013,doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2013.04.039.
- jinlin fan, bo zhang, jian zhang*, huu hao ngo, wenshan guo, feifei liu, yeye guo, haiming wu. intermittent aeration strategy to enhance organics and nitrogen removal in subsurface flow constructed wetlands. bioresource technology, 2013, doi: 10.1016/j.biortech. 2013.03.077.
- qiang kong, jian zhang*, huu hao ngo, shouqing ni, rongshu fu,wenshan guo, ning guo, lin tian. nitrous oxide emission in an aerobic granulation sequencing batch airlift reactor at ambient temperatures. international biodeterioration & biodegradation, 2013, doi:10.1016/j.ibiod.2013.04.005.
- cong li, ting wang, nan zheng, jian zhang*, huu hao ngo, wenshan guo, shuang liang. influence of organic shock loads on the production of n2o in denitrifying phosphorus removal process. bioresource technology, 2013, doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2013.03.117.
- wenlin jia, shuang liang, huu hao ngo, wenshan guo, jian zhang*, rong wang, yina zou. effect of phosphorus load on nutrients removal and n2o emission during low-oxygen simultaneous nitrification and denitrification process. bioresource technology, 2013, doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2013.02.095.
- haiming wu, jian zhang*, cong li, jinlin fan, yina zou. pathways of phosphorus removal and influencing factors in surface constructed wetlands treating polluted river water. clean - soil, air, water, 2013, doi: 10.1002/clen.2012.00.408.
- hai liu, wei ning, pengfei cheng, jian zhang*, yan wang, chenglu zhang. evaluation of animal hairs-based activated carbon for sorption of norfloxacin and acetaminophen by comparing with cattail fiber-based activated carbon. journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis, 2013, doi: 10.1016/j.jaap.2013.01.016.
- jinlin fan, shuang liang, bo zhang, jian zhang*. enhanced organics and nitrogen removal in vertical flow constructed wetlands by combination of intermittent aeration and step feeding strategy, environmental science and pollution research, 2013, 20(4):2448-2455.
- 郭寧, 張建*, 孔強, 田琳. 溫度對亞硝化及氧化亞氮釋放影響的研究. 環(huán)境工程學報, 2013,7(4):1308-1312.
- wenlin jia, shuang liang, jian zhang*, huu hao ngo, wenshan guo, yujie yan, yina zou. nitrous oxide emission in low-oxygen simultaneous nitrification and denitrification process: sources and mechanisms. bioresource technology, 2013, 136:444-451.
- cong li, shuang liang, jian zhang*, huu hao ngo, wenshan guo, nan zheng, yina zou. n2o reduction during municipal wastewater treatment using a two-sludge system acclimatized with propionate. chemical engineering journal, 2013, 222: 353-360.
- zhen hu, jian zhang*, huijun xie, shuang liang, shanping li. minimization of nitrous oxide emission from anoxic-oxic biological nitrogen removal process: effect of influent cod/nh4+ ratio and feeding strategy. journal of bioscience and bioengineering, 2013,115(3):272-278.
- zhen hu, jian zhang*, shuang liang, huijun xie. impact of carbon source on nitrous oxide emission from anoxic/oxic biological nitrogen removal process and identification of its emission sources. environmental science and pollution research, 2013,20(2): 1059-1069
- qiang kong, jian zhang*, mingsheng miao, lin tian, ning guo, shuang liang. partial nitrification and nitrous oxide emission in an intermittently aerated sequencing batch biofilm reactor. chemical engineering journal, 2013,217(2):435-441.
- haiming wu, jian zhang*, rong wei, shuang liang, cong li, huijun xie. nitrogen transformations and balance in constructed wetlands for slightly polluted river water treatment using different macrophytes. environmental science and pollution research, 2013,20(1):443-451.
- qiang kong, shuang liang, jian zhang*, huijun xie, mingsheng miao, lin tian. n2o emission in a partial nitrification system: dynamic emission characteristics and the ammonium-oxidizing bacteria community. bioresource technology, 2013,127:400-406.
- qingsong wang, xueliang yuan, jian zhang, ruimin mu, huichun yang, chunyuan ma. key evaluation framework for the impacts of urbanization on air environment - a case study. ecological indicators, 2013, 24:266-272.
- weifeng liu, jian zhang*, chenglu zhang, liang ren. preparation and evaluation of activated carbon-based iron-containing adsorbents for enhanced cr(vi) removal: mechanism study. chemical engineering journal, 2012,189:295-302.
- 張婷婷, 張建*, 楊芳, 謝慧君, 胡振, 李一冉. 溫度對污水脫氮系統(tǒng)污染物去除效果及氧化亞氮釋放的影響. 環(huán)境科學, 2012, 33(4):1283-1287.
- wenlin jia, jian zhang*, huijun xie, yujie yan, jinhe wang, yongxin zhao, xiaoli xu. effect of phb and oxygen uptake rate on nitrous oxide emission during simultaneous nitrification denitrification process. bioresource technology, 2012,113:232-238.
- hai liu, xuezhen wang, guiyuan zhai, jian zhang*,chenglu zhang, nan bao, cheng cheng. preparation of activated carbon from lotus stalks with the mixture of phosphoric acid andpentaerythritol impregnation and its application for ni(ii) sorption. chemical engineering journal, 2012,209:155-162.
- 亓鵬玉, 張建*, 王金鶴, 任延剛, 謝慧君. 城市污水處理廠甲烷的釋放通量研究, 環(huán)境工程學報,2012,6(3):843-847.
- hai liu, jian zhang*, nan bao, cheng cheng, liang ren. textural properties and surface chemistry of lotus stalk-derived activated carbons prepared using different phosphorus oxyacids: adsorption of trimethoprim. journal of hazardous materials, 2012, 235-236:367-375.
- hai liu, jian zhang*, weifeng liu, nan bao, cheng cheng, chenglu zhang. preparation and characterization of activated charcoals from a new source: feather. materials letters, 2012,87:17-19.
- haiming wu, weijiang li, jian zhang*, cong li, jinyong zhang, huijun xie. application of using surface constructed wetland for removal of chemical oxygen demand and ammonium in polluted river water. desalination and water treatment, 2012,44:142-150.
- 張依然, 王仁卿*, 張建, 劉建. 大型人工濕地生態(tài)可持續(xù)性評價. 生態(tài)學報, 2012, 32(15): 4803-4810.
- shuang liang*, tingting zhao, jian zhang, fengkai sun, cui liu, lianfa song. determination of fouling-related critical flux in self-forming dynamic membrane bioreactors: interference of membrane compressibility. journal of membrane science, 2012, 390-391:113-120.
- weifeng liu, jian zhang*, cheng cheng, guipeng tian, chenglu zhang. ultrasonic-assisted sodium hypochlorite oxidation of activated carbons for enhanced removal of co(ii) from aqueous solutions. chemical engineering journal, 2011,175:24-32.
- 張金勇, 張建*, 劉建, 劉道行, 吳海明, 謝慧君. 水深對表面流人工濕地污染河水處理系統(tǒng)運行效果的影響. 環(huán)境工程學報, 2012, 6(3):354-358.
- jingtao xu, cong li, fang yang, zhong dong, jian zhang*, yingcan zhao, pengyu qi, zhen hu. typha angustifolia stress tolerance to wastewater with different levels of chemical oxygen demand. desalination, 2011,280(1-3):58-62.
- cong li, bo zhang, jian zhang*, haiming wu, huijun xie, jingtao xu, pengyu qi. physiological responses of three wetland plants exposed to excess ammonia in constructed wetland. desalination and water treatment. 2011, 32:271-276.
- 胡振, 張建*, 謝慧君, 李善評, 張婷婷, 李一冉. 污水生物脫氮過程中n2o的產(chǎn)生與控制研究進展. 環(huán)境科學與技術, 2011,34(12):95-100.
- jinhe wang, jian zhang*, jing wang pengyu qi, yangang ren, zhen hu. nitrous oxide emissions from a typical northern chinese municipal wastewater treatment plant. desalination and water treatment, 2011, 32:145-152.
- wenlin jia, jian zhang*, peizhi li, huijun xie, juan wu, jinhe wang. nitrous oxide emissions from surface flow and subsurface flow constructed wetland microcosms: effect of feeding strategies. ecological engineering, 2011, 37(11):1815-1821.
- zhen hu, jian zhang*, huijun xie, shanping li, tingting zhang, jinhe wang. identifying sources of nitrous oxide emission in anoxic/aerobic sequencing batch reactors (a/o sbrs) acclimated in different aeration rates, enzyme and microbial technology, 2011,49(2):237-245.
- 趙聰聰, 張建*, 胡振, 謝慧君, 張婷婷, 李一冉. 碳源類型對污水生物處理過程中氧化亞氮釋放的影響. 環(huán)境科學學報, 2011,31(11):2354-2360.
- weifeng liu, jian zhang*, chenglu zhang, liang ren. sorption of norfloxacin by lotus stalk-based activated carbon and iron-doped activated alumina: mechanisms, isotherms and kinetics. chemical engineering journal, 2011, 117(2):431-438.
- huijun xie, weifeng liu, jian zhang *, chenglu zhang, liang ren. sorption of norfloxacin from aqueous solutions by activated carbon developed from trapa natans husk. science china: chemistry, 2011,54(5):835-843.
- liang ren, jian zhang*, ye li, chenglu zhang. preparation and evaluation of cattail fiber based activated carbon for 2,4-dichlorophenol and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol removal. chemical engineering journal, 2011, 168(2):553-561.
- jinhe wang, jian zhang*, huijun xie, pengyu qi, yangang ren, zhen hu. methane emissions from a full-scale a/a/o wastewater treatment plant. bioresource technology, 2011,102(9): 5479-5485.
- 李一冉, 張建*, 胡振, 謝慧君, 張婷婷, 趙聰聰. 以化學抑制法研究污水生物處理過程中n2o的釋放源. 中國環(huán)境科學, 2011,31(9):1438-1443.
- zhen hu, jian zhang*, huijun xie, shanping li, jinhe wang, tingting zhang. effect of anoxic/aerobic phase fraction on n2o emission in a sequencing batch reactor under low temperature. bioresource technology, 2011,102(9): 5486-5491.
- haiming wu, jian zhang*, peizhi li, jinyong zhang, huijun xie, bo zhang. nutrient removal in constructed microcosm wetlands for treating polluted river water in northern china. ecological engineering, 2011, 37(4):560-568.
- hai liu, weifeng liu, jian zhang*, chenglu zhang, liang ren, ye li. removal of cephalexin from aqueous solutions by original and cu (ii)/fe (iii) impregnated activated carbons developed from lotus stems: kinetics and equilibrium studies. journal of hazardous materials, 2011,185(2-3): 1528–1535.
- jinlin fan, jian zhang*, chenglu zhang, liang ren, qianqian shi. adsorption of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol from aqueous solution onto activated carbon derived from loosestrife. desalination, 2011(2-3), 267:139-146.
- li wang, jian zhang*, ran zhao, chenglu zhang, cong li. adsorption of 2,4-dichlorophenol on mn-modified activated carbon prepared from polygonum orientale linn. desalination, 2011(1-3),266:175-181.
- li wang, peng liang, jian zhang, xia huang. activity and stability of pyrolyzed iron ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid as cathode catalyst in microbial fuel cells. bioresource technology, 2011,102(8): 5093-5097.
- 張建*, 張金勇, 劉建, 劉道行, 吳海明, 謝慧君. 生物島柵在南水北調東線污染河水處理中的應用研究.中國給水排水,2010,26( 21):1-4.
- wenlin jia, jian zhang*, juan wu, huijun xie, bo zhang. effect of intermittent operation on contaminant removal and plant growth in vertical flow constructed wetlands: a microcosm experiment. desalination, 2010, 262(1-3):202-208.
- jingtao xu, jian zhang*, huijun xie, cong li, nan bao, chenglu zhang, qianqian shi. physiological responses of phragmites australis to wastewater with different chemical oxygen demands. ecological engineering, 2010,36(10):1341-1347.
- weifeng liu, jian zhang*, chenglu zhang yifu wang, ye li. adsorptive removal of cr (vi) by fe-modified activated carbon prepared from trapa natans husk. chemical engineering journal, 2010,162(2):677-684.
- jian zhang*, xueli han, bo zhang, xianfeng qiu, baoyu gao. a hybrid system combining self-forming dynamic membrane bioreactor with coagulation process for advanced treatment of bleaching effluent from straw pulping process. desalination and water treatment, 2010,18(1-3):212-216.
- li wang, jian zhang*, ran zhao, ye li, cong li, chenglu zhang. adsorption of pb(ii) on activated carbon prepared from polygonum orientale linn: kinetics, isotherms, ph and ionic strength studies, bioresource technology, 2010,101(15):5808-5814.
- zhen hu, jian zhang*, shanping li, huijun xie, jinhe, wang, tingting zhang, yiran li, huayong zhang. effect of aeration rate on the emission of n2o in anoxic-aerobic sequencing batch reactors (a/o sbrs). journal of bioscience and bioengineering, 2010,19(5):487-491.
- 賈文林, 吳娟, 武愛國, 謝慧君, 張建*等. 碳氮比對人工濕地污水處理效果的影響. 環(huán)境工程學報, 2010,4(4):767-770.
- li wang, jian zhang*, ran zhao, cong li, ye li, chenglu zhang. adsorption of basic dyes on activated carbon prepared from polygonum orientale linn: equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies. desalination, 2010, 254(1-3):68-74.
- suhong chen, jian zhang*, chenglu zhang, qinyan yue, yan li, chao li. equilibrium and kinetic studies of methyl orange and methyl violet adsorption on activated carbon derived from phragmites australis. desalination, 2010,252(1):149-156.
- 吳海明, 張建*, 李偉江, 張波. 人工濕地植物泌氧與污染物降解耗氧關系研究. 環(huán)境工程學報, 2010,4(9):1973-1977.
- qianqian shi, jian zhang *, chenglu zhang, wei nie, bo zhang, huayong zhang. adsorption of basic violet 14 in aqueous solutions using kmno4-modified activated carbon. journal of colloid and interface science, 2010,343(1):188-193.
- qianqian shi, jian zhang *, chenglu zhang, cong li, bo zhang, weiwei hu, jingtao xu, ran zhao. preparation of activated carbon from cattail and its application for dyes removal. journal of environmental sciences, 2010,22(1):91-97.
- 吳娟, 張建*, 賈文林, 謝慧君. 人工濕地污水處理系統(tǒng)中氧化亞氮的釋放規(guī)律研究. 環(huán)境科學, 2009,30(11):28-32.
- juan wu, jian zhang*, wenlin jia, huijun xie, roy r. gu, cong li, baoyu gao. impact of cod/n ratio on nitrous oxide emission from microcosm wetlands and their performance in removing nitrogen from wastewater. bioresource technology, 2009 ,100(12):2910-2917.
- juan wu, jian zhang *, wenlin jia, huijun xie, bo zhang. relationships of nitrous oxide fluxes with water quality parameters in free water surface constructed wetlands. frontiers of environmental science and engineering in china, 2009,3(2):241-247.
- 李燕, 張建*, 張成祿, 李偉江, 吳娟. 薏苡潛流人工濕地處理公園廁所污水. 環(huán)境工程, 2008,26(6): 45-49.
- jian zhang *, qianqian shi, chenglu zhang, jingtao xu, bing zhai, bo zhang. adsorption of neutral red onto mn-impregnated activated carbons prepared from typha orientalis. bioresource technology, 2008 ,99(18):8974-8980.
- jian zhang*, fei meng, yifeng lu, yuming jing, huayong zhang, bo zhang, chenglu zhang. ecological assessment of lakeshore wetland rehabilitation on eastern route of south-to-north water transfer project. frontiers of environmental science & engineering in china, 2008, 2(3):306-310.
- 張建*, 張波, 靖玉明, 康興生, 張成祿. 南水北調東線南四湖新薛河入湖口人工濕地工程設計. 中國給水排水, 2008,24(2):49-51.
- yan li, jian zhang *, chenglu zhang, li wang, bo zhang. biosorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution by softstem bulrush (scirpus tabernaemontani gmel). journal of chemical technology & biotechnology,2008,83(12):1639-1647.
- jian zhang *, yan li, chenglu zhang, yuming jing. adsorption of malachite green from aqueous solution onto carbon prepared from arundo donax root. journal of hazardous materials, 2008,150(3):774-782.
- 靖玉明, 張建*, 張成祿, 邵文生, 高寶玉. 人工濕地中脫氫酶活性及其與污染物去除之間的相關關系研究. 環(huán)境工程, 2008,26(1):95-96.
- 張建, 張婷婷, 張成祿, 范金林, 任亮, 李曄. 自釀熱弓棚快速滲濾系統(tǒng). 發(fā)明專利(專利號:zl 201010105595.9). 授權時間: 2013年4月3日.
- 張建, 范金林, 張成祿, 李濤. 垂直流人工濕地高效強化脫氮運行方式. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 2011100435476). 授權時間: 2012年11月7日.
- 張建, 徐景濤, 劉偉鳳, 張成祿, 李曄, 任亮, 徐進. 一種畜角活性炭的制備方法. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 2011101322051). 授權時間: 2012年10月26日.
- 張建, 任延剛, 張成祿, 劉偉鳳, 閆玉潔, 亓鵬玉. 一種將鹽堿地變?yōu)榱继锏拈L效治理方法. 發(fā)明專利(專利號:zl 201010601686.1). 授權時間: 2012年8月22日.
- 張建,, 劉偉鳳, 張成祿, 任亮. 三維級配曝氣生物濾池. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 201010502211.7). 授權時間: 2012年3月7日.
- 張建,, 吳海明, 張成祿, 范金林, 李聰, 張金勇. 一種防堵塞快速滲濾系統(tǒng). 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 201010118102.5). 授權時間: 2012年5月9日.
- 張建,,任延剛, 任亮, 張成祿, 王金鶴, 亓鵬玉, 李聰. 利用明溝暗填料層改良重度鹽堿地的方法. 發(fā)明專利(專利號:zl 201110040045.8). 授權時間: 2012年2月1日.
- 張建,, 范金林, 張成祿, 李一冉, 徐景濤, 張金勇, 李聰. 嵌套式增氧景觀化垂直流人工濕地. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 200910212190.2). 授權時間: 2011年7月27日.
- 張建,, 李一冉, 張成祿, 范金林. 遞減曝氣潛流人工濕地. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 200910229775). 授權時間: 2011年7月27日.
- 張建,, 李聰, 張成祿, 范金林, 胡振, 王麗, 賈文林, 李一冉. 嵌套混合流人工濕地. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 200910229876.2). 授權時間: 2011年7月20日.
- 張建,, 李超娜, 張成祿, 李曄, 趙星辰, 張鶴嶠, 謝曉琳.準潛流曝氣人工濕地. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 200910222207.2). 授權時間: 2011年6月22日.
- 張建,, 李超娜, 張成祿, 李曄, 趙星辰, 梁博, 張鶴嶠. 防堵塞陶管填料潛流人工濕地. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 200910222208.7). 授權時間: 2011年5月4日.
- 張建,, 徐景濤, 翟冰, 張成祿, 包南, 孫豐凱, 陳素紅. 蘆花或荻花活性炭的制備工藝. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 200810014462.3). 授權時間: 2010年12月1日.
- 張建,, 張成祿, 張波, 徐景濤, 史倩倩, 陳素紅, 趙冉, 關小滿, 程文靜. 環(huán)流式表流人工濕地. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 200810140288.7). 授權時間: 2010年10月13日.
- 張建,, 邱憲鋒, 張成祿, 高寶玉. 一種動態(tài)膜生物反應器的反沖洗運行方法. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 2006 1 0043822.3). 授權時間: 2009年9月25日.
- 張建,, 張成祿, 代嫣然, 李燕, 高春芳. 紅蓼秸桿活性炭的制備方法. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 2007 1 0015677.2), 授權時間: 2009年7月22日.
- 張建,, 翟冰, 張成祿. 潛-表流復合型人工濕地. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 2007 1 0015996.3). 授權時間: 2009年7月1日.
- 張建,, 聶瑋, 張成祿, 史倩倩. 活性荻炭的制備工藝. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 2007 1 0015526.7). 授權時間: 2009年10月7日.
- 張建,, 張成祿, 廖理, 王晶, 邱憲鋒. 棕櫚根炭的制備工藝及其生物膜反應裝置. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 2007 1 0015996.3). 授權時間: 2009年1月7日.
- 張建,, 張成祿, 王晶, 廖理, 劉璇. 弓棚快速滲濾床及其處理污水工藝的應用. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 2006 1 0070039.6). 授權時間: 2008年10月1日.
- 張建,, 張成祿, 劉璇, 王晶, 靖玉明. 人工弓棚濕地及其在處理污水工藝中的應用. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 2006 1 0070040.9). 授權時間: 2008年6月11日.
- 張建,, 曾琴文, 張成祿, 侯文文, 靖玉明. 活性蘆竹炭的炭化及造孔制備方法. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 2006 1 0069489.3). 授權時間: 2008年5月21日.
- 張建,, 曾琴文, 張成祿, 馮洋洋, 靖玉明. 活性杞柳根炭的炭化及造孔制備方法. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 2006 1 0069488.9). 授權時間: 2008年10月22日.
- 張建,, 陳瑩, 張成祿, 李燕, 宋善軍, 靖玉明. 活性鬃毛炭的制備工藝. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 2006 1 0070192.9). 授權時間: 2008年7月2日.
- 張建,, 邱憲鋒, 張成祿, 高寶玉, 滕少香, 聶瑋. 三維濾布動態(tài)膜生物反應器. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 2006 1 0068769.2). 授權時間: 2008年4月30日.
- 張建,, 邱憲鋒, 張成祿, 高寶玉. 內(nèi)循環(huán)動態(tài)膜生物反應器. 發(fā)明專利. (專利號: zl 2006 1 0044778.8). 授權時間: 2008年2月20日.