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鄭煜銘---中國科學院城市環(huán)境研究,任研究員和博士生導師 博士,研究員,博士研究生導師,中國科學院“百人 入選者,廈門市 海外高層次創(chuàng)新人才入選者

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2015-09-18  瀏覽次數(shù):1114
核心提示:鄭煜銘---中國科學院城市環(huán)境研究,任研究員和博士生導師 博士,研究員,博士研究生導師,中國科學院“ 入選者,廈門市 海外高層次創(chuàng)新人才入選者
中國給水排水2024年城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術與應用高級研討會(第十五屆)邀請函 (同期召開固廢滲濾液大會、工業(yè)污泥大會、高濃度難降解工業(yè)廢水處理大會)

中國給水排水2024年城鎮(zhèn)污泥處理處置技術與應用高級研討會(第十五屆)邀請函 (同期召開固廢滲濾液大會、工業(yè)污泥大會、高濃度難降解工業(yè)廢水處理大會)
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  本科就讀于中國科學技術大學,2001年獲應用化學學士學位;同年,取得免試碩博連讀資格,在環(huán)境工程科學實驗室俞漢青教授指導下進行博士研究生課題研究;2006年,獲得環(huán)境工程工學博士學位。2006年9月至2012年3月,先后作為Research Fellow和Senior Research Fellow在新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore)工程學院環(huán)境科學與工程系、市政與環(huán)境工程系從事科研工作。2012年,加入中國科學院城市環(huán)境研究,任研究員和博士生導師。













1. Lu-Bin Zhong, Jun Yin, Yu-Ming Zheng*, Qing Liu, Xiao-Xia Cheng, and Fang-Hong Luo,Self-Assembly of Au Nanoparticles on PMMA Template as Flexible, Transparent, and Highly Active SERS Substrates, Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 6262-6267. (IF: 5.825)
2. Ling-Li Min, Zhi-Hua Yuan, Lu-Bin Zhong, Qing Liu1, Ren-Xiang Wu, Yu-Ming Zheng*, Preparation of chitosan based electrospun nanofiber membrane and its adsorptive removal of arsenate from aqueous solution,Chemical Engineering Journal, DOI:10.1016/j.cej.2014.12.024. (IF:4.058)
3. Zheng, Y.M., Yu, L., Wu, D., Chen, J.P. Removal of arsenite from aqueous solution by a zirconia nanoparticle, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 188, 15-22. (IF:4.058)
4. Zheng, Y.M., Zou, S.W., Nanayakkara, K.G.N.,Matsuura, T., Chen, J.P. Adsorptive removal of arsenic from aqueous solution by a PVDF/Zirconia blend flat sheet membrane, Journal of Membrane Science, 2011, 374, 1-11. (IF:4.908)
5. Qing Liu, Yu-Ming Zheng*, Lu-Bin Zhong, Xiao-Xia Cheng, Removal of tetracycline from aqueous solution by a Fe3O4 incorporated PAN electrospun nanofiber mat, Journal of Environmental Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.jes.2014.04.016. (IF:1.922)
6. Nanayakkara, K.G.N.,Alam, A.K.M.K.,Zheng*, Y.M.,Chen, J.P. A low-energy intensive electrochemical system for the eradication of Escherichia coli from ballast water: Process development, disinfection chemistry, and kinetics modeling, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2012, 64, 1238-1245. (IF:2.793)
7. Zheng, Y.M., Yu, L., Chen, J.P. Removal of methylated arsenic using a nanostructured zirconia-based sorbent: Process performance and adsorption chemistry, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2012, 367, 362-369. (IF:3.552)
8. Zheng, Y.M., Yunus, R., Nanayakkara, N.K.G., Chen, J.P. Electrochemical decoloration of synthetic wastewater containing Rhodamine 6G: behaviors and mechanism, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51, 5953-5960. (IF:2.235)
9. Zheng, Y.M., Liu, T.; Jiang, J.W., Yang, L., Fan, Y.P., Wei, A.T.S., Chen, J.P. Characterization of hexavalent chromium interaction with Sargassum by X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and quantum chemistry calculation, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011, 356, 741-748. (IF:3.552)
10. Zheng, Y.M., Lim, S.F., and Chen, J.P. Preparation and characterization of zirconium based magnetic sorbent for arsenate removal, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2009, 338(1), 22-29. (IF:3.552)
11. Yunus, R., Zheng*, Y.M., Nanayakkara, N.K.G., Chen*, J.P. Electrochemical Removal of Rhodamine 6G by Using RuO2 Coated Ti DSA, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2009, 16, 7466-7473. (IF:2.235)
12. Zheng, Y.M., Yu, H.Q. Determination of the pore size distribution and porosity of aerobic granules using size-exclusion chromatography, Water Research, 2007, 41: 39-46. (IF:5.323)
13. Zheng, Y.M., Yu, H.Q., Liu, S.J., Liu, X.Z. Formation and instability of aerobic granules under high organic loading conditions, Chemosphere, 2006, 63(10): 1791-1800. (IF:3.499)
14. Zheng, Y.M., Yu, H.Q., Sheng, G.P. Physical and chemical characteristics of granular activated sludge from a sequencing batch airlift reactor, Process Biochemistry, 2005, 40(2): 645-650. (IF:2.524)
15. Wei, Y.T., Zheng, Y.M., Chen, J.P. Functionalization of regenerated cellulose membrane via surface initiated atom transfer radical polymerization for boron removal from aqueous solution, Langmuir, 2011, 27, 6018-6025. (IF:4.384)
16. Wei, Y.T., Zheng, Y.M., Chen, J.P. Design and fabrication of an innovative and environmental friendly adsorbent for boron removal, Water Research, 2011, 45(6), 2297-2305. (IF:5.323)
17. Liu, H.J., Yang, F., Zheng, Y.M., Kang, J., Qu, J.H. and Chen, J.P. Improvement of metal adsorption onto chitosan/Sargassum sp. composite sorbent by an innovative ion-imprint technology, Water Research, 2011, 45(1): 145-154. (IF:5.323)
18. Lim, S.F., Zheng, Y.M., Zou, S.W.; Chen, J.P. Characterization of copper adsorption onto an alginate encapsulated magnetic sorbent by a combined FT-IR, XPS, and mathematical modeling study, Environmental Science & Technology, 2008, 42, 2551-2556. (IF:5.481)



1. 中國科學院“引進海外杰出人才”項目:“功能膜材料的制備及其高效污染控制技術”,(2013.01-2015.12,260萬元);
2. 福建省貝思達環(huán)保投資有限公司項目:N95口罩用納米纖維膜的靜電紡絲制備方法及其量化生產(chǎn)設備研制,(2013.10-2016.9,225萬)
3. 廈門南方海洋研究中心項目,(2014.12-2017.11,194萬)
4. 中國科學院“科技創(chuàng)新交叉與合作團隊”項目:“利用二氧化碳制備高附加值產(chǎn)品的生物電化學關鍵技術”;
5. 福建省科技計劃工業(yè)科技重點項目(2013H0054):“基于納米纖維功能膜的廢水重金屬減排與回收技術研究”;
6. 寧波市自然科學基金項目(2013A610175):“基于納米纖維膜的反滲透海水淡化產(chǎn)水高效除硼方法”

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