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2015-12-16 中國給水排水


實(shí)際上,碳中和常常與能量中和等同起來。從污水中回收資源以及低能耗污水處理的技術(shù)研發(fā)具有寬廣的范圍,包括從進(jìn)水有機(jī)物及剩余污泥中回收能源、基質(zhì)共消化、熱量回收、污泥焚燒等等。然而,除了能量之外,污水處理廠也常常從處理工藝本身和對(duì)資源消耗中(如,化學(xué)藥劑、混凝土等)誘發(fā)更多溫室氣體問題(例如,難以捕捉的N2O CH4)。因此,有關(guān)能源消耗、能量回收/生產(chǎn)、以及溫室氣體直接排放與間接排放的一系列解決方案均需研發(fā),以建立污水處理廠作為碳中和運(yùn)行的實(shí)體形式存在。

在此情形下,《Water Reaserch》編委會(huì)于2014年夏天決定出版一期與碳中和運(yùn)行相關(guān)的?。本專刊旨在討論新理念、新思想,以此推動(dòng)研發(fā)節(jié)能與能量回收為目的的污水處理技術(shù)并運(yùn)行污水出來廠。從大約50篇特邀與開放投稿中,我們根據(jù)同行評(píng)審結(jié)果篩選出13篇論文,涵蓋面向能量回收潛能、基質(zhì)共消化目標(biāo)的新工藝、新方法研發(fā),以定量、定向多尺度范圍內(nèi)的可持續(xù)性平衡。

Potentials of energy recovery from wastewater treatment and/or wastewaterheat


Excess sludge is definitely animportant energy source to be recovered via anaerobic digestion. However, theamount of excess sludge depends heavily on the influent organic (carbon source:COD) concentrations. In some cases, carbon sources are insufficient,and barelymeet the needs of nutrient removal, and thus energy neutrality cannot beachieved, or is incompatible with conventional nutrient removal. Anaerobicdigesters generally have surplus capacity (about 20% in Germany), which isavailable for co-substrate digestion along with excess sludge. This ishighlighted by a full-scale study in Austria demonstrating the use of existinginfrastructure by addition of organic wastes (organic fraction of municipal waste) to anaerobic digesters to improve the energybalance of a WWTP substantially, resulting in “1+1>2” in terms of biogas production and solidsreduction (Aichinger et al.). The results reveal that organic co-substrateaddition of up to 94% of the organic sludge load resulted in tripling thebiogas production and that at an organic co-substrate addition of up to 25% nosignificant increase in cake production was observed and only a minor increasein ammonia release of about 20% was detected. The case studies fullydemonstrated co-digestion for maximizing synergy as a step towards energyefficiency and ultimately towards carbon neutrality.

On the otherhand, thermal energy in wastewater could be converted into heat to balance theenergy deficit towards carbon neutrality. An evaluation study on the energybalance of WWTPs (generally COD=200-400 mg/L) reveals that anaerobic digestionof excess sludge only provides some 50% of the total amount of energy consumptionin China (Hao et al.). The study furtherindicates that water source heat pumps (WSHP) could effectively convert thethermal energy contained in wastewater to heat WWTPs and neighborhoodbuildings, which could supply a net electrical equivalency of 0.26 kWh/m3× when 1 m3 of the effluent is cooled by 1 . Overall,therefore, organic and thermal energy sources could effectively supply enoughelectrical equivalency for China to reach to its target with regards tocarbon-neutral operations.

Co-substratedigestion of both organics and inorganics (CO2)

有機(jī)物與無機(jī)物(CO2) 基質(zhì)共消化

As mentioned above, co-digestion of excesssludge with external solid/liquid organics is a potential approach to carbonneutrality. CO2 addition was also tested to stimulate methaneproduction in digestion. A bench-scale investigation proved that high methaneproduction was achievable with the addition of concentrated external organicwastes to municipal digesters, at acceptably higher levels of digester organicloadings and with lower retention times. This allowed the effectiveimplementation of combined heat and power (CHP) programs at municipalwastewater treatment plants, with significant cost savings (Tandukar andPavlostathis). Industrial liquid waste obtained from a chewing gummanufacturing plant (GW) and dewatered fat-oil-grease (FOG) were chosen as theexternal organics, and co-digestion of excess sludge (primary + secondary at40:60 w/w TS basis) with GW, FOG or both was evaluated using four bench-scale,mesophilic (35 oC) digesters. The results show that biogasproduction increased significantly and additional degradation of the excesssludge between 1.1 and 30.7% was observed. Both biogas and methane productionswere very close to the target levels necessary to close the energy deficit.Furthermore, co-digestion resulted in an effluent quality similar to that ofthe control digester fed only with the excess sludge, indicating thatco-digestion had no adverse effects.、

Co-digestionof other organics than excess sludge has identical mechanisms and is often thebasis of co-digestion of excess sludge. A bench-scale study on co-digestion ofdairy manure (MN) with external organics (food waste - FW, alkaline hydrolysate– AH and crude glycerol - GY) evaluated the long-term stability of anaerobicdigesters compared to mono-digestion. Microbiome succession and time-scalevariability was also assessed (Usack and Angenent; Regueiro et al.). After operating for 900 d, four mesophilic individualco-digesters demonstrated different behaviors on both specific methane yield(SMY)/produced inhibitory compounds, and links between changing environmentalconditions and the microbiome composition. Among other things, GY co-digestionresulted in an optimum SMY of 549±25 mL CH4/g VS at a total organicloading rate (OLR) of 3.2 gVS/L·d (MN:GY = 62:38); stable digestion beyond this level was restricted by anaccumulation of long-chain fatty acids and foaming (Usackand Angenent). FD and AH co-digestion had the almost SMY (around 300 CH4/gVS at OLD=3.9 and 2.7 g VS/L·d;MN:FW = 51:49 and MN:AH = 75:25) ; FW caused no reduction in performance orstability, but AH caused free ammonia concentration at levels previouslyreported as inhibitory, and may have led to the observed accumulation ofvolatile fatty acids at higher loading rates (Usackand Angenent). Moreover, high throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing, examiningthe microbiome succession revealed that the AH reactor microbiome shifted andadapted to high concentrations of free ammonia, total volatile fatty acids, andpotassium to maintain its function, and that adding FD and GY as co-substratesalso led to microbiome changes, but to a lesser extent, especially in the caseof the GY digester microbiome (Regueiro et al.).

As is well known, carbon dioxide (CO2) is a product alongwith methane production during digestion. On the other hand, CO2enrichment of anaerobic digesters (AD) was previously identified as a potentialon-site carbon revalorization strategy. Two pilot-scale ADs treating food wastewere monitored for 225 d, with the test unit being periodically injected withCO2 using a bubble column (Fernández et al.). The test ADmaintained a CH4 production rate of 0.56±0.13 m3 CH4/kg VS×d (vs 0.45±0.05 in the control) while maintaining a CH4concentration in biogas of 68%. An additional uptake of 0.55 kg of exogenous CO2. A 2.5fold increase in hydrogen (H2) concentration was observed andattributed to CO2 dissolution and to an alteration of the acidogenesisand acetogenesis pathways.

New processes for organic energy conversion from wastewater


High-rate activated sludge (HRAS)processes (like the A stage in the A/B process) are often used to sequesterorganics from wastewater for energy generation in an efficient manner. A HRASpilot plant at psychrophilic temperatures was operated under controlledconditions. This enabled concentration of influent particulate, colloidal, andsoluble COD to a waste solids stream with minimal energy input, by maximizingsludge production, bacterial storage, and bioflocculation (Jimenez et al.). Results indicatethat important design parameters such as SRT, HRT and DO had little impact onthe removal of soluble COD. Therefore, controlling and maximizing removal ofcolloidal and particulate COD while minimizing mineralization and hydrolysis ofthe slowly biodegradable COD is pivotal for carbon redirection. Operating at alow SRT and HRT, the observed yield was near its maximum resulting in optimaluse of COD for biomass production near maximum sludge production rates. Underthese operating conditions, the HRAS systems required almost 60% less aerationenergy to remove a large fraction of the influent COD (50-80%) when compared toa conventional HRAS process.


Physicallysequestering organics (fine sieved fraction – FSF: mainly toilet paper) from wastewater is being proposed for energy generation. Abench-scale SBR study on digesting FSF from the influent of a municipal WWTP inthermophilic (55 °C) andmesophilic (35 °C)digesters demonstrated that FSF is a readily digestable solids stream. Decreasingthe AD batch cycle period resulted in improved digester performances,particularly with regard to the thermophilic digester, i.e. shortened lagphases and reduced VFAs’ peaks (Ghasimi et al.). Moreover, the two digesters harbored very differentbacterial and archaeal communities, with OP9 lineage and Methanothermobacterbeing pre-dominant in the thermophilic digester and Bacteroides and Methanosaetadominating the mesophilic digester.

Methane production via digestion is highly temperature dependent. Instead,sequestering organics via conventional primary clarification could directly beintegrated with psychrophilic anaerobic digestion for methane production. Apilot-scale anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) was operated for more than twoyears to treat raw wastewater at water temperatures ranging from 12 to 23 ˚C (Hahn andFigueroa). The ABR not only exceeded the goal of meeting conventionalprimary clarification (TSS=83±10%, COD=43±15% and BOD5=47±15%), butalso enabled direct capture of the biogas (average 0.45 kWh/m3).Moreover, no settled sludge was wasted from the reactor in over two years ofoperation. Thus, an ABR can be implemented in place of a primary clarifier withmesophilic anaerobic digestion and achieve the same treatment outcomes in asingle unit process at ambient temperature, which does not require input ofenergy or chemical treatment. This paper also extensively assessed thepotential of methane to supersaturate.

Stimulating methane production in digestion could also be enhanced bysome innovative technologies such as microbial electrolysis cells (MEC). Anelectrically-assisted digester (EAD: equipped with a MEC bioanode and cathode)and a control digester were applied to treat waste activated sludge from amunicipal WWTP under ambient temperature conditions (22-23 °C) and three SRTs (7, 10 and 14 d) (Asztalos andKim).The EAD showed reduced concentration of acetic acid, propionic acid, n-butyricacid and iso-butyric acid, thought to be due to direct oxidation of theshort-chain fatty acids at the bioanode as well as an indirect contribution oflow acetic acid concentration to enhancing beta-oxidation. The VSS and CODremoval was consistently higher in the EAD by 5-10%, compared to the controldigester for all conditions. Furthermore, the magnitude of electrical currentin the EAD was governed by the organic loading rate while conductivity andacetic acid concentration showed negligible effects on current generation.

Different routesto carbon neutrality and sustainability


As mentioned above, carbon neutrality isoften referred to energy neutrality. There are however, manyother routes to carbon neutrality. This includes the management of heat resourcesand nutrient recovery from urine, as the greatest potential for reduction ofgreenhouse gas emissions is at the household level (i.e. decentralized systems),and thus robust wastewater management must be able to cope with the possibilityof a temperature decrease as a result (Larsen). In WWTPs, there is substantial potential for energyoptimization, both from improving electromechanical devices and sludgetreatment as well as through the implementation of more energy-efficientprocesses such as mainstream Anammox process or nutrient recovery from urine. Whethercarbon neutrality can be achieved depends not only on actual net electricityproduction, but also on the type of electricity replaced: the cleaner themarginal electricity, the more difficult to compensate for direct emissions,which can be substantial, depending on the stability of the biologicalprocesses. It is possible, for example, to combine heat recovery and nutrientrecovery from urine at the household level, both of which have considerable potentialto improve the climate friendliness of wastewater management.


Improvingthe energy balance of WWTPs, with the aim of moving towards carbon neutrality,may benefit the environment due to reduced carbon emissions. However, there isalso a need to explore wider economic, environmental and societal impacts, assustainability is a complex, multi-dimensional concept comprising of thesefactors and/or indicators. In this respect, ‘carbon neutrality’ or ‘energyneutrality’ do not necessarily imply sustainable operation as they address onlyone element of sustainability and implementation of low carbon solutions mayhave unintended detrimental effects on other aspects. An evaluation studydemonstrates that reducing energy use and/or increasing energy recovery toreduce net energy can be detrimental to sustainability (Sweetapple etal.).In the study, sustainability indicators including operational costs, net energyand multiple environmental performance measures are calculated. This enables identificationof trade-offs between different components of sustainability, which must beconsidered before implementing energy reduction measures. A major conclusion, highlightedat the end, is that improving the energy balance (as may be considered an approachto achieving carbon reduction) is not a reliable means of reducing totalgreenhouse gas emissions.


Apositive analysis of carbon neutrality towards sustainability illustrates thatthere are design and operational conditions under which submerged anaerobicmembrane bioreactors (AnMBRs) could be net energy positive and contribute tothe pursuit of carbon negative wastewater treatment (Pretel et al.). In this analysis,a quantitative sustainable design process was leveraged to develop a detaileddesign of submerged AnMBR by evaluating the full range of feasible designalternatives using technological, environmental, and economic criteria, whichintegrated steady-state performance modeling across seasonal temperatures(using pilot-scale experimental data and the simulating software DESASS), lifecycle costs (LCC) analysis, and life cycle assessment (LCA). Ultimately, theauthors demonstrate the need to integrate economic and environmentalassessments in decision-making by quantifying how mitigating GHG emissions maytransition from being financially advantageous to prohibitively expensive, evenacross a single design decision.

Taken altogether, these articles advance our understanding of howto achieve carbon neutral WWTPs. This laudable goal will undoubtedly require aportfolio of solutions, requiring academia and industry to work together onnumerous fronts to establish WWTPs as not only a protector of the local aquaticenvironment, but also the global environment that we all share.


Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China

Damien Batstone

The University of Queensland, Australia

Jeremy S. Guest

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

*Corresponding author.
E-mail address: haoxiaodi@bucea.edu.cn(X.-D. Hao).




















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報(bào)告題目:《城鎮(zhèn)智慧水務(wù)技術(shù)指南》   中國給水排水直播平臺(tái): 主講人簡介:  簡德武,教授級(jí)高級(jí)工程師,現(xiàn)任中國市政工程中南設(shè)計(jì)研究總院黨委委員、副院長,總院技術(shù)委員會(huì)副主任委員、信息技術(shù)委員會(huì)副主 第一輪通知 | 國際水協(xié)第18屆可持續(xù)污泥技術(shù)與管理會(huì)議 主辦單位:國際水協(xié),中國科學(xué)院  聯(lián)合主辦單位:《中國給水排水》雜志社 等
技術(shù)沙龍 | 先進(jìn)水技術(shù)博覽(Part 11) 直播時(shí)間:8月19日(周六)上午10:00-12:00 2023-08-19 10:00:00  廣東匯祥環(huán)境科技有限公司  湛蛟  技術(shù)總監(jiān)  天津萬 中國水業(yè)院士論壇-中國給水排水直播平臺(tái)(微信公眾號(hào)cnww1985):自然—社會(huì)水循環(huán)與水安全學(xué)術(shù)研討會(huì)
WaterInsight第7期丨掀浪:高鐵酸鉀氧化技術(shù)的機(jī)理新認(rèn)知及應(yīng)用 直播時(shí)間:2023年8月5日(周六)上午10:00-11:00 2023-08-05 10:00:00 開始 直播:“一泓清水入黃河”之山西省再生水產(chǎn)業(yè)化發(fā)展專題講座 直播時(shí)間:2023年7月23日(周日 )08:00-12:00 2023-07-23 08:00:00 開始
珊氮自養(yǎng)反硝化深度脫氮技術(shù)推介會(huì) 直播時(shí)間:2023年7月21日(周五) 歐仁環(huán)境顛覆性技術(shù):污水廠擴(kuò)容“加速跑”(原有設(shè)施不動(dòng),污水處理規(guī)模擴(kuò)容1倍!出水水質(zhì)達(dá)地表水準(zhǔn)IV類標(biāo)準(zhǔn)!),推動(dòng)污水治理提質(zhì)增效。  誠征全國各地污水廠提標(biāo)擴(kuò)容工程需求方(水務(wù)集團(tuán)、BOT公司、設(shè)
直播預(yù)告|JWPE網(wǎng)絡(luò)報(bào)告:自然系統(tǒng)中難降解污染物去除的物化與生化作用及水回用安全保障 中國給水排水 直播題目: 高排放標(biāo)準(zhǔn)下污水中難降解COD的去除技術(shù)     報(bào)告人:蘇伊士亞洲 技術(shù)推廣經(jīng)理 程忠紅
WaterTalk|王凱軍:未來新水務(wù) 一起向未來  For and Beyond Water 中國環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)會(huì)水處理與回用專業(yè)委員會(huì)以網(wǎng)絡(luò)會(huì)議形式舉辦“水與發(fā)展縱論”(WaterTalk)系列學(xué)術(shù)報(bào) 5月18日下午 14:00—16:00 直播  題目: 高密度沉淀池技術(shù)的迭代更新 主講人: 程忠紅 蘇伊士亞洲 技術(shù)推廣經(jīng)理  大綱:  高密池技術(shù)原理 不同型號(hào)高密池的差異和應(yīng)用區(qū)別 高密池與其他
BEST|綠色低碳科技前沿與創(chuàng)新發(fā)展--中國工程院院士高翔教授  直播時(shí)間:2023年4月30日 14:00—16:00 2023-04-30 14:00:00 開始 日照:“碳”尋鄉(xiāng)村振興“綠色密碼”  鳳凰網(wǎng)山東    鄉(xiāng)村生態(tài)宜居,鄉(xiāng)村振興的底色才會(huì)更亮。我市堅(jiān)持鄉(xiāng)村建設(shè)與后續(xù)管護(hù)并重,市、區(qū)、鎮(zhèn)聯(lián)
BEST論壇講座報(bào)告第十三期(cnwww1985):全球碳預(yù)算和未來全球碳循環(huán)的不穩(wěn)定性風(fēng)險(xiǎn) The global carbon budget and risks of futur 國際水協(xié)IWA 3月17日直播:3月17日 國際水協(xié)IWA創(chuàng)新項(xiàng)目獎(jiǎng)PIA獲獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)目介紹分享會(huì) 直播時(shí)間:2023年3月17日 9:00—11:30 2023-03-17 09:00:00 開始
中國給水排水直播:云中漫步-融合大數(shù)據(jù)、人工智能及云計(jì)算的威立雅智慧水務(wù)系統(tǒng)Hubgrade 直播時(shí)間:2023年3月15日 中國給水排水直播平臺(tái)會(huì)議通知 | 2023污泥處理處置技術(shù)與應(yīng)用高峰論壇(清華大學(xué)王凱軍教授團(tuán)隊(duì)等)
中國污水千人大會(huì)參觀項(xiàng)目之一: 云南合續(xù)環(huán)境科技股份有限公司  ?谑形鞅捞端|(zhì)凈化中心 中國給水排水 Water Insight直播:劉銳平  清華大學(xué) 環(huán)境學(xué)院 教授 博士生導(dǎo)師—高濃度硝酸鹽廢水反硝化脫氮過程強(qiáng)化原理與應(yīng)用 會(huì)議時(shí)間:2023.1.7(周六)10:00—11:00
智慧水務(wù)的工程全生命周期實(shí)踐分享 直播時(shí)間:2023年1月6日 15:00-16:00 對(duì)話嘉賓:竇秋萍  華霖富水利環(huán)境技術(shù)咨詢(上海)有限公司  總經(jīng)理 主持人:李德橋   歐特克軟件(中國)有限 蘇伊士 直播時(shí)間:12月30日14:00-16:00直播題目:污泥處理處置的“因地制宜和因泥制宜” 主講人:程忠紅,蘇伊士亞洲  技術(shù)推廣經(jīng)理 特邀嘉賓:劉波 中國市政工程西南設(shè)計(jì)研究總院二院總工 教
蘇伊士 直播時(shí)間:12月27日14:00-16:00;復(fù)雜原水水質(zhì)下的飲用水解決方案    陳智,蘇伊士亞洲,技術(shù)推廣經(jīng)理,畢業(yè)于香港科技大學(xué)土木與環(huán)境工程系,熟悉市政及工業(yè)的給水及污水處理,對(duì)蘇伊士 曲久輝  中國工程院院士,美國國家工程院外籍院士,發(fā)展中國家科學(xué)院院士;清華大學(xué)環(huán)境學(xué)院特聘教授、博士生導(dǎo)師;中國科學(xué)院生態(tài)環(huán)境研究中心研究員
基于模擬仿真的污水處理廠數(shù)字化與智慧化:現(xiàn)狀與未來 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月28日(周三)9:30—12:00 2022城鎮(zhèn)溢流污染控制高峰論壇|聚焦雨季溢流污染控制的技術(shù)應(yīng)用與推廣 中國給水排水
王愛杰 哈爾濱工業(yè)大學(xué)教授,國家杰青,長江學(xué)者,國家 領(lǐng)軍人才:廣州大學(xué)學(xué)術(shù)講座|低碳水質(zhì)凈化技術(shù)及實(shí)踐 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月18日 9:30 國際水協(xié)會(huì)哥本哈根世界水大會(huì)成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡(luò)會(huì)議 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月15日 20:00—22:00
德國專場(chǎng)直播主題:2022 中國沼氣學(xué)術(shù)年會(huì)暨中德沼氣合作論壇 2022 中國沼氣學(xué)術(shù)年會(huì)暨中德沼氣合作論壇德國專場(chǎng) 時(shí)間:2022年12月20日  下午 15:00—17:00(北京時(shí)間) 2022中國沼氣學(xué)會(huì)學(xué)術(shù)年會(huì)暨第十二屆中德沼氣合作論壇的主論壇將于12月15日下午2點(diǎn)召開
技術(shù)交流 | 德國污水處理廠 計(jì)算系列規(guī)程使用介紹 城建水業(yè) WaterInsight首期丨王志偉教授:膜法水處理技術(shù)面臨的機(jī)遇與挑戰(zhàn) 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月10日 10:00—11:00
處理工藝專場(chǎng)|水業(yè)大講堂之六——城市供水直飲安全和智慧提質(zhì) 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月8日 8:30—12:15 建設(shè)管理專場(chǎng)|水業(yè)大講堂之六——城市供水直飲安全和智慧提質(zhì) 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月7日 14:00—17:15
國際水協(xié)會(huì)哥本哈根世界水大會(huì)成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡(luò)會(huì)議 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月8日 20:00—22:00 Training Course for Advanced Research & Development of Constructed Wetland Wastewater Treatment Tech
12月3日|2022IWA中國漏損控制高峰論壇 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月3日(周六)9:00—17:00 2022-12-03 09:00:00 開始 國際水協(xié)會(huì)哥本哈根世界水大會(huì)成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡(luò)會(huì)議(第八期) 直播時(shí)間:2022年12月1日 20:00—22:00 2022-12-01 20:00:00 開始
中國給水排水直播:智慧輸配專場(chǎng)|水業(yè)大講堂之六——城市供水直飲安全和智慧提質(zhì) 直播時(shí)間:2022年11月30日 14:00—17:05 2022-11-30 14:00:00 開始 國際水協(xié)會(huì)哥本哈根世界水大會(huì)成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡(luò)會(huì)議(第七期) 直播時(shí)間:2022年11月25日 20:00—22:00 2022-11-25 20:00:00 開始
國標(biāo)圖集22HM001-1《海綿城市建設(shè)設(shè)計(jì)示例(一)》首次宣貫會(huì)   直播時(shí)間:2022年11月24日 13:30—17:30 中國給水排水直播平臺(tái) 【 李玉友,日本國立東北大學(xué)工學(xué)院土木與環(huán)境工程系教授,博導(dǎo),注冊(cè)工程師】顆粒污泥工藝的研究和應(yīng)用:從UASB到新型高效脫氮和磷回收
中國建科成立70周年|市政基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施綠色低碳發(fā)展高峰論壇   直播時(shí)間:2022年11月22日 13:30—18:25   2022-11-22 13:30:00 開始 國際水協(xié)會(huì)哥本哈根世界水大會(huì)成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡(luò)會(huì)議(第六期)   直播時(shí)間:2022年11月22日 20:00—22:00
會(huì)議預(yù)告| 國際水協(xié)會(huì)哥本哈根世界水大會(huì)成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡(luò)會(huì)議(第五期) 中國給水排水 奮進(jìn)七十載 起航新征程|中國市政華北院第十屆科技工作會(huì)議暨慶祝建院七十周年大會(huì)  直播時(shí)間:2022年11月18日 9:30   2022-11-18 09:00:00 開始
樊明遠(yuǎn):中國城市水業(yè)的效率和服務(wù)要做一個(gè)規(guī)范     樊明遠(yuǎn) 世界銀行高級(jí)工程師 黃綿松  北京首創(chuàng)生態(tài)環(huán)保集團(tuán)股份有限公司智慧環(huán)保事業(yè)部總經(jīng)理,正高級(jí)工程師  獲清華大學(xué)博士學(xué)位:海綿城市系統(tǒng)化運(yùn)維的挑戰(zhàn)與實(shí)踐  直播時(shí)間:2022年11月16日 18:30  黃綿松  北京
全國節(jié)水高新技術(shù)成果展云端活動(dòng)周尋水路  污水回用專場(chǎng)      轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)直播贈(zèng)送  中國給水排水電子期刊  !!  直播抽獎(jiǎng) 100份 中國給水排水電子期刊  !! 首屆全國節(jié)水高新技術(shù)成果展即將開幕,同步舉行的節(jié)水時(shí)光云端活動(dòng)周”也將于2022年11月15日10:00-12:00 、14:30-17:00,在云端與水務(wù)行業(yè)的專家朋友見面!    在這即將到來激動(dòng)
會(huì)議預(yù)告| 國際水協(xié)會(huì)哥本哈根世界水大會(huì)成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡(luò)會(huì)議(第四期) 中國給水排水 國標(biāo)圖集22HM001-1《海綿城市建設(shè)設(shè)計(jì)示例(一)》首次宣貫會(huì)
國際水協(xié)會(huì)哥本哈根世界水大會(huì)成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡(luò)會(huì)議 直播時(shí)間:2022年11月3日 16:00—18:00 2022-11-03 16:00:00 開始 中國給水排水直播 會(huì)議預(yù)告 | 國際水協(xié)會(huì)哥本哈根世界水大會(huì)成果分享系列網(wǎng)絡(luò)會(huì)議 國合環(huán)境
精彩預(yù)告 | 黃河中上游水環(huán)境國際論壇·顆粒污泥水處理創(chuàng)新與應(yīng)用  來源:《中國給水排水》 全球環(huán)境科學(xué)高峰論壇系列講座( BEST):電活性微生物:生物地球化學(xué)循環(huán)、生物能提升、生物修復(fù)、金屬腐蝕以及新型電子設(shè)備    報(bào)告人:馬薩諸塞州州立大學(xué)-阿默斯特分校的Derek Lovley教授
彭永臻院士直播預(yù)告丨城市污水生物脫氮除磷新技術(shù)與發(fā)展/2022年中國污泥大會(huì)(第十三屆)/工業(yè)污泥大會(huì)/固廢大會(huì)/滲濾液大會(huì) 直播預(yù)告 | 8月21日 中外雨水管理經(jīng)驗(yàn)和挑戰(zhàn)研討會(huì) 中國給水排水    留德華人資源與環(huán)境學(xué)會(huì)  潘伯壽博士,于1991年在德國卡爾斯魯厄大學(xué)獲工學(xué)博士學(xué)位。曾受聘德國GKW工程設(shè)計(jì)及咨詢公司,貝
清水繞村莊,農(nóng)家換新顏 山東加快推進(jìn)農(nóng)村生活污水及黑臭水體治理--8月9日上午,山東省在日照市召開2022年全省東部片區(qū)農(nóng)村生活污水和農(nóng)村黑臭水體治理現(xiàn)場(chǎng)推進(jìn)會(huì),參會(huì)代表現(xiàn)場(chǎng)觀摩學(xué)習(xí)了嵐山區(qū)、高新區(qū)等 【水大會(huì)直播二位碼】中國污水處理廠提標(biāo)改造/污水處理提質(zhì)增效/排水管網(wǎng)、水環(huán)境綜合治理/再生水利用/水環(huán)境綜合治理大會(huì)目次及報(bào)告日程
威立雅應(yīng)對(duì)碳中和愿景的思路 原創(chuàng) Veolia 威立雅水務(wù)技術(shù) 《中國給水排水》第十八屆年會(huì)暨水安全保障及水環(huán)境綜合整治高峰論壇日程
污水千人大會(huì)參觀典型項(xiàng)目:長春英俊污水處理廠擴(kuò)容提標(biāo)改造項(xiàng)目技術(shù)介紹 中國給水排水直播預(yù)告 | 排水系統(tǒng)數(shù)字孿生的核心:借助排水模型開啟全面診斷模式   竇秋萍  Vivian Dou   華霖富中國區(qū)總經(jīng)理
中國給水排水2022年中國污水處理廠提標(biāo)改造(污水處理提質(zhì)增效)高級(jí)研討會(huì)(第六屆)邀請(qǐng)函 中國給水排水2022年中國排水管網(wǎng)大會(huì)(水環(huán)境綜合治理)邀請(qǐng)函(污水千人大會(huì)同期會(huì)議)  中國給水排水 “高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)”下的蘇伊士工業(yè)園區(qū)污水解決方案     來源:中國給水排水直播平臺(tái)