姚洪,教授,博士生導師,煤燃燒國家重點實驗室主任,能源與動力工程學院黨總支書記。從事固體燃料熱化學利用及污染物控制、新能源利用技術的開發(fā)等研究工作。華中科技大學熱能工程專業(yè)獲學士、碩士學位。2002年日本Toyohashi University of Technology環(huán)境與生命工程專業(yè)獲博士學位,2002-2005,2012年先后作為JSPS(P02373)、COE博士研究員,訪問教授在日本大學工作。2006年9-10月Alberta大學訪問教授,2011年8月-2011年9月Monash大學化工系ALA Fellow。回國后,先后承擔基金委國際合作重大項目2項,基金面上項目4項,科技部863項目2項、科技部重大儀器專項、科技部國際合作專項,教育部新世紀人才和湖北省杰出青年基金等項目。已發(fā)表國際雜志論文100余篇,中文雜志70余篇,國際大會報告15次,國際會議100余篇,獲發(fā)明專利9項。研究工作先后獲美國Pittsburgh國際煤利用會議(2002)、日本燃燒學會(2007)、中國工程熱物理燃燒分會(2006、2010、2011)優(yōu)秀論文獎三次,國際燃燒學會杰出論文獎兩次(第三十三屆、第三十五屆),擔任SCI國際雜志Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 副主編,中國動力工程學會國際委員會和鍋爐專委會委員,中國工程熱物理學會燃燒分會委員,中國顆粒物學會理事,國際氣化與利用會議組委會等。
1987.09-1991.07 華中科技大學 熱能工程 本科
1994.09-1997.06 華中科技大學 熱能工程 碩士
1997.09-1998.09 華中科技大學 熱能工程 博士研究生
1999.04-2002.03 日本豐橋技術科學大學 環(huán)境與生命工程 大竹/成瀨研 博士
1991.07-1994.08 燕山石油化工公司
1998.10-1999.03 日本豐橋技術科學大學 特別研究生
2002.04-2002.09 日本豐橋技術科學大學 未來技術研究中心Staff
2002.10-2004.09 日本學術振興會(JSPS)特別研究員
2004.10-2005.09 日本豐橋技術科學大學COE研究員
2005.11- 華中科技大學 教授
2006.09-2006.10 加拿大Alberta大學 訪問教授
2011.08-2011.09 Monash大學化工系ALA Fellow
2012.07-2012.9 名古屋大學 訪問教授
煙氣再熱循環(huán)富氧燃燒方式下CO2與燃煤多種污染物的生成與控制(2007-2010) 基金國際重大合作;
高嶺土同時脫除多種重金屬的機理描述及其模型建立(2008-2010) 基金面上;
重金屬,堿金屬及未燃盡碳對Hg的多相氧化的影響(2006-2008) 基金面上;
煤燃燒前多種污染物定向脫除及煤質(zhì)改性技術(2009-2011) 863 ;
燃煤過程中以Hg為主的多種污染物控制機理的研究(2007-2008) 湖北省杰青
Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Peng Liu, Xiaowei Hu, Aijun Li, Hong Yao. Catalytic role of conditioner CaO in nitrogen transformation during sewage sludge pyrolysis. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35(3): 2759-2766,(Distinguished Paper Award in 35th International Symposium on Combustion)
Hongyun Hu, Huan Liu, Juan Chen, Hong Yao, Aijun Li, Fiona Low, Lian Zhang. Speciation transformation of arsenic during municipal solid waste incineration. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35(3): 2883-2890.
Hongyun Hu, Zhang Xu, Huan Liu, Dunkui Chen, Kaidi Li, Aijun Li, Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse. Mechanism of chromium oxidation by alkali and alkaline earth metals during municipal solid waste incineration. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35(2): 2397-2403
Hongyun Hu, Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Pingann Zhang, Aijun Li, Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse. Sintering characteristics of CaO-rich municipal solid waste incineration fly ash through the addition of Si/Al-rich ash residues. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s10163-014-0341-z
Dunkui Chen, Hongyun Hu, Zhang Xu, Huan Liu, Jinxiu Cao, Junhao Shen, Hong Yao. Findings of proper temperatures for arsenic capture by CaO in the simulated flue gas with and without SO2. Chemical Engineering Journal. 267:201-206, 2015
Bi Zhang, Ping Xu, Yong Qiu, Qiao Yu, Jingjing Ma, Hui Wu, Guangqian Luo,Minghou Xu, Hong Yao. Increasing oxygen functional groups of activated carbon with non-thermal plasma to enhance mercury removal efficiency for flue gases. Chemical Engineering Journal. 263:1-8, 2015
Xiaowei Hu, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao. NO Reduction Scale of three typical Chinese coals during oxy-coal combustion. Aerosol and Air Quality Research.2015
Zehua Li ,Yin Wang, Hong Yao, Shiying Lin. Novel CO2 sorbent: Ca(OH)2 with high strength. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, Vol.131,437-442
Kai Xu, Chao Chen, Huan Liu, Ye Tian, Hong Yao, Effect of coal pyrolysis gases on the performance of solid oxide direct carbon fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39(31),17845-17851, 2014,
Huan Liu and Hong Yao,Combined effects of Fenton peroxidation and CaO conditioning on sewage sludge thermal drying,Chemosphere, 117,559-566, 2014
Qiang Zhang, Huan Liu, Peng Liu, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao, Pyrolysis characteristics and kinetic analysis of different dewatered sludge, Bioresource Technology, 170:325-330,2014
Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Yuxi Xiao, Hongyun Hu, Aijun Li, Yu Qiao, Hong Yao, Ichiro Naruse, Dual role of conditioner CaO in product distributions and sulfur transformation during sewage sludge pyrolysis, Fuel, 134, 514-520,2014
Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Aijun Li, Hong Yao. Influence of residual moisture on deep dewatered sludge pyrolysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 39, 1253-1261, 2014
Huan Liu, Bei Yuan, Bi Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Aijun Li, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao. Removal of mercury from flue gas using sewage sludge-based adsorbents. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management. 16, 101-107, 2014
Hongyun Hu, Yuan Fang, Huan Liu, Ren Yu, Guangqian Luo, Wenqiang Liu, Aijun Li, Hong Yao. The fate of sulfur during rapid pyrolysis of scrap tires. Chemosphere. 97, 102-107, 2014
Elbager M.A. Edreis, Guangqian Luo, Aijun Li, Chaofen Xu, Hong Yao. Synergistic effects and kinetics thermal behaviour of petroleum coke/biomass blends during H2O co-gasification. Energy Conversion and Management. 79, 355-366, 2014
Bi Zhang, Ping Xu, Jingjing Ma, Hui Wu, Guangqian Luo, Minghou Xu, and Hong Yao,Chemical Looping Combustion Pretreatment of Fuel Gas for a Novel Mercury Continuous Emissions Monitor by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrometry,Energy Fuels, 28 (1), 192–198, 2014
Elbager M.A. Edreis, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao Investigations of the structure and thermal kinetic analysis of sugarcane bagasse char during non-isothermal CO2 gasification, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,107,107-115,2014(http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaap.2014.02.010)
Aiwu Fan, Jianlong Wan, Yi Liu, Boming Pi, Hong Yao, Wei Liu. Effect of bluff body shape on the blow-off limit of hydrogen/air flame in a planar micro-combustor. Applied Thermal Engineering. 62, 13-19, 2014
Xian Li, Ryuichi Ashida, Mitsunori Makino, Atsushi Nishida, Hong Yao, Kouichi Miura, Enhancement of gasification reactivity of low-rank coal through high-temperature solvent treatment, Energy & Fuels ,28,5690-5695,2014
Juan Chen, Facun Jiao, Lian Zhang, Hong Yao, Yoshihiko Ninomiya, Elucidating the mechanism of Cr(VI) formation upon the interaction with metal oxides during coal oxy-fuel combustion, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 261,260-268,2013
Ruan ZhengShun,Luo Ai Hua,Yao, Hong,Research on the relation of carbon tax on carbon emission and economic development in China,Advanced Materials Research,2013, 807-809, 723-727
Hu HongYun, Liu Huan, Shen WenQing, Luo GuangQian, Li AiJun, Lu ZhaoLing, Yao Hong, Comparison of CaO's effect on the fate of heavy metals during thermal treatment of two typical types of MSWI fly ashes in China, Chemosphere, 93(4),590-596,2013
Edreis Elbager M. A., Luo Guangqian, Li Aijun, Chao Chen, Hu Hongyun, Zhang Sen, Gui Ben, Xiao Li, Xu Kai, Zhang Pingan, Yao Hong, CO2 co-gasification of lower sulphur petroleum coke and sugar cane bagasse via TG-FTIR analysis technique , Bioresource Technology, 136 : 595-603,2013
Liu Huan, Yang Jiakuan, Zhu Nairuo, Zhang Hao, Li Ye, He Shu, Yang Changzhu,Yao Hong, A comprehensive insight into the combined effects of Fenton's reagent and skeleton builders on sludge deep dewatering performance , Journal of Hazardous Materials, 258 : 144-150 ,2013
Fan Aiwu, Wan Jianlong, Liu Yi, Pi Boming,Yao Hong, Maruta Kaoru, Liu Wei, The effect of the blockage ratio on the blow-off limit of a hydrogen/air flame in a planar micro-combustor with a bluff body International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38(26 ) , 11438-11445 ,2013
Guangqian Luo, Qiao Yu, Bi Zhang, Tao Zhou, Li Xiao, Yin Wang, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao, Pilot-scale study of volatilization behavior of Hg, Se, As, Cl, S during decoupled conversion of coal, Fuel 112, 704-709,2013
Guangqian Luo, Jingjing Ma, Jun Han , Hong Yao, Minghou Xu , Cheng Zhang, Gang Chen,Rajenda Gupta, Zhenghe Xu, Hg occurrence in coal and its removal before coal utilization, Fuel, 104 ,70–76,2013
Huan Liu, Hongyun Hu, Guangqian Luo, Aijun Li, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao,Enhancement of hydrogen production in steam gasification of sewage sludge by reusing the calcium in lime-conditioned sludge,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,38,1332-1341,1013,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2012.11.072
Hui Wu, Hao Liu, Quanhai Wang, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao, Jianrong Qiu, Experimental study of homogeneous mercury oxidation under O2/CO2 atmosphere, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34,2847-2854,2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2012.06.125
Hongyun Hu, Guangqian Luo, Huan Liu, Yu Qiao, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao. Fate of chromium during thermal treatment of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34,2795-2801, 2013, (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016 /j.proci.2012.06.181)
Chao Chen, Jing Wang, Wei Liu, Sen Zhang, Jingshu Yin, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao, Effect of pyrolysis conditions on the char gasification with mixtures of CO2 and H2O, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34, 2453-2460,2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2012.07.068
Chang Wen, Minghou Xu , Dunxi Yu, Changdong Sheng, Hongwei Wuc, Ping’an Zhang a, Yu Qiao, Hong Yao, PM10 formation during the combustion of N2-char and CO2-char of Chinese coals, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34,2383-2492,2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2012.07.080
Aiwu Fan, Jianlong Wan, Kaoru Maruta, Hisashi Nakamura, Hong Yao, Wei Liu, Flame dynamics in a heated meso-scale radial channel, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34,3351-3359,2013,, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2012.06.083
Ben Gui, Yu Qiao , Dan Wan, Shuai Liu, Zainan Han, Hong Yao,Minghou Xu,Nascent tar formation during polyvinylchloride (PVC) pyrolysis,Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34, 2321-2329, 2013,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ j.proci.2012.08.013
Aiwu Fan, Jianlong Wan, Kaoru Maruta, Hong Yao, Wei Liu. Interactions between heat transfer, flow field and flame stabilization in a micro-combustor with a bluff body. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 66, 72-79, 2013
Juan Chen, Hong Yao, Lian Zhang, A study on the calcination and sulphation behaviour of limestone during oxy-fuel combustion,Fuel, 2012, 102: 386-395
Jianlong Wan, Aiwu Fan, Kaoru Maruta, Hong Yao, Wei Liu,Experimental and numerical investigation on combustion characteristics of premixed hydrogen/air flame in a micro-combustor with a bluff body, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,37,19190-19197,2012
Hong Tao Liu, Hong Yao, Kai Yao, Feng Chen, Guang Qian Luo,Characteristics of "Three Zones" during Underground Coal Gasification,Advanced Materials Research,2012,524-527: 56-62
Jun Han, Linbo Qin, Wei Ye, Yuqi Li, Long Liu, Hao Wang, Hong Yao, Emission of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from coal and sewage sludge co-combustion in a drop tube furnace, Waste Management & Research,30(9) 875–882,2012
Zhengshun Ruan,Aihua Luo,Hong Yao,The Multi-Objective Programming Model of the Structure of Energy Consumption on China,Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology,2012,4(21): 4488-4491
Li Xiao, Tao Zhou, Guangqian Luo, and Hong Yao, Removal of tar during pine sawdust fast pryolysis with catalysts, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 512-515 (2012) 449-454
Huan Liu, Guang-Qian Luo, Hong-Yun Hua, Qiang Zhang, Jia-Kuan Yang, Hong Yao, Emission characteristics of nitrogen- and sulfur-containing odorous compounds during different sewage sludge chemical conditioning processes, Journal of Hazardous Materials 235– 236 (2012) 298– 306
Wei Ye, Jun Han, Linbo Qin, Yuqi Li, Furuuchi Masami, Hong Yao, Emission Characteristics of PM10 during Sewage Sludge Combustion, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12: 416–421, 2012
Liu Hao, Yao Hong,YuanXing, Xu Xiaojie,Fan Yibo, Ando Takashi, Okazaki Ken, Efficient Desulfurization in O-2/CO2 Combustion: Dependence on Combustion Conditions and Sorbent Properties, Chemical Engineering Communications, 199(8),991-1011,2012
Liu Huan,Yang Jiakuan, Shi, Yafei, Li Ye, He Shu, Yang Changzhu, Yao Hong, Conditioning of sewage sludge by Fenton's reagent combined with skeleton builders, Chemosphere, 88(2),235-239,2012
Yu Dunxi, Zhao Liang, Zhang Zuoyong, Wen Chang, Xu Minghou,Yao Hong, Iron Transformation and Ash Fusibility during Coal Combustion in Air and O-2/CO2 Medium, Energy & Fuels 26 (6),3150-3155,2012
Liu, Xiaowei, Xu Minghou, Si Junping, Gu Ying, Xiong Chao, Yao Hong,Effect of Sodium on the Structure and Reactivity of the Chars Formed under N-2 and CO2 Atmospheres,Energy & Fuels 26 (1),185-192,2012
Wu Le, Qiao Yu, Gui Ben, Wang Chao, Xu Jingying, Yao Hong, Xu Minghou,Effects of Chemical Forms of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metallic Species on the Char Ignition Temperature of a Loy Yang Coal under O-2/N-2 Atmosphere,Energy & Fuels, 26 (1),112-117,2012
Wu Le; Qiao Yu; Yao Hong,Experimental and numerical study of pulverized bituminous coal ignition characteristics in O2/N2 and O2/CO2 atmospheres,Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 7 (2), 195-200,2012
Han Jun,Qing Linbo,Xu Minghou,Yao Hong,F(xiàn)uruuchi, Masami, Hata Mitsuhiko,Effect of cooling rate on the partition of heavy and alkali metals during waste incineration,Asia-Pacific Journal Of Chemical Engineering, 7 (2), S229-S236,2012
Hao Liu, Ying Yuan,Xing Yuan, Hong Yao, Takashi Ando, and Ken Okazaki,Scheme of O2/CO2 Combustion with Partial CO2 Removal from Recycled Gas. Part 1: Superlow NO Emission,Energy & Fuels,26(2), 829-834,2012
Hao Liu, Hong Yao, Xing Yuan, Siwei Dong, Takashi Ando, and Ken Okazaki,Scheme of O-2/CO2 Combustion with Partial CO2 Removal from Recycled Gas. Part 2: High Efficiency of In-Furnace Desulfurization, Energy & Fuels,26(2), 835-841,2012
Juan Chen,Facun Jiao,Lian Zhang,Hong Yao, and Yoshihiko Ninomiya,Use of Synchrotron XANES and Cr-Doped Coal to Further Confirm the Vaporization of Organically Bound Cr and the Formation of Chromium(VI) During Coal Oxy-Fuel Combustion, Environmental Science & Technology 46, 3567−3573,2012
Liu, Hao,Yuan, Ying, Yao, Hong, Dong, Siwei, Ando, Takashi, Okazaki, Ken, Factors Affecting NO Reduction during O-2/CO2 Combustion , Energy & Fuels,25 ( 6 ), 2487-2492,2011
Jiao Facun,Chen Juan,Zhang Lian, Wei Yajuan, Ninomiya Yoshihiko, Bhattacharya Sankar,Yao, Hong, Ash partitioning during the oxy-fuel combustion of lignite and its dependence on the recirculation of flue gas impurities (H2O, HCl and SO2), Fuel, 90(6 ), 2207-2216 ,2011
Minghou Xu*, Dunxi Yu, Hong Yao, Xiaowei Liu, Yu Qiao, Coal combustion-generated aerosols: Formation and properties, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33, 1681-1697, 2011
Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao, Minghou Xu,Rajenda Gupta, Zhenghe Xu, Identifying Modes of Occurrence of Mercury in Coal by Temperature Programmed Pyrolysis, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute33, 2763–2769,2011(Distinguished Paper Award in 33rd International Symposium on Combustion)
Juan Chen, Hong Yao, Pingan Zhang, Li Xiao, Guangqian Luo and Minghou Xu,Control of PM1 by Kaolin or Limestone during O2/CO2 Pulverized Coal Combustion, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute33, 2837–2843,2011
Ke Zhou, Minghou Xu, Dunxi Yu, Xiaowei Liu, Chang Wen, Zhonghua Zhan, and Hong Yao, Formation and Control of Fine Potassium-Enriched Particulates during Coal Combustion, Energy & Fuels, 24(12): 6266-6274,2010
Ke Zhou, Minghou Xu, Dunxi Yu, Chang Wen, Zhonghua Zhan, and Hong Yao, The effects of coal blending on the formation and properties of particulate matter during combustion, Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(30), 3448-3455, 2010
Jing-Jing Ma,Hong Yao, Guang-Qian Luo, Ming-Hou Xu, Jun Han,and Xuan-Ming He, Distribution of Hg, As, Pb, and Cr in a Coke Oven Plant, Energy & Fuels, 24, 5289–5290,2010
Dangzhen Lv, Minghou Xu , Xiaowei Liu, Zhonghua Zhan, Zhiyuan Li, Hong Yao, Effect of cellulose, lignin, alkali and alkaline earth metallic species on biomass pyrolysis and gasification, Fuel Processing Technology,91,903-909,2010
Dangzhen Lv, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao, Xiaowei Liu, Wei Jiang, Huilong Cao, and Zhonghua Zhan, Effects of Indigenous and Added Minerals on Transformation of Organic and Inorganic Sulfur in Density Separated Coal Fractions during CO2-Pyrolysis, Energy & Fuels, 24, 123–130,2010
Minghou Xu, Hong Yao ,Advanced coal combustion and utilization part I – emission and control,Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering,5,257-258,2010
Jun Han, Heejoon Kim, Yuhei Sakaguchi, Kim Cheol-ho and Hong Yao,The synergetic effect of plasma and catalyst on simultaneous removal of SO2 and Nox,Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering,5 : 441-446, 2010
Gong, Xun, Hong Yao, Dan Zhang, Yu Qiao, Lin Li and Minghou Xu, Leaching characteristics of heavy metals in fly ash from a Chinese coal-fired power plant, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 5 : 330-336, 2010
Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao,Minghou Xu,Xinwei Cui,Weixing Chen, Rajender Gupta, and Zhenghe Xu,Carbon Nanotube-Silver Composite for Mercury Capture and Analysis,Energy & Fuels, 24, 419–426,2010
Hong Yao and Naruse I., Using sorbents to control heavy metals and particulate matter emission during solid fuel combustion, Particuology,7, 477-482, 2009
Zhang Lian, Yu Dunxi, Hong Yao, Xu, Minghou, Wang, Qunying, Ninomiya, Yoshihiko, Characterization of Combustion-Derived Individual Fine Particulates by Computer-Controlled Scanning Electron Microscopy, Aiche Journal, 55 (11): 3005-3016 , 2009
Luo Guang-Qian, Yao Hong, Xu Ming-Hou, Partitioning behavior of mercury during coal combustion: the influence of low-NOx burners and operation load of boiler, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 4 (4): 480-486, 2009
LIU XiaoWei, XU MingHou, Hong Yao, YU DunXi, ZHANG ZhongHua & LÜ DangZhen, Characteristics and composition of particulate matter from coal-fired power plants, Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences 52(6): 1521-1526, 2009
Yu Dunxi, XU Minghou,Hong Yao,LIU Xiaowei. Size distributions of major elements in residual ash particles from coal combustion. Chinese Science Bulletin 54(6): 958-964. 2009
Yu Dunxi, XU Minghou, Hong Yao,LIU Xiaowei,Zhou Ke,Wen Chang, Li Lin, Physicochemical properties and potential health effects of nanoparticles from pulverized coal combustion. Chinese Science Bulletin 54(7): 1243-1250, 2009
Hong Yao and Naruse I., Behavior of Lead Compounds during Municipal Solid Waste Incineration, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute32(2), 2685–2691, 2009
Dunxi Yu, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao, Xiaowei Liu, Ke Zhou, Lin Li, Chang Wen ,Mechanisms of the central mode particle formation during pulverized coal combustion,Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Volume 32(2), 2075-2082,2009
Xiaowei Liu, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao, Dunxi Yu, Dangzhen Lv, and Ke Zhou, The Formation and Emission of Particulate Matter during the Combustion of Density Separated Coal Fractions, Energy & Fuel, 2008, 22(6), 3844-3851
Han Jun, Heejoon Kim, Yuhei Sakaguchi and Hong Yao, Reduction of NOx and SO2 in a non-thermal plasma reactor combined with catalyst and methanol, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 doi:10.1088/0022-3727/41/20/205213, 2008
YU DunXi, XU MingHou, Hong Yao, LIU XiaoWei & ZHOU Ke,Effective identification of the three particle modes generated during pulverized coal combustion,Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(10), 1593-1602,2008
Dunxi Yu, Minghou Xu , Hong Yao, Xiaowei Liu, Ke Zhou ,A new method for identifying the modes of particulate matter from pulverized coal combustion,Powder Technology 183 105-114, 2008
J. Han, M. Xu, Hong Yao, M. Furuuchi, H. J. Kim, The Effect of Chloride on Separation Temperature of Heavy and Alkali Metals During Sewage Sludge Incineration, Waste Management, 28: 833-839,2008
Yu Qiao, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao, Chen Wang, Xun Gong, Modeling of homogeneous tin speciation using detailed chemical kinetics,Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 2(3): 158-164,2007
Changdong Sheng Yi Li, Xiaowei Liu, Hong Yao, Minghou Xu, Ash particle formation during O2/CO2 combustion of pulverized coals,Fuel Processing Technology, 88,1021–1028, 2007
Dunxi Yu, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao, Jiancai Sui, Xiaowei Liu, Yun Yu, Qian Cao, Use of elemental size distributions in identifying particle formation modes, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31(2): 1921-1928,2007
Yun Yu, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao, Dunxi Yu, Yu Qiao, Jiancai Sui, Xiaowei Liu and Qian Cao, Char Characteristics and Particulate Matter Formation during a Chinese Bituminous Coal Combustion, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31(2): 1947-1954,2007
Quanbin WANG, Hong YAO, Dunxi YU, Li DAI, Minghou XU, Emission behavior of particulate matter during co-combustion of
coal and biomass in a drop tube furnace, Energy & Fuels 21(2): 513-516,2007
Dunxi Yu, Minghou Xu, Lian Zhang, Hong Yao, Qunying Wang, and Yoshihiko Ninomiya, Computer-Controlled Scanning Electron Microscopy (CCSEM) Investigation on the Heterogeneous Nature of Mineral Matter in Six Typical Chinese Coals, Energy & Fuels 21(2): 468-476,2007
Xiaowei Liu, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao, Dunxi Yu, Xiangpeng Gao, Qian Cao, and Youmin Cai, Effect of Combustion Parameters on the Emission and Chemical Composition of Particulate Matter during Coal Combustion, Energy & Fuels, 21, 157-162,2007
Jun Han, Minghou Xu, Hong YAO, Masami Furuuchi, Takeo Sakano and Hee Joon Kim “Simulating the transformation of heavy metals during coal or sewage sludge combustion”, Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A, 42, 217–224,2007
Changdong Sheng, Yuhong Lu, Xiangpeng Gao and Hong Yao,Fine Ash Formation during Pulverised Coal Combustion- A Comparison of Air Combustion Vs O2/CO2 Combustion,Energy & Fuels 21(2): 435-440,2007
Hong Yao, Guangqian Luo, Minghou XU, T. Kameshima, and Naruse I, Mercury Emission and Species During Combustion of Coal and Waste, Energy & Fuels,1946-1950, 20(5), 2006
Jun Han, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao, Partition of Heavy and Alkali Metals During Sewage Sludge Incineration, Energy & Fuels 20, 583-590, 2006
Hong Yao and Naruse I., Combustion Characteristics of Dried Sewage Sludge and Control of Trace Metal Emission, Energy & Fuels, 19(6),2298-2303, 2005
Hong Yao and Naruse I., Control of Trace Metal Emissions by Sorbents during Sewage Sludge Combustion, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute30, 3009-3016, 2005(Excellent Paper Award from Combustion Institute of Japan,2007)
Naruse I., Hong Yao, Hirofumi M., Saito N. and Kohama T., Fundamentals on Emission and Control of Trace Metal Compounds in Combustion Processes, Clean Air: International Journal on Energy for a Clean Environment, Vol.5, No.3 pp130-138, 2004
Hong Yao, Iddi S.N. Mkilaha and Naruse I., Screening of sorbents and Capture of Lead and Cadmium Compounds by Sorbents during Sewage Sludge Combustion, Fuel, Vol. 83, 7-8, 1001-1007, 2004
Naruse I., Hong Yao, and I.S.N. Mkilaha, Sorbent Control of Trace Metals in Sewage Sludge Combustion and Incineration, J. Phys.IV, France, 107, 917-920, 2003
Hong Yao and I. Naruse, Optimization and Utilization of Sorbents to Control Trace Metal Emissions in Combustion Processes, Coal Combustion Facing the 21st Century(ISBN:7-81089-377-7),427-431, 2003
Hong Yao and I. Naruse, Combustion Characteristics of Sewage Sludge and Behaviors of Trace Metal Emissions,Fluidization 2003: Science and Technology (ISBN:4-9901883-1-4),366-370, 2003
Hong Yao, Noboru.S., Iddi S.N. Mkilaha and Naruse I., Comparative Study of Lead and Cadmium Compounds Capture by Sorbents, J. of Chemical Engineering of Japan, Vol.35, 5, 401-408,2002.
Hong Yao, Saito N., Iddi S.N. Mkilaha and Naruse I., Fundamentals on Vaporization Behaviors of Trace Metal Compounds at Different Atmospheres and Temperatures, J. of Japan Institute of Energy, Vol.81, 4, 256-262, 2002.
Iddi S. N. Mkilaha, Hong Yao, and Naruse I., Thermodynamic Analysis of the Role of Chlorine and Sulfur Environment during Combustion & Incineration Processes, J. of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Vol.4 (2), 143-149,2002
Iddi S. N. Mkilaha, Hong Yao, and Naruse I., Trace Metal Speciation during Combustion and Incineration Processes, Combustion Science and Technology, Vol.174, No.11-12, 325-344, 2002
Hong Yao., Saito N., I. Naruse, Fundamentals on Emission Control of Trace Metal Compounds by Sorbent Addition, Fluidization 2000: Science and Technology(ISBN:7-80594-692-2/T.20), 95-100,2000
Xu M., Fan Y., Yuan J., Sheng C., Hong Yao, Modeling NOx Emissions During Staged Combustion, International Journal of Energy Research, 23, 683-693, 1999
Xu M., Fan Y., Yuan J., Sheng C., Hong Yao, a Simplified Fuel-NOx Model Based on Regression Analysis, International Journal of Energy Research, 23, 157-168, 1999
1998-2002 日本(文部。┱剬W金
2002 美國Pittsburgh國際煤燃燒大會優(yōu)秀論文獎
2002-2004 日本學術振興會(JSPS)特別研究員及獎勵基金
2007 日本燃燒學會優(yōu)秀論文獎
2010 國際燃燒學會杰出論文獎(33屆國際燃燒會議)
2011 澳大利亞亞洲領導力獎(ALA FELLOW)
2014 國際燃燒學會杰出論文獎(35屆國際燃燒會議)
Hong Yao, “Sludge Combustion and Gasification”, invited a lecture in the workshop of NEDO meeting, Beijing, China, March 21-23, 2003(invited)
Hong Yao, “Behaviour of Trace metal compounds during combustion”, invited a lecture in the Central Japanese Symposium on Combustion, Toyohashi, Japan, April 28, 2004 (invited)
Hong Yao, Factors Affecting Hg Oxidation, MEC4-Mercury Emissions from Coal, 4th International Experts Workshop, 12-15,June, 2007, Tokyo, Japan(invited)
Dunxi Yu, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao, Mechanisms of PM Formation and Its Control during Coal Combustion, Sino-US Workshop on Multipollutant Control, Yantai, Nov. 10-12, 2008(keynote)
Hong Yao,Research and Development of Advanced Coal Untilization Technology with Near Zero Emission,2009 China-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium(2009 Forum of Engieering Frontiers), 28,June , 2009, Beijing, China(keynoted)
Minghou Xu, Dunxi Yu, Hong Yao,Coal Combustion-Generated Aerosols: Formation And Properties the 33rd International Symposium on Combustion,1, Beijing, China, Aug 1-6, 2010(Keynote)
Hong YAO, Occurrence of Hg in coal and its removal before combustion, The 9th Yokohama Trace Element Workshop, January 6-7, 2011, Minamata Disease Archives, National Institute for Minamata Disease,Minamata, Kumamoto, Japan(keynote)
Hong YAO, Control of Heavy Metals during solid fuel combustion, 1st China-Japan Joint Workshop on Advanced Energy & Environment Technology, 28 Feb.-1 March, 2011, Niigata, Japan.(invited)
Hong YAO, Challenge of CO2 Control using Clean Coal Technology in China, The Energy series seminars of Chemical Engineering in Monash University, 1 Sept.2011, Monash, Australia(Invited)
Hong YAO, Challenge of Hg and CO2 Control using Clean Coal Technology in China, 2011 Energy and Environment COE Workshop, 1-3, Dec., Nagoya Univ.,Nagoya, Japan,2011(invited)
Hong YAO, PM formation and control during coal combustion, 3rd China-Japan Workshop on MSW Incineration,10-14,July, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2013(invited)
Hong Yao,Research and Development of Oxyfuel Combustion in Huazhong University of Sci. & Tech., Australia-China Workshop on Research, Development and Commercialisation of Oxy-fuel Combustion Technology, 6-7, Feb,2014(Plenary)
Hong YAO, fate of arsenic, chromium and lead during municipal solid waste incineration,F(xiàn)irst China-Japan (CAS-JST) Workshop on “New Environmentally Sustainable Systems for Japan and China”, Xiamen, China, 21st - 21nd February, 2014(invited)
Hong YAO,Mechanism of Arsenic Capture by CaO in Simulated Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Flue Gas, The 8th international Conference on Combustion,Incineration-Pyrolysis, Emission and Climate Change, 15-18, Oct. Hangzhou, China,2014
Hong Yao, PM2.5 emission and control during coal combustion, 2nd China-Japan (CAS-JST) Workshop on “New Environmentally Sustainable Systems for Japan and China”, Japan, 18-19 April, 2015(invited)
Hong Yao, PM emission and control during coal combustion in China, Nagoya University, Japan, 20 April, 2015(invited talk)