魏忠慶1,2,上官海東2,葉均磊2 ,胡志榮3, 4
(1.同濟大學污染控制與資源化研究國家重點實驗室,上海 200092;2.福州城建設計研究院有限公司,福建省福州市,350001;3.浙江工商大學環(huán)境科學與工程學院,浙江杭州,3100124;4.加拿大GL環(huán)境科技有限公司,加拿大安大略省哈密爾頓)
摘要:為指導污水處理廠提標設計,采用GPS-X軟件的MANTIS模型構建福建某污水處理廠提標工藝模型。通過不同進水溫度的處理效果模擬,發(fā)現(xiàn)改良Bardenpho工藝脫氮效果更好。在此基礎上運用模型對擬定的工藝進行優(yōu)化,使改良Bardenpho工藝出水均到達到準IV 類水質標準。
Optimization analysis of the sewage treatment plant upgrading design based on GPS-X simulation
WEI Zhong-qing1,2, SHANG-GUAN Hai-dong2, YE Jun-lei2, HU Zhi-rong3,4
(1. State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resources Reuse,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092, China; 2. Fuzhou City Construction Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd, Fuzhou 3500, China; 3. School of Environmental Science & Engineering, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310012, China;4. GL Environmental Inc, Hamilton City, Ontario Province, Canada)
Abstract: For guiding the plant design, a sewage treatment plant model at Fujian is developed based on MANTIS model of GPS-X software. By simulating the treatment effect of different temperatures, it was found that the modified Bardenpho process has better nitrogen removal performance. Then the model was used to optimize the two suggested configurations of the modified Bardenpho process to achieve the IV class surface water quality standard in the plant effluent for both nitrogen and phosphorus removal.
Key words: GPS-X; upgrading and reconstruction; nitrogen and phosphorus removal; sewage treatment plant
福建省住房和城鄉(xiāng)建設廳科學技術項目(2016-K-47) 資助 中央提升地方高校辦學水平財政專項(2017S1701)資助 |
隨著我國《水污染防治行動計劃》的頒布,污水處理廠的排放標準要求提升,其面臨著提標的問題。對于高排放標準的污水處理廠,采用傳統(tǒng)簡單計算方法難以滿足設計要求[1; 2]。GPS-X軟件是污水處理廠的規(guī)劃設計、提標改造及運行管理中的有效模擬仿真工具[3-6]。為指導污水處理廠提標設計,本文應用嵌入MANTIS模型的GPS-X軟件,以福建某污水處理廠為提標改造對象,通過模擬分析,擬定提標工藝方案,并在此基礎上進行工藝優(yōu)化模擬,提出可行的提標工藝,為基于數(shù)學模型的污水處理廠工藝優(yōu)化設計提供借鑒。