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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2018-10-22  瀏覽次數(shù):212
核心提示:何若,博士,副教授,博士生導師。2004年畢業(yè)于浙江大學,獲環(huán)境工程專業(yè)博士學位,2007年晉升為副教授,2007.3-2007.6在喀什師范學院環(huán)境科學系支教,2009.4-2011.11在美國UAF Institute of Arctic Biology做博士后研究,期間在Michigan State University進行訪問研究,2015.11-2016.10在英國華威大學訪問研究。主要從事固體廢物處理與資源化、溫室氣體甲烷生物代謝、惡臭氣體控制技術(shù)等領域的研究

姓    名: 何 若
學    歷: 博士
職    務:  
職    稱: 副教授
部    門: 環(huán)境生態(tài)所
導    師: 博導
聯(lián)系電話: 0571-88982221
電子郵箱: heruo@zju.edu.cn

[1]Ruo He*, Xiao-Meng Wei, Bao-Hu Tian, Yao Su, Yu-Lan Lu. Characterization of a joint recirculation of concentrated leachate and leachate to landfills with a microaerobic bioreactor for leachate treatment. Waste Management, 2015, 46: 380-388.
[2]Yao Su, Junshen Pei, Baohu Tian, Fengxi Fan, Mengling Tang, Wei Li, Ruo He*. Potential application of biocover soils to landfills for mitigating toluene emission. Journal of hazardous materials, 2015, 299: 18-26.
[3]Ruo He*, Yao Su, Jiaoyan Kong. Characterization of trichloroethylene adsorption onto waste biocover soil in the presence of landfill gas. Journal of hazardous materials, 2015, 295: 185-192.
[4]Ruo He, Wooller Matthew J, Pohlman John W, Tiedje James M, Mary Beth Leigh. Methane-derived carbon flow through microbial communities in arctic lake sediments. Environmental Microbiology, 2015, 17: 3233-3250.
[5]Ruo He*, Bao-Hu Tian, Qi-Qi Zhang, Hong-Tao Zhang. Effect of Fenton oxidation on biodegradability, biotoxicity and dissolved organic matter distribution of concentrated landfill leachate derived from a membrane process. Waste Management, 2015, 38: 232-239.
[6]Jiao-Yan Kong, Yun Bai, Yao Su, Yijun Yao, Ruo He*. Effects of trichloroethylene on community structure and activity of methanotrophs in landfill cover soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2014, 78: 118-127.
[7]Yao Su, Xuan Zhang, Xiao-Meng Wei, Jiao-Yan Kong, Fang-Fang Xia, Wei Li, Ruo He*. Evaluation of simultaneous biodegradation of methane and toluene in landfill covers. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 274(12): 367-375.
[8]Qi-Qi Zhang, Bao-Hu Tian, Xuan Zhang, Abbas Ghulam, Cheng-Ran Fang, Ruo He*. Investigation on characteristics of leachate and concentrated leachate in three landfill leachate treatment plants. Waste Management, 2013, 33(11): 2277-2286.
[9]Ruo He, Matthew J. Wooller, John W. Pohlman, John Quensen, James M. Tiedje, Mary Beth Leigh. Diversity of active aerobic methanotrophs along depth profiles of arctic and subarctic lake water column and sediments. The ISME Journal, 2012, 6: 1937-1948. 
[10]Ruo He, Matthew J. Wooller, John W. Pohlman, Catharine Catranis, John Quensen, James M. Tiedje, Mary Beth Leigh. Identification of functionally active aerobic methanotrophs in sediments from an arctic lake using stable isotope probing. Environmental Microbiology, 2012, 14(6):1403-1419.
[11]Ruo He, Matthew J. Wooller, John W. Pohlman, John Quensen, James M. Tiedje, Mary Beth Leigh. Shifts in identity and activity of methanotrophs in arctic lake sediments in response to temperature changes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2012, 78(13): 4715-4723.
[12]Ruo He*, Fang-Fang Xia, Yun Bai, Jing Wang, Dong-Sheng Shen. Mechanism of H2S removal during landfill stabilization in waste biocover soil, an alterative landfill cover. Journal of Hazardous Material, 2012, 217-218: 67-75. 
[13]Ruo He*, Fang-Fang Xia, Jing Wang, Chang-Liang Pan, Cheng-Ran Fang. Characterization of adsorption removal of hydrogen sulfide by waste biocover soil, an alternative landfill cover. Journal of Hazardous Material, 2011, 186: 773-778. 
[14]Ruo He*, Aidong Ruan, Chenjing Jiang, Dong-sheng Shen. Responses of oxidation rate and microbial communities to methane in simulated landfill cover soil microcosms. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99: 7192-7199. 
[15]Ruo He*, Xin-Wen Liu, Zhi-jian Zhang, Dong-sheng Shen. Characteristics of the bioreactor landfill system using an anaerobic–aerobic process for nitrogen removal. Bioresource Technology, 2007, 98(13): 2526-2532. 
[16]Ruo He*, Dong-sheng Shen. Nitrogen removal in the bioreactor landfill system with intermittent aeration at the top of landfilled waste. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2006, 136(3): 784-790. 
[17]沈東升主編, 何若,劉宏遠 副主編. 生活垃圾填埋生物處理技術(shù). 化學工業(yè)出版社,北京. 2003.

[1]何若, 張紅陶, 等. 超濾膜曝氣板及其方法. 專利號:ZL201410322384.9.
[2]何若, 張紅陶, 等. 一種納米曝氣裝置及其方法. 專利號:ZL201410291285.9.
[3]何若,張紅陶,等.分割式甲烷氧化-反硝化反應器及其方法. 專利號:ZL201410322337.4.
[4]何若, 沈東升, 樓斌, 邱才娣, 鄭元格. 填埋場甲烷減排的垃圾生物覆蓋土材料制備方法及系統(tǒng). 專利號:ZL200810162517.5.
[5]沈東升, 何若, 樓斌, 邱才娣,等.一種生活垃圾分步甲烷化處理技術(shù)及生物反應器. 專利號:CN200710070821.2.
[6]沈東升, 何若, 樓斌, 邱才娣,等.一種具有原位脫氮功能的生活垃圾填埋處理技術(shù)及生物反應器. 專利號:CN200710070822.7.
[7]沈東升, 何若, 邱才娣, 等.一種生活垃圾資源化處理技術(shù)及其裝置. 專利號:CN200710156530.5.
[8]沈東升, 馮華軍, 何若, 等. 典型有害固體廢物水泥窯協(xié)同處置關鍵技術(shù)及應用示范. 浙江省科學技術(shù)二等獎, 2013. 
[9]沈東升, 何若, 等. 生物反應器填埋場主要污染物遷移轉(zhuǎn)化與原位處理技術(shù)機理研究. 浙江省高等學?蒲谐晒泉, 2011.
[10]沈東升, 薛智勇, 孫培德, 何若, 等. 農(nóng)村生物質(zhì)廢棄物低碳高值化處理利用技術(shù)研究. 浙江省科學技術(shù)二等獎, 2010.
何若,博士,副教授,博士生導師。2004年畢業(yè)于浙江大學,獲環(huán)境工程專業(yè)博士學位,2007年晉升為副教授,2007.3-2007.6在喀什師范學院環(huán)境科學系支教,2009.4-2011.11在美國UAF Institute of Arctic Biology做博士后研究,期間在Michigan State University進行訪問研究,2015.11-2016.10在英國華威大學訪問研究。主要從事固體廢物處理與資源化、溫室氣體甲烷生物代謝、惡臭氣體控制技術(shù)等領域的研究,在城鎮(zhèn)生活垃圾及其滲濾液處理、甲烷生物代謝、惡臭氣體污染控制技術(shù)等方面取得了一些有價值的研究成果。目前在ISME Journal、Environmental Microbiology和Soil Biology and Biochemistry等刊物發(fā)表論文50余篇,作為副主編編寫著作1部。獲浙江省科學技術(shù)進步二等獎2項和浙江省高等學?蒲谐晒泉劯1項,2013年獲得浙江省自然科學基金杰出青年項目資助。
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