[1] 江蘇中法水務(wù)股份有限公司, 蘇伊士持有該公司35%股份。
SUEZ Signs New Agreement for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Services
to Expand Environmental Business to Fujian Province
SUEZ through its joint venture[1] recently signed an agreement with Shaowu, Fujian Province to acquire 51% equity in Shaowu Wujiatang Wastewater Treatment Company Limited. Under this agreement, the joint venture will be responsible for the operation, management and technological re-engineering of the wastewater treatment plant in Jintang Industrial Park of Shaowu, to provide high quality industrial wastewater treatment services for Jintang Industrial Park and adjacent townships. This move will also facilitate protection of the local river ecosystem.
Shaowu, a city in Nanping, lies in the north of Fujian province. The Futun river, one of three major river systems on the upper reaches of the Minjiang river, runs across Jintang Industrial Park in Shaowu. Thanks to abundant fluorite resources, Jintang Industrial Park was built to develop the local fluorine chemical industry. While the development supports restructuring of the manufacturing sector and product upgrades, it has more demanding requirements for the industrial park’s wastewater treatment services.
The Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Phase Ⅰ of Shaowu Wujiatang Wastewater Treatment Company Limited, which is in Jintang Industrial Park, provides wastewater treatment services exclusively for the park. The WWTP has a long-term treatment capacity target of 60,000 m3/day and a near-term target of 20,000 m3/day. The near-term target is expected to be achieved through expansion, by 2025. The WWTP’s current Phase I treatment capacity is 10,000 m3/day.
Chemical wastewater often features complex composition, high salinity, toxic substances, low biodegradability, and fluctuating effluent quality. SUEZ offers an integrated solution, through patented technology, to enhance the removal of difficult chemical oxygen demand (COD), as well as a customized activated carbon adsorption system that can be deployed on demand in emergency situations. The solution can iron out water quality fluctuations and ensure continuous compliance with effluent discharge standards. These standards have risen from Class 1B to China’s most stringent industrial effluent discharge standard: Class 1A. In addition, In addition, the processes specifically designed for treating different types of industrial wastewater sludge help ensure their safe disposal, thus eliminating secondary pollution and protecting the industrial park’s ecological environment.
Jin Ke, Vice President of Changshu Urban Construction Management and Investment Company Limited, and Chairman of Jiangsu Sino French Water, said, “SUEZ’s JV with Changshu has been a great success. It provides systematic water supply and drainage services to support Changshu’s economic and social development. It has received unanimous endorsement from the government, clients and the industry for its advanced technology, management excellence and service quality. We’re pleased to cooperate with the city of Shaowu, in wastewater treatment, that uses SUEZ’s cutting edge technology. We look forward to seeing both sides leverage their strengths to achieve win-win outcomes.”
Felix Fan, Senior Vice President of SUEZ Asia, said, “Over the past 15 years, our partnership with Changshu has evolved from individual projects to a more integrated strategic cooperation. We have achieved important milestones together and further expanded our cooperation in the environmental sector. This latest partnership with Shaowu speaks volumes for the three parties’ shared commitment to environmental sustainability. We expect the project to contribute meaningfully to a clean, green water ecosystem in China going forward.”
In 2006, SUEZ started working with Changshu to provide a municipal water supply. The partnership has since branched out to wastewater treatment, smart water solutions, industrial wastewater treatment and waste recycling and recovery. Jiangsu Sino French Water, a SUEZ JV, serves 1.8 million residents, as well as industrial and commercial clients in Changshu. It has been named the “Most Socially Responsible Service Enterprise in China’s Water Industry” for many consecutive years. In addition, SUEZ’s construction waste treatment project in Changshu has exceeded 3,500 tons/day in treatment capacity. The project recycles construction and demolition waste into secondary building aggregates, which can be used to produce bricks, roadside stones, and road beds for different uses, thereby enabling resource circularity.
Jiangsu Sino French Water, a SUEZ JV, signed a contract with Shaowu city
for industrial park wastewater treatment services.
Since the end of the 19th century, SUEZ has built expertise aimed at helping people to constantly improve their quality of life by protecting their health and supporting economic growth. With an active presence on five continents, SUEZ and its 90,000 employees strive to preserve our environment’s natural capital: water, soil, and air. SUEZ provides innovative and resilient solutions in water management, waste recovery, site remediation and air treatment, optimising municipalities’ and industries’ resource management through “smart” cities and improving their environmental and economic performance. The Group delivers sanitation services to 64 million people and produces 7.1 billion m3 of drinking water. SUEZ is also a contributor to economic growth, with more than 200,000 jobs created directly and indirectly on an annual basis, and a provider of new resources, with 4.2 million tonnes of secondary raw materials produced. By 2030, the Group is targeting 100% sustainable solutions, with a positive impact on our environment, health and climate. SUEZ generated total revenue of €17.2 billion in 2020.
With a strong presence of 60+ years in South East Asia and 45+ years in Greater China, SUEZ is a preferred partner in helping authorities and industrial clients develop water and waste management solutions that enable cities and industries to optimize their resource management and strengthen their environment and economic performances. With 9,000+ employees and 70+ joint ventures with local partners, the Group has built 600+ water and wastewater plants, with 32+ million people benefiting from our water and waste services. Today, SUEZ is recognized as one of the most influential companies and a service benchmark in leading the region’s environmental industry. We operate China’s first PPP water contract in Macau, one of Asia's largest hazardous waste treatment facilities in Shanghai, as well as a plastic recycling plant in Thailand. It is also a leader in Hong Kong’s waste management industry and delivers environmental services to 21 industrial parks.
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[1] Jiangsu Sino French Water Company Limited, in which SUEZ holds 35% equity.
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