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許振明(Xu Zhenming) 特聘教授---- 2004年8月-現(xiàn)在 上海交通大學教授,博士生導師 研究方向 固體廢棄物無害化、資源化、材料化;環(huán)境功能材料與資源循環(huán)利用

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2023-03-21  來源:許振明(Xu Zhenming) 特聘教授---- 200  瀏覽次數(shù):94
核心提示:許振明(Xu Zhenming) 特聘教授---- 2004年8月-現(xiàn)在 上海交通大學教授,博士生導師 研究方向 固體廢棄物無害化、資源化、材料化;環(huán)境功能材料與資源循環(huán)利用


許振明(Xu Zhenming)




1996年4月    獲哈爾濱工業(yè)大學獲博士學位

1996年7月-1998年6月  西北工業(yè)大學 博士后,副教授

1998年6月-2000年2月  上海交通大學 博士后,副教授

2000年2月-2004年7月  上海交通大學,副教授

2004年8月-現(xiàn)在  上海交通大學教授,博士生導師


在電子廢棄物資源化與污染控制方面發(fā)表SCI收錄論文150余篇。其中5篇ESI高引用論文,環(huán)境領(lǐng)域頂級期刊《Environmental Science & Technology》30余篇,《Journal of Hazardous Materials》50余篇。研究成果在Environ.Sci.Technol上的News、The New York Times(Science)、New Scientist等30多家期刊網(wǎng)站進行報道和高度評價。

  1. Separating and Recycling Plastic, Glass, and Gallium from Waste Solar Cell Modules by Nitrogen Pyrolysis and Vacuum Decomposition; Environmental Science & Technology, 50: 9242-9250, 2016; Lingen Zhang, Zhenming Xu
  2. Recycling Acetic Acid from Polarizing Film of Waste Liquid Crystal Display Panels by Sub/Supercritical Water Treatments; Environmental Science & Technology, 49:5999−6008, 2015; Ruixue Wang, Ya Chen, Zhenming Xu
  3. PBDEs Emission from Waste Printed Wiring Boards during Thermal Process; Environmental Science & Technology, 49: 2716-2723, 2015; Jie Guo, Ran Zhang, Zhenming Xu
  4. Application of Supercritical Water to Decompose Brominated Epoxy Resin and Recover Metals from Waste Memory Module Environmental Friendly; Environmental Science & Technology, 49: 1761-1767,2015 ; Kuo Li, Zhenming Xu
  5. Disposing and Recycling Waste Printed Circuit Boards: Disconnecting, Resource Recovery and Pollution Control; Environmental Science & Technology,49:721-733, 2015; Jianbo Wang, Zhenming Xu
  6. Waste Management of Printed Wiring Boards: A Life Cycle Assessment of the Metals Recycling Chain from Liberation through Refining; Environmental Science & Technology, 49:940-947, 2015; Mianqiang Xue, Kendall Alissa, Zhenming Xu, Schoenung Julie
  7. Innovative Platform and Incentive Mechanism Are the Keys for Electronic Waste Collection in Developing Countries; Environmental Science & Technology, 48:13034−13035, 2014; Mianqiang Xue, Zhenming Xu
  8. Wood plastic composite produced by nonmetals from pulverized waste PCBs; Environmental Science & Technology, 44:463-468, 2010; Jie Guo, Yinen Tang, Zhenming Xu
  9. PM10 and PM2.5 and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Typical Factory for Cathode Ray Tube Television Recycling; Environmental Science & Technology, 47:12469-12476, 2013; Fang Wenxiong, Yang Yichen, Xu Zhenming
  10. Improvements of the Recovery Line of Waste Toner Cartridges on Environmental and Safety Performances; Environmental Science & Technology, 47:6457−6462, 2013 ; Jujun Ruan, Jia Li, and Zhenming Xu
  11. Computer Simulation of the Pneumatic Separator in the Pneumatic-Electrostatic Separation System for Recycling Waste Printed Circuit Boards with Electronic Components;  Environmental Science & Technology, 47: 4598-4604, 2013; Mianqiang Xue, Zhenming Xu
  12. Risks in the Physical Recovery System of Waste Refrigerator Cabinets and the Controlling Measure; Environmental Science & Technology; 46:13386-13392, 2012; Jujun Ruan, , Mianqiang Xue, Zhenming Xu
  13. Electrostatic Separation for Recycling Conductors, Semiconductors, and Nonconductors from Electronic Waste; Environmental Science & Technology, 46:10556-10563, 2012; Mianqiang Xue, Guoqing Yan, Jia Li, Zhenming Xu
  14. Approaches to improve separation efficiency of eddy current separation for recovering aluminum from waste toner cartridges; Environmental Science & Technology, 46:6214-6221, 2012; Jujun  Ruan, Zhenming Xu
  15. Response to Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipments in China: Legislation, recycling system, and advanced integrated process; Environmental Science & Technology, 46:4713-4724, 2012; Lei Zhou, Zhenming Xu
  16. Assessment of Noise and Heavy Metals (Cr, Cu, Cd, Pb) in the Ambience of the Production Line for Recycling Waste Printed Circuit Boards; Environmental Science & Technology, 46:494-499, 2012; Mianqiang Xue, Yichen Yang, Jujun Ruan, Zhenming Xu
  17. Environmental friendly crush-magnetic separation technology for recycling metal-plated plastics from end-of-life vehicles; Environmental Science & Technology, 46:2661-2667, 2012; Mianqiang Xue, Jia Li, Zhenming Xu
  18. Volatile organic compounds and metal leaching from composite products made from fiberglass-resin portion of printed circuit board waste; Environmental Science & Technology, 46:1028-1034, 2012; Jie Guo, Jiang Ying, Xiaofang Hu, Zhenming Xu
  19. Separating and recovering Pb from copper-rich particles of crushed waste printed circuit boards by evaporation and condensation; Environmental Science & Technology, 45( 12 ): 5359-5365, 2011; Lu Zhan, Zhenming Xu
  20. Electrostatic separation for recycling waste printed circuit board: A study on external factor and a robust design for optimization; Environmental Science & Technology, 44:5177-5181, 2010;  Shibing Hou, Jiang Wu,  Yufei Qin, Zhenming Xu



  1. 廢舊印刷電路板的破碎及高壓靜電分離方法, 中國、ZL 200510023785.5
  2. 廢舊印刷電路板的基板材料顆粒再生板材的制造方法, 中國、ZL200510023786.X
  3. 用于廢舊電路板回收的多輥式高壓靜電分選方法, 中國、ZL200810203036.4
  4. 利用廢棄電路板非金屬粉制備改性瀝青的方法,中國、ZL200810042789.1
  5. 利用廢棄印刷電路板制備木塑復合材料的方法,中國、ZL200910054313.4
  6. 利用破碎-分選廢棄電路板制備市政窨井蓋的方法,中國、ZL2011040200159970
  7. 廢舊硒鼓的回收方法及其回收裝置,中國、ZL201110219195.5
  8. 廢舊冰箱箱體資源化處理方法及其處理裝置, 中國、ZL201110219199.3
  9. 廢舊液晶顯示器面板的處理與資源化回收方法,中國、ZL20120163831.1
  10. 廢舊液晶面板中液晶與偏光膜的一體式真空熱解回收裝置,中國、ZL2014101297265


  1. “廢棄電器電子產(chǎn)品處理與資源化技術(shù)及裝備”獲2015年教育部高等學?茖W研究優(yōu)秀成果技術(shù)發(fā)明類一等獎
  2. 2013年獲上海市教學成果一等獎
  3. 2016年獲上海交通大學教學成果特等獎
  4. 2016年獲上海市育才獎
  5. 2005年入選教育部新世紀人才計劃
  6. 培養(yǎng)研究生中獲得全國優(yōu)秀博士論文提名獎1名,上海市優(yōu)秀博士論文5名,上海市優(yōu)秀碩士論文5名。獲教育部博士研究生學術(shù)新人獎1名,獲高廷耀青年博士杰出人才獎學金6名、唐孝炎環(huán)境科學創(chuàng)新一等獎學金1名、錢易環(huán)境獎1名。

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