TARMAC Aerosave、空客和成都市
TARMAC Aerosave(蘇伊士持有其33.6%的股權)與空中客車公司和成都市共同成立空中客車(成都)飛機全生命周期服務有限公司,這是中國首家飛機全生命周期服務項目合作公司。該項目將提供飛機存放、維護、拆解和回收服務。
空中客車客戶服務高級副總裁Cristina Aguilar表示:“這座位于成都的新中心完全符合空客公司在飛機全生命周期內保障環(huán)境責任的一貫實踐,為飛機的存放、維護、升級和拆解提供一站式服務。我們非常高興能與實力雄厚且經驗豐富的合作伙伴TARMAC Aerosave以及成都市合作,在中國開展首個此類全生命周期服務中心的建設并提供一系列的服務。”
TARMAC Aerosave總裁Alexandre Brun表示:“我們是全球唯一一家提供飛機全生命周期管理的一站式服務企業(yè),這歸功于我們獨特的拆解工藝。我們尤為自豪的是能夠借助空中客車飛機全生命周期服務項目將這種專屬化的服務引入成都,成都服務中心的構思和設計依托現代化和可持續(xù)的工藝流程。感謝我們長久以來的股東方——空中客車公司,以及成都市給予我們的信任。”
目前存放在該服務中心的飛機中將有75%投放用于第二輪服役周期,剩余的飛機將按照TARMAC Aerosave獨特的工藝流程進行拆解,實現約90%機身重量的回收率,遠超行業(yè)標準。
TARMAC Aerosave(蘇伊士持有其33.6%的股權)與空中客車公司和成都市
共同成立中國首家飛機全生命周期服務項目合作公司 ©Tarmac Aerosave
關于 TARMAC Aerosave
TARMAC Aerosave先后于2007年在塔布(法國)、2013年在特魯埃爾(西班牙)、2017年在圖盧茲-弗朗卡薩爾(法國)成立。公司擁有歐洲最大容量的飛機和發(fā)動機存放能力,并具備深厚的飛機維護、改裝和回收專業(yè)知識。公司運營的三處站點可容納超過280架飛機,而其維護業(yè)務則涵蓋主流商用飛機平臺(空客、波音、ATR)。公司配套的一座專業(yè)化的發(fā)動機車間還負責CFM56和LEAP發(fā)動機的存放、改裝、拆卸和維修。TARMAC Aerosave推行環(huán)保工藝,持續(xù)開發(fā)獲ISO 14001認證的先進拆解和回收技術,機身回收率超過90%。TARMAC Aerosave還擁有ISO 9001、EN 9110和EN 9120認證,亦是獲得EASA/FAA Part 145和EASA Part 147認可的機構。得益于穩(wěn)固的股東架構(空中客車、賽峰飛機發(fā)動機、蘇伊士),TARMAC Aerosave目前已托管逾1430架飛機,再交付超過970架飛機,并已完成345架飛機和190臺發(fā)動機的拆除工作。
面對日益嚴峻的環(huán)境挑戰(zhàn),160多年來,蘇伊士集團一直致力于提供保障和改善民生的基礎服務,并憑借其創(chuàng)新且富有韌性的解決方案,為客戶提供水務和固廢服務。集團在40個國家的4萬名員工積極賦能客戶,為客戶在資產和服務的全生命周期內創(chuàng)造價值并推動低碳轉型。2022年,蘇伊士集團為全球6800萬人生產飲用水,為3700多萬人提供環(huán)衛(wèi)服務;通過污水和固廢處理轉化生產3.7太瓦時的能源,并避免400萬噸二氧化碳的排放。蘇伊士集團的營收為90億歐元。更多資訊請瀏覽官網: www.suez.com 或關注推特 @suez.
蘇伊士約70年前進入亞洲市場,起步于東南亞,繼而擴展至中國的發(fā)展也近50年。蘇伊士在亞洲有逾6500名員工,已建成超過 600 座水廠和污水處理廠。集團與各地伙伴合作為逾2500萬人和 19個工業(yè)園區(qū)提供水務和固廢資源管理服務。在中國,蘇伊士被公認為最具影響力的企業(yè)之一,也是引領亞洲環(huán)保行業(yè)的標桿。如今,蘇伊士與各地市政和工業(yè)客戶的合作項目遍布中國30多個主要城市和地區(qū),在澳門運營中國水務行業(yè)的第一個PPP項目,在上海運營亞洲最大的危廢處理設施之一,在重慶的投資逾40億元人民幣。
TARMAC Aerosave, Airbus the City of Chengdu
establish Airbus Lifecycle Services joint venture in China
TARMAC Aerosave, in which SUEZ holds a 33.6% stake, has partnered with Airbus and the City of Chengdu have established Airbus Lifecycle Services, a Joint Venture for the first aircraft lifecycle services centre in China. The facility will offer aircraft storage, maintenance, dismantling and recycling services.
Airbus Lifecycle Services will cover a range of activities from aircraft parking and storage, to maintenance, upgrades, conversions, dismantling and recycling services for various aircraft types.
The announcement follows an initial Memorandum of Understanding signed in January 2022. Entry into service of the new centre is scheduled around the turn of this year. The facility will cover a surface area of 717,000 square metres and a storage capacity of 125 aircraft. It will be embedded in a complete ecosystem with an adjacent aviation industry park hosting aerospace manufacturing and services companies in Shuangliu District, Chengdu.
In addition to providing technical expertise, TARMAC Aerosave is also in charge of recruiting part of the local team, notably the production, quality and HSE (Health Safety Environment) positions.
“This new centre in Chengdu fits perfectly into Airbus' approach to environmental responsibility across the entire aircraft lifecycle. Aircraft storage, maintenance, upgrades and dismantling will all take place under one roof. We are very pleased to be working with our strong and experienced partners TARMAC Aerosave and the City of Chengdu to develop the first lifecycle services centre of this kind in China and its range of services," says Cristina Aguilar, Airbus SVP Customer Services.
"TARMAC Aerosave is the only one-stop-shop in the world that manages the entire life cycle of the aircraft, thanks to a unique dismantling process. We are therefore particularly proud to bring this exclusivity to the Chengdu centre through Airbus Lifecycle Services. We have imagined and designed it together in line with our modern and sustainable processes. We would like to thank Airbus, our historical shareholder, and Chengdu for their trust", said Alexandre Brun, President of TARMAC Aerosave.
75 percent of the aircraft stored in the centre will be transitioned into a second lifecycle. The remaining aircraft will be dismantled with the unique TARMAC Aerosave process, reusing and recycling around 90 percent of the aircraft weight, far exceeding industry standards.
TARMAC Aerosave, in which SUEZ holds a 33.6% stake, has partnered with Airbus and the City of Chengdu
establish Airbus Lifecycle Services joint venture in China. ©Tarmac Aerosave
About SUEZ
Faced with growing environmental challenges, SUEZ has been delivering essential services that protect and improve our quality of life for more than 160 years. SUEZ provides its customers with innovative and resilient solutions for water and waste services. With 40 000 employees across 40 countries, the Group works with customers to create value over the full lifecycle of their assets and services, and to drive their low carbon transition. In 2022, SUEZ provided drinking water for 68 million people worldwide and sanitation services for more than 37 million people. The Group generated 3.7 TWh of energy from waste and wastewater and avoided 4 million tons of CO2 emissions. SUEZ generates revenues of 9 billion euros. For more information: www.suez.com / Twitter @suez
SUEZ in Asia
In Asia, SUEZ’s journey began some 70 years ago, first in Southeast Asia before expanding to China nearly 50 years ago. With 6,500+ employees across Asia, SUEZ has built over 600 water and wastewater treatment plants. Together with our local partners, we also provide water and waste recycling and recovery services to 25+ million people and 19 industrial parks across the country. SUEZ is recognized as one of the most influential companies in China and a service benchmark for leading Asia’s environmental industry. Today, SUEZ works with municipal and industrial customers in more than 30 major cities and regions across China, manages China’s first PPP water contract in Macao, operates one of Asia's largest hazardous waste treatment facilities in Shanghai, and has invested over RMB 4 billion in Chongqing.