GUO Bo,TIAN Yu,FAN Chen,et al. Sludge Conditioning by Green Iron Nanoparticles/H2O2 Combined with Amphoteric Dewatering Agent [J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(13):62-67.點擊復制
中國給水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU] 卷: 第36卷 期數: 2020年第13期 頁碼: 62-67 欄目: 出版日期: 2020-07-01
Sludge Conditioning by Green Iron Nanoparticles/H2O2 Combined with Amphoteric Dewatering Agent
Author(s):GUO Bo,TIAN Yu,FAN Chen,ZHANG Lei
(College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China)
關鍵詞:類芬頓; 污泥; 兩性高分子聚合物; 脫水劑; 綠色合成; 納米鐵
Fenton-like; sludge; amphoteric polymer; dewatering agent; green synthesis; iron nanoparticle
摘要:針對污水處理廠污泥脫水難度大的問題,采用綠色合成納米鐵(GS-Fe-NPs)/H2O2類芬頓試劑聯合兩性高分子污泥脫水劑調理污泥。考察了H2O2投加量、初始pH值、溫度、反應時間和GS-Fe-NPs投加量對類芬頓氧化調理污泥的影響。結果表明,當污泥初始pH值為6.82(未經調節(jié))、H2O2和GS-Fe--NPs的投加量分別為3.0和1.0 g/L、溫度為20 ℃、反應時間為1 h時,離心后污泥含水率可降至70.3%;經調理后污泥上清液中的溶解性化學需氧量(SCOD)、多糖和蛋白質分別增加了8.8、13.2和13.9倍,表明胞外聚合物(EPS)得到了有效破解;相同操作條件下,3個處理系統中羥基自由基(·OH)的相對含量從大到小依次為:GS-Fe-NPs/H2O2>納米零價鐵(nZVI)/H2O2>Fe2+/H2O2,可見GS-Fe-NPs/H2O2體系具有更強的氧化能力。向氧化調理后的污泥中投加脫水劑PADS,可以進一步有效改善污泥的脫水性能。
Abstract:Aiming at the difficult problem of sludge dewatering in wastewater treatment plants, Fenton-like reagent[green synthetic iron nanoparitcles (GS-Fe-NPs)/H2O2] combined with amphoteric polymer sludge dewatering agent was used to condition the sludge.The influences of?H2O2 dosage, initial pH value, temperature, reaction time and?GS-Fe-NPs dosage on conditioning of sludge by the Fentonlike oxidization were investigated. When sludge initial pH was 6.82 (not adjusted), dosages of?GS-Fe-NPs and?H2O2 were 1.0 g/L and 3.0 g/L, temperature was 20 ℃ and reaction time was 1 hour, the sludge water content could be reduced to 70.3% after centrifugation. At the same time, the soluble COD (SCOD), polysaccharide and protein in the sludge supernatant increased by 8.8, 13.2 and 13.9 times respectively after conditioning, indicating that extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) of the sludge was effectively destroyed. Under the same operational conditions, the relative contents of hydroxyl radical (·OH) in the three treatment systems were measured, and the relative content from large to small wasGS-Fe-NPs/H2O2>nZVI/H2O2>Fe2+/H2O2, suggesting that the system of GS-Fe-NPs/H2O2 had the strongest oxidation capacity. It could further improve the dewatering performance of sludge effectively by adding dewatering agent PADS to the conditioned sludge.
LIU Chang qing,CHEN Wan,ZENG Yi fang,et al.Hydrogen Production Capacity of Semi continuous Fermentation of SARD and CSTR Bio hydrogen Production Reactor[J].China Water & Wastewater,2018,34(13):7.
XU Jin,FAN Zhun,L Qiu-ying,et al.Characteristics of Hydrothermal Carbonization Products of Municipal Sludge in Mountainous Cities[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(13):21.
LI Jin-he,ZHANG Bo-tao,LIU Bao-yu,et al.Optimal Reaction Temperature in Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Waste Activated Sludge and Its Promotion Mechanism[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(13):9.
WANG Li-hua,Lü Guo-jun,WANG Fei,et al.Research on Energy Saving and Consumption Reduction of Sludge Drying and Incineration System[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(13):29.
JI Sha-sha,HUANG Jin.Phosphorus Forms Distribution and Migration in Sludge Incineration Project[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(13):26.
MA Cai-xia,LIU Lei,LI Bi-qing,et al.Effect of Enhanced Chemical Leaching on Heavy Metal Dissolution and Phosphorus Release from Sludge[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(13):66.
LI Wei,CHANG Jing,WANG Jia-wei,et al.Sludge Disinfection, Reduction and Energy Recovery by Anaerobic Digestion with Thermal Hydrolysis Pretreatment[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(13):19.
HU Pei-pei,HOU Feng,FAN Ying,et al.Aerobic Fermentation Process of Deep Dewatering Sludge[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(13):74.
QI Li-ge-wa,LI Wei,GAO Jin-hua,et al.Research Progress on High-solids Anaerobic Digestion of Sewage Sludge[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(13):14.
更新日期/Last Update: 2020-07-01
GUO Bo,TIAN Yu,FAN Chen,et al. Sludge Conditioning by Green Iron Nanoparticles/H2O2 Combined with Amphoteric Dewatering Agent [J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(13):62-67.
中國給水排水[ISSN:1000-4062/CN:12-1073/TU] 卷: 第36卷 期數: 2020年第13期 頁碼: 62-67 欄目: 出版日期: 2020-07-01
- Title:
Sludge Conditioning by Green Iron Nanoparticles/H2O2 Combined with Amphoteric Dewatering Agent
- 作者:
- 郭波,田瑜,范晨,張磊
- (太原理工大學環(huán)境科學與工程學院,山西太原030024)
- Author(s):
(College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China)
- 關鍵詞:
- 類芬頓; 污泥; 兩性高分子聚合物; 脫水劑; 綠色合成; 納米鐵
- Keywords:
- 摘要:
- 針對污水處理廠污泥脫水難度大的問題,采用綠色合成納米鐵(GS-Fe-NPs)/H2O2類芬頓試劑聯合兩性高分子污泥脫水劑調理污泥?疾炝H2O2投加量、初始pH值、溫度、反應時間和GS-Fe-NPs投加量對類芬頓氧化調理污泥的影響。結果表明,當污泥初始pH值為6.82(未經調節(jié))、H2O2和GS-Fe--NPs的投加量分別為3.0和1.0 g/L、溫度為20 ℃、反應時間為1 h時,離心后污泥含水率可降至70.3%;經調理后污泥上清液中的溶解性化學需氧量(SCOD)、多糖和蛋白質分別增加了8.8、13.2和13.9倍,表明胞外聚合物(EPS)得到了有效破解;相同操作條件下,3個處理系統中羥基自由基(·OH)的相對含量從大到小依次為:GS-Fe-NPs/H2O2>納米零價鐵(nZVI)/H2O2>Fe2+/H2O2,可見GS-Fe-NPs/H2O2體系具有更強的氧化能力。向氧化調理后的污泥中投加脫水劑PADS,可以進一步有效改善污泥的脫水性能。
- Abstract:
- Aiming at the difficult problem of sludge dewatering in wastewater treatment plants, Fenton-like reagent[green synthetic iron nanoparitcles (GS-Fe-NPs)/H2O2] combined with amphoteric polymer sludge dewatering agent was used to condition the sludge.The influences of?H2O2 dosage, initial pH value, temperature, reaction time and?GS-Fe-NPs dosage on conditioning of sludge by the Fentonlike oxidization were investigated. When sludge initial pH was 6.82 (not adjusted), dosages of?GS-Fe-NPs and?H2O2 were 1.0 g/L and 3.0 g/L, temperature was 20 ℃ and reaction time was 1 hour, the sludge water content could be reduced to 70.3% after centrifugation. At the same time, the soluble COD (SCOD), polysaccharide and protein in the sludge supernatant increased by 8.8, 13.2 and 13.9 times respectively after conditioning, indicating that extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) of the sludge was effectively destroyed. Under the same operational conditions, the relative contents of hydroxyl radical (·OH) in the three treatment systems were measured, and the relative content from large to small wasGS-Fe-NPs/H2O2>nZVI/H2O2>Fe2+/H2O2, suggesting that the system of GS-Fe-NPs/H2O2 had the strongest oxidation capacity. It could further improve the dewatering performance of sludge effectively by adding dewatering agent PADS to the conditioned sludge.
LIU Chang qing,CHEN Wan,ZENG Yi fang,et al.Hydrogen Production Capacity of Semi continuous Fermentation of SARD and CSTR Bio hydrogen Production Reactor[J].China Water & Wastewater,2018,34(13):7.
XU Jin,FAN Zhun,L Qiu-ying,et al.Characteristics of Hydrothermal Carbonization Products of Municipal Sludge in Mountainous Cities[J].China Water & Wastewater,2020,36(13):21.
LI Jin-he,ZHANG Bo-tao,LIU Bao-yu,et al.Optimal Reaction Temperature in Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Waste Activated Sludge and Its Promotion Mechanism[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(13):9.
WANG Li-hua,Lü Guo-jun,WANG Fei,et al.Research on Energy Saving and Consumption Reduction of Sludge Drying and Incineration System[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(13):29.
JI Sha-sha,HUANG Jin.Phosphorus Forms Distribution and Migration in Sludge Incineration Project[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(13):26.
MA Cai-xia,LIU Lei,LI Bi-qing,et al.Effect of Enhanced Chemical Leaching on Heavy Metal Dissolution and Phosphorus Release from Sludge[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(13):66.
LI Wei,CHANG Jing,WANG Jia-wei,et al.Sludge Disinfection, Reduction and Energy Recovery by Anaerobic Digestion with Thermal Hydrolysis Pretreatment[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(13):19.
HU Pei-pei,HOU Feng,FAN Ying,et al.Aerobic Fermentation Process of Deep Dewatering Sludge[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(13):74.
QI Li-ge-wa,LI Wei,GAO Jin-hua,et al.Research Progress on High-solids Anaerobic Digestion of Sewage Sludge[J].China Water & Wastewater,2021,37(13):14.
更新日期/Last Update: 2020-07-01