姓名 | 陳超![]() |
性別 | 男 |
生日 | 1977.8.26 |
學(xué)歷 | 博士 |
職稱 | 副研究員 |
電話/傳真 | 010-62781779 |
電子郵箱 | chen_water@tsinghua.edu.cn |
單位 | 清華大學(xué)環(huán)境學(xué)院,飲用水安全教研所 |
姓名 | 陳超 |
性別 | 男 |
生日 | 1977.8.26 |
學(xué)歷 | 博士 |
職稱 | 副研究員 |
電話/傳真 | 010-62781779 |
電子郵箱 | chen_water@tsinghua.edu.cn |
單位 | 清華大學(xué)環(huán)境學(xué)院飲用水安全教研所、清華蘇州環(huán)境創(chuàng)新研究院 |
2002.9-2005.7 清華大學(xué) 市政工程 博士
1999.9-2002.3 山東大學(xué) 環(huán)境工程 碩士
1995.9-1999.7 山東工業(yè)大學(xué) 環(huán)境工程 學(xué)士
2017.3-今 清華蘇州環(huán)境創(chuàng)新研究院 環(huán)境風(fēng)險與應(yīng)急研究中心主任、應(yīng)急團隊負責人
2007.12-今 清華大學(xué)環(huán)境學(xué)院 教師、博士生導(dǎo)師
2012.3-2013.2 美國加州大學(xué)洛杉磯分校 訪問學(xué)者(國家留學(xué)基金委資助)
2005.7-2007.11 清華大學(xué)環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程系 博士后(獲校優(yōu)秀博士后稱號)
2015.8--今 國際水協(xié)(International Water Association) 戰(zhàn)略委員會委員
2011.8—今 國際水協(xié)(International Water Association) 水環(huán)境嗅味專業(yè)委員會委員
2005.10--今 國際水協(xié)(International Water Association) 消毒專業(yè)委員會委員、秘書長
2004.12--今 國際水協(xié)(International Water Association) 會員
2006.8-2008.7 國際水協(xié)(International Water Association) 青年委員會委員
2008.8-2010.7 國際水協(xié)(International Water Association) 青年委員會顧問
2010.9--今 美國化學(xué)學(xué)會(American Chemistry Society) 會員
2005.10--今 美國水工業(yè)學(xué)會(American Water Works Association) 會員
2012.6-2017 中國水處理青年委員會(China YWP) 常務(wù)委員
2013.8--今 中國飲用水深度處理研究會 理事
2014.6--今 中國環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)會(Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences)高級會員
2006.4--今 中國微生物學(xué)會(Chinese Society for Microbiology) 會員
2011-2013 Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering Responsible editor
1. 應(yīng)對水源突發(fā)污染的城市供水應(yīng)急處理技術(shù)
2. 消毒技術(shù)開發(fā)和消毒副產(chǎn)物控制
3. 飲用水管網(wǎng)水質(zhì)穩(wěn)定性
針對強致癌物亞硝胺,識別出我國存在較高的飲用水亞硝胺新興消毒副產(chǎn)物風(fēng)險(Water Res., 2016),引起了國內(nèi)外的廣泛關(guān)注;首次開發(fā)了基于極性快速分析法(PRAM)的亞硝胺前體物解析技術(shù)(Water Res., 2014),揭示了亞硝胺前體物的基本結(jié)構(gòu)特性:同時具有正電性和非極性,該方法具有針對性強、操作簡便、質(zhì)控可靠等優(yōu)點,有望成為一項通用研究工具;根據(jù)前體物解析研究結(jié)果,研究確定了臭氧-(生物)活性炭是現(xiàn)階段的最佳可行控制技術(shù),可同時控制亞硝胺、三鹵甲烷和鹵乙酸(Sci. Tot. Environ., 2013; J. AWWA, 2014; 2015; 2017),揭示了不同工藝去除前體物的機理(Water Res., 2015),研究了生物降解亞硝胺前體物的過程(Chemosphere, 2015);首次開發(fā)了基于陽離子交換的前體物處理技術(shù)和濃縮工具(J. Env. Sci., 2017);發(fā)現(xiàn)黑臭水體存在較高亞硝胺前體物,識別出福美鋅等新型亞硝胺前體物(Chemosphere, 2016),為應(yīng)對亞硝胺風(fēng)險和篩查風(fēng)險污染物提供了技術(shù)儲備。
與張曉健教授合作建立了城市供水應(yīng)急處理技術(shù)體系,該體系包括活性炭吸附、化學(xué)沉淀、氧化/還原、強化消毒、曝氣吹脫和藻類綜合處理等6類關(guān)鍵技術(shù),覆蓋飲用水標準中絕大部分100多種污染物(Environ. Sci. & Technol., 2011);率先獲得了數(shù)十種有機污染物的活性炭吸附特性,首次突破了自來水廠應(yīng)對重金屬嚴重超標水源水的化學(xué)沉淀處理技術(shù)和應(yīng)對揮發(fā)性污染物的曝氣吹脫技術(shù);初步建立了有機物的應(yīng)急吸附、吹脫性能的預(yù)測模型(SAR & QSAR in Environ. Res. 2015; J. Environ. Sci., 2016);與其他單位合作開發(fā)了應(yīng)急處理導(dǎo)試水廠、移動式應(yīng)急藥劑投加系統(tǒng)等關(guān)鍵設(shè)備。研究藻類死亡過程中硫醇硫醚類惡臭物質(zhì)的釋放機理,為太湖水危機事故原因判斷、高藻水處理技術(shù)開發(fā)提供依據(jù)(J. Hat. Mat., 2010,高被引論文)。在應(yīng)急技術(shù)的系統(tǒng)性和理論深度、處理對象的覆蓋范圍、工藝實施的快速高效和穩(wěn)定性等方面獲得了重大突破,經(jīng)鑒定達到國際領(lǐng)先水平。參與了2005年松花江硝基苯污染、2007年無錫太湖水危機、2008年汶川地震、2012年廣西龍江河鎘污染、2014年蘭州自來水苯超標、2015年天津港爆炸事故、2015年廣元應(yīng)對銻污染應(yīng)急供水、2018年河南南陽淇河污染等重大事件應(yīng)急工作,多次擔任住建部或環(huán)保部專家組成員,大大提高供水行業(yè)面對水源突發(fā)污染事故時的應(yīng)急處理能力。
共負責國家級課題5項(水專項1項、科技支撐1項、國家自然基金面上項目2項和青年項目1項)、子課題1項,清華自主科研項目2項。發(fā)表SCI 論文60多篇,EI 論文30多篇,國際會議口頭報告40多篇,參編專著9部,申請專利21項(已授權(quán)15項),所負責課題指導(dǎo)了7座大型示范工程的建設(shè),應(yīng)急供水保障能力達到715萬m3/d,研究成果被央視、《科技日報》、《中國環(huán)境報》、《南方周末》等媒體多次報道。
現(xiàn)任國際水協(xié)(IWA)戰(zhàn)略委員會委員、消毒專業(yè)委員會秘書長、水環(huán)境嗅味專業(yè)委員會委員、中國環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)會高級會員、中國深度處理研究會理事等職務(wù)。曾獲2015年環(huán)境保護科技進步一等獎(第10位)、山東省科技進步二等獎(第4位)、2014年華夏建設(shè)科技三等獎(第2位)、2009年華夏建設(shè)科技二等獎(第3位),受邀成為國際消毒副產(chǎn)物領(lǐng)域頂尖會議Gordon DBP Conference 2015年會議的Discussion Leader和2017年會議的特邀發(fā)言人、2018年IWA D&DBP conference大會組委會主席和特邀發(fā)言人,在2017年香山科學(xué)會議、2017年東方科技論壇上做大會報告。
1. 水環(huán)境中亞硝胺前體物的微生物代謝來源機制假說的驗證研究. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目. 2018.1-2020.12. 負責人
2. 基于極性快速分析法的亞硝胺前體物解析技術(shù)體系研究與應(yīng)用. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目. 2015.1-2018.12. 負責人
3. 突發(fā)事件供水短期暴露風(fēng)險與應(yīng)急管控技術(shù)研究. 國家十二五重大科技專項. 2015.1-2016.12. 子課題負責人
4. 自來水廠應(yīng)急凈化處理技術(shù)及工藝體系研究與示范課題. 國家十一五重大科技專項. 2008.9-2012.8. 負責人
5. 高藻水源水飲用水處理技術(shù)與工藝研究及示范課題. 國家十一五科技支撐計劃. 2007.8-2011.4. 負責人
6. 飲用水系統(tǒng)復(fù)雜生物相條件下微生物的消毒抵抗特性和控制技術(shù)機理. 國家自然科學(xué)基金青年基金項目. 2008.1-2010.12. 負責人
7. 水中痕量亞硝胺前體物富集和解析方法的開發(fā). 清華大學(xué)-阿爾伯塔大學(xué)聯(lián)合科研基金. 2017.1-12.負責人
8. 飲用水新興消毒副產(chǎn)物前體物的解析技術(shù)和控制機理研究. 清華大學(xué)自主科研項目. 2014.1-2016.12 負責人
9. 亞硝胺前體物的微生物來源解析. 國家環(huán)境模擬與污染控制重點聯(lián)合實驗室自由探索課題. 2016-2018. 負責人
10. 生物活性炭濾池對亞硝胺前體物的物理吸附和生物作用機理研究. 國家環(huán)境模擬與污染控制重點聯(lián)合實驗室開放課題. 2016-2018. 副組長
11. The nitrosamine threat in the drinking water supply system and the assessment of water treatment process. National Geographic Air and Water Conservation Fund. 2016-2017. Principal Investigator.
12. Controlling the formation of nitrosamines during water treatment. Water Research Foundation 4370. USA. 2012-2014. Investigator.
13. 飲用水亞硝胺類消毒副產(chǎn)物的關(guān)鍵前體物識別與控制技術(shù)研究. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目. 2010-2013. 研究骨干
14. 南水北調(diào)京津受水區(qū)供水安全保障技術(shù)研究與示范. 國家十二五重大科技專項. 2012-2014. 研究骨干.
15. 河流突發(fā)鉈、銻污染事件應(yīng)急處置技術(shù)研究. 環(huán)保部科技計劃項目. 2012-2014. 研究骨干
16. 城市供水應(yīng)急預(yù)案研究與示范. 國家十一五重大科技專項. 2009-2011. 研究骨干
17. 內(nèi)外源污染引起供水管網(wǎng)水質(zhì)變化的機理和處理技術(shù). 科技部國際合作項目. 2010-2013. 研究骨干.
18. 給水管網(wǎng)化學(xué)穩(wěn)定特性研究與控制技術(shù). 863計劃滾動支持. 2011-2013. 研究骨干
19. 飲用水源與水環(huán)境污染評估及應(yīng)對措施課題. 環(huán)保部專項汶川特大地震環(huán)境評估. 2008.5-2010.11. 研究骨干
20. 微污染水處理技術(shù)研究與裝置開發(fā)課題. 十一五科技支撐課題. 2007.1-2010.12. 研究骨干
21. 給水管網(wǎng)水穩(wěn)定性控制技術(shù)研究與應(yīng)用課題. 十一五863計劃課題. 2007-2009. 研究骨干
22. 城市安全供水應(yīng)急凈化技術(shù)方案研究課題. 環(huán)保部專項松花江污染環(huán)境評估. 2006.1-11. 研究骨干
23. 給水管網(wǎng)中鐵穩(wěn)定性控制機理研究. 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目. 2006-2008. 研究骨干
24. 安全消毒技術(shù)和消毒二次污染控制課題. 十五863北方安全飲用水保障技術(shù)項目. 2003-2005. 研究骨干
25. 水質(zhì)安全凈化新理論新技術(shù). 國家自然基金重大項目. 2003-2006. 研究骨干
26. 城市供水系統(tǒng)應(yīng)急技術(shù)研究項目. 建設(shè)部計劃項目 2006-2007. 研究骨干
27. 東莞市城市供水安全保障技術(shù)研究. 建設(shè)部計劃項目 2006.1-2007.3. 研究骨干
1. 2015年,汶川特大地震災(zāi)后環(huán)境安全評估及應(yīng)對措施,環(huán)境保護科學(xué)技術(shù)獎一等獎(第10位)
2. 2015年,城市供水系統(tǒng)突發(fā)污染監(jiān)測預(yù)警及應(yīng)急處理技術(shù)研究與應(yīng)用,山東省科技進步二等獎(第4位)
3. 2015年,Eni Award提名,Italian
4. 2014年,應(yīng)對突發(fā)水源污染的自來水廠應(yīng)急凈化技術(shù)、關(guān)鍵設(shè)備及工程設(shè)計,華夏建設(shè)科技三等獎(第2位)
5. 2010年,中國環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)會青年科技獎
6. 2010年,飲用水水質(zhì)保障污染物應(yīng)急處理技術(shù)導(dǎo)則,北京市水務(wù)科技二等獎(第3位)
7. 2009年,應(yīng)對水源突發(fā)性污染的城市供水應(yīng)急處理技術(shù)研究,華夏建設(shè)科技二等獎(第3位)
8. 2009年,清華大學(xué)優(yōu)秀博士后(全校僅10名)
9. 2008年,全國五一勞動獎狀(集體獎成員)
10. 2008年,首都勞動獎狀(集體獎成員)
11. 2007年,清華大學(xué)先進集體(集體獎成員,第3位)
12. 2002年,山東省科技進步一等獎(第6位)
1. Li S.X., Shu Y.Y., Tang X., Lin P.F., Wang J., Zhang X.J., Chen C*. Reaction patterns of NDMA precursors during the sequential chlorination process of short-term free chlorination and monochloramination. Separation and Purification Technology. 2018, 204: 196–204.
2. Fu H., Li X.B., Wang J., Lin P.F., Chen C.*, Zhang X.J., Suffet I.H.M. Activated carbon adsorption of quinolone antibiotics in water: Performance, mechanism, and modeling. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2017, 56: 145-152.
3. Li S.X., Zhang X.L., Bei E., Yue H.H., Lin P.F., Wang J., Zhang X.J., Chen C.*. Capability of cation exchange technology to remove proven N-nitrosodimethylamine precursors. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2017. 58, 331-339. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2017.04.007
4. Liao X.B., Chen C.*, Yuan B.L.*, Wang J., Zhang X.J. Control of Nitrosamines, THMs, and HAAs in Heavily Impacted Water With O3-BAC. Journal of American Water Works Association. 2017, 109, 6: E3-13. https://doi.org/10.5942/jawwa.2017.109.0057
5. Yao WK, Qu QY, von Gunten U, Chen C, Yu G, Wang YJ. Comparison of methylisoborneol and geosmin abatement in surface water by conventional ozonation and an electro-peroxone process. Water Research. 2017, 108: 373-382.
6. Bei E., Liao X.B., Meng X.T., Li S.X., Wang J., Sheng D.Y., Chao M., Chen Z.H., Zhang X.J., Chen C.*. Identification of nitrosamine precursors from urban drainage during storm events: A case study in southern China. Chemosphere. 2016, 160, 323-331.
7. Bei E., Shu Y.Y., Li S.X., Wang J., Zhang X.J., Chen C*., Krasner S.W. Occurrence of nitrosamines and their precursors in drinking water systems around mainland China. Water Research. 2016, 98: 168-175.
8. Han Ding, Xin Shen, Chao Chen*, Xiaojian Zhang. Molecular dynamics simulations of simple aromatic compounds adsorption on single-walled carbon nanotubes. RSC Advances, 2016, DOI: 10.1039/C6RA12644H
9. Han Ding, Xin Li, Jun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang, Chao Chen*. Adsorption of chlorophenols from aqueous solutions by pristine and surface functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2016, 43: 187-198. 封面文章
10. Ding, H.; Chen, C*.; Zhang, X. Linear solvation energy relationship for the adsorption of synthetic organic compounds on single-walled carbon nanotubes in water. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research. 2016, 27, 1: 31-45.
11. Li X., Lin P.F., Wang J., Liu Y.Y., Li Y., Zhang X.J., Chen C.*. Treatment technologies and mechanisms for three odorants at trace level: IPMP, IBMP, and TCA. Environmental Technology. 2016, 37, 3: 308–315, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09593330.2015.1069405
12. Liao, XB; Zou, RS; Chen, C; Yuan, BL; Zhou, ZM; Ma, HF; Zhang, XJ. Biomass development in GAC columns receiving influents with different levels of nutrients. Water Science and Technology-Water Supply. 2016. 16, 4: 1024-1032. DOI: 10.2166/ws.2016.016
13. Mi Zilong, Zhang Xiaojian, Chen Chao*. Iron release in drinking water distribution systems by feeding desalinated seawater: characteristics and control. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2016, 57: 9728–9735. DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2015.1031706
14. Mi, Zilong; Dai, Yu; Xie, Shuguang, Chao Chen; Xiaojian Zhang. Impact of disinfection on drinking water biofilm bacterial community. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2015, 37: 200-205.
15. Li X., Wang J., Liu Y.Y., Shi J., Zhang X.J., Chen C.* Odorant screening and possible origin analysis of odor episodes in one reservoir in northern China. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology—AQUA. 2015, 64, 7: 847-856.
16. Xin LI, Jun WANG, Xiaojian ZHANG, Chao CHEN*, Yuefeng XIE, I. H. (Mel) SUFFET. Powdered activated carbon adsorption of two fishy odorants in water: trans,trans-2,4-heptadienal and trans,trans-2,4-decadienal. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2015, 32, 15-25. DOI:10.1016/j.jes.2015.01.001.
17. Wang C.K., Liu S.M., Wang J., Zhang X.J., Chen C*. Monthly survey of N-nitrosamines yield in a conventional water treatment plant in North China. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2015, 38: 142-149. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2015.05.025.
18. Liao XB, Bei E, Li SX, Ouyang YY, Wang J, Chen C*, Zhang XJ, Krasner SW and Suffet M. Applying the Polarity Rapid Assessment Method to Characterize Nitrosamine Precursors and to Understand Their Removal by Drinking Water Treatment Processes. Water Research. 2015, 87: 292-298
19. Xiaobin Liao, Chao Chen*, Shuguang Xie, David Hanigan, Jun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang, Paul Westerhoff, Stuart W. Krasner. Nitrosamine Precursor Removal by BAC: Adsorption versus Biotreatment Case Study. Journal of American Water Works Association. 2015, 107, 9: E454-463. DOI: 10.5942/jawwa.2015.107.0123
20. Xiaobin Liao#, Chao Chen#, Jingxu Zhang, Yu Dai, Xiaojian Zhang, Shuguang Xie. Operational performance, biomass and microbial community structure: impacts of backwashing on drinking water biofilter. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 2015, 22:546–554. DOI 10.1007/s11356-014-3393-7
21. Xiaobin Liao#, Chao Chen#, Zhao Wang, Chih-Hsiang Chang, Xiaojian Zhang, Shuguang Xie. Bacterial community change through drinking water treatment processes. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 2015, 12, 6:1867-1874. DOI: 10.1007/s13762-014-0540-0
22. Xiaobin Liao#, Chao Chen#, Jingxu Zhang, Yu Dai, Xiaojian Zhang, Shuguang Xie. Dimethylamine biodegradation by mixed culture enriched from drinking water biofilter. Chemosphere. 2015, 119: 935–940
23. Wu H.T., Zhang J.X., Mi Z.L., Xie S.G.*, Chen C.*, Zhang X.J.Biofilm bacterial communities in urban drinking water distribution systems transporting waters with different purification strategies. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2015. 99, 4: 1947-1955
24. Shuming Liu, Han Che, Kate Smith, Chao Chen. A method of detecting contamination events using multiple conventional water quality sensors. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2015; 187(1):4189
25. Pengfei Lin, Xiaojian Zhang, Jun Wang, Yani Zeng, Shuming Liu, Chao Chen*. Comparison of different combined treatment processes to address the source water with high concentration of natural organic matter during snowmelt period. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2015. 27: 51-58.
26. Pengfei Lin, Xiaojian Zhang, Hongwei Yang, Yong Li, Chao Chen*. Applying chemical sedimentation process in drinking water treatment plant to address the emergent arsenic spills in water sources. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering. 2015. 9(1):50-57.
27. Pengfei LIN, Yuan ZHANG, Xiaojian ZHANG, Chao CHEN*, Yuefeng XIE, I. H. (Mel) SUFFET. The influence of chlorinated aromatics' structure on their adsorption characteristics on activated carbon to tackle chemical spills in drinking water source. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2015, 9(1): 138–146.
28. WU Hui Ting, MI Zi Long, ZHANG Jing Xu, CHEN Chao* and XIE Shu Guang*. Bacterial Communities Associated with An Occurrence of Colored Water in An Urban Drinking Water Distribution System. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences. 2014, 27(8): 646-650.
29. Xiaobin Liao, Chengkun Wang, Jun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang, Chao Chen*, Stuart W. Krasner, and I. H. (Mel) Suffet. Nitrosamine Precursor and DOM Control in a Wastewater-Impacted Drinking Water. Journal of American Water Works Association. 2014, 106, 7: 307-318.
30. Chao Chen*, Shannon Leavey, Stuart W Krasner; Mel H Suffet, Applying Polarity Rapid Assessment Method and Ultrafiltration to Characterize NDMA Precursors in Wastewater Effluents. Water Research. 2014. 57: 115-126.
31. Xiaojian Zhang, Zilong Mi, Yang Wang, Shuming Liu Zhangbin Niu, Pinpin Lu, Jun Wang, Junnong Gu, Chao Chen*. A Red Water Occurrence in Drinking Water Distribution Systems Caused by Changes in Water Source in Beijing, China: Mechanism Analysis and Control Measures. Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering. 2014, 8, 3: 417-426. DOI 10.1007/s11783-013-0558-4
32. Pinpin Lu, Xiaojian Zhang, Chiqian Zhang, Zhangbin Niu, Shuguang Xie, Chao Chen*. Biostability in distribution systems in one city in southern China: characteristics, modeling and control strategy. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 2014; 26(2):323–331.
33. Shuo Feng, Chao Chen, Qingfeng Wang, Zhiyu Yang, Xiaojian Zhang, Shuguang Xie. Microbial community in a full-scale drinking water biosand filter. Journal of Environmental Biology. 2013, 34, 321-324.
34. S. Feng, C. Chen, Q. F. Wang, X. J. Zhang, Z. Y. Yang, S. G. Xie. Characterization of microbial communities in a granular activated carbon–sand dual media filter for drinking water treatment. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2013,10,5: 917-922.
35. Wang C.K., Zhang X.J., Wang J., Liu S.M., Chen C.*, Xie Y.F. Effects of organic fractions on the formation and control of N-nitrosamine precursors during conventional drinking water treatment processes. Science of the Total Environment. 2013, 449, 295-301
36. Wang C.K., Zhang X.J., Wang J., Chen C*. Factors controlling N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) formation from dissolved organic matter. Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2013. 7(2): 151-157.
37. Wang C.K., Zhang X.J., Wang J., Chen C*. Characterization of dissolved organic matter as N-nitrosamine precursors based on hydrophobicity, molecular weight and fluorescence. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 2013, 25(1). 85-95.
38. Pinpin Lu, Chao Chen, Qingfeng Wang, Zhao Wang, Xiaojian Zhang, Shuguang Xie. Phylogenetic diversity of microbial communities in real drinking water distribution systems. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering. 2013, 18: 119-124
39. Liao X.B., X.J. Zhang, J. Wang, C.K. Wang, C. Chen*. Combined conventional and O3-BAC process: a feasible solution for organic matters and antibiotics pollutants in a lake of East China. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 2013. 13, 6: 1470-1477.
40. Liao X. B. Chen C. Zhang X. J. Xie S. G. Changes of biomass and bacterial communities in biological activated carbon filters for drinking water treatment. Process Biochemistry. 2013, 48: 312-316.
41. Xiaobin Liao, Chao Chen, Zhao Wang, Rui Wan, Chih-Hsiang Chang, Xiaojian Zhang, Shuguang Xie. Pyrosequencing analysis of bacterial communities in drinking water biofilters receiving influents of different types. Process Biochemistry. 2013, 48: 703-707.
42. Meng, FL, Liu, SM, Ostfeld, A, Chen, C, Burchard-Levine, A. A deterministic approach for optimization of booster disinfection placement and operation for a water distribution system in Beijing. Journal of Hydroinfomatics. 2013, 15, 3: 1042-1058.
43. David Hanigan, Jinwei Zhang, Pierre Herckes, Stuart Krasner, Chao Chen, and Paul Westerhoff. Adsorption of N-Nitrosodimethylamine Precursors by Powdered and Granular Activated Carbon. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46 (22), 12630–12639.
44. Liao XB, Chen C, Chang CH, Wang Z, Zhang XJ, Xie SG. Heterogeneity of microbial community structures inside the up-flow biological activated carbon (BAC) filters for the treatment of drinking water. Biotechnol Bioprocess Eng. 2012, 17: 881–886.
45. Shuo Feng, Shuguang Xie, Xiaojian Zhang, Zhiyu Yang, Wei Ding, Xiaobin Liao, Yuanyuan Liu, Chao Chen*. Ammonium removal pathways and microbial community in GAC-sand dual media filter in drinking water treatment. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 2012, 24(8): 1-8.
46. Feng, S, Zhang, XJ, Wang, QF, Wan, R, Chen, C, Xie, SG. Heterogeneity of ammonia-oxidizing community structures in a pilot-scale drinking water biofilter. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2012, 70: 148-152.
47. Yuqiao Chen, Chao Chen*, Xiaojian Zhang, Qi Zheng and Yuanyuan Liu. Inactivation of persistent Mycobacteria mucogenicum in water: chlorine resistance and mechanism analysis. Biomed. Environ. Sci. 2012, 25(2): 230-237.
48. Wang C.K., Zhang X.J., Wang J., Chen C*. Detecting N-nitrosamines in water treatment plants and distribution systems in China using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering. 2012, 6(6): 770-777.
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65. C. Chen*, X. J. Zhang, Y. wang, L. Zhu and J. Liu. Waste water disinfection during SARS epidemic: aiming for microbiological and toxicological control. Biomed. Environ. Sci., 2006, 19: 173-178.
* Corresponding author
66. 張曉健、陳超. 第九章 應(yīng)急處理技術(shù). 見 郄燕秋、張金松主編. 凈水廠改擴建設(shè)計. 2017. 北京:中國建筑工業(yè)出版社.
67. 張悅、張曉健、陳超、董紅,城市供水系統(tǒng)應(yīng)急凈水技術(shù)指導(dǎo)手冊(第二版),2017,北京:中國建筑工業(yè)出版社.
68. 陳超、張曉健. 第十一章 受污染水源水處理技術(shù)和工藝. 見 魯文清等編著. 水污染與健康. 2015.12,武漢:湖北科技出版社.
69. Chao Chen, David Hanigan, Xiaobin Liao, Jun Wang Xiaojian Zhang, I. H. (Mel) Suffet, Stuart W. Krasner, Paul Westerhoff. pH Effect on Nitrosamine Precursors Removal by Activated Carbon Adsorption. In Tanju Kranfil, Paul Westerhoff, William Mitch and Yuefeng Xie, eds. Recent advances in Disinfection By-products. Chapter 10, pp 173-185. DOI: 10.1021/bk-2015-1190.ch010. Publication Date (Web): August 24, 2015. American Chemical Society.
70. 張曉健、陳超. 第二章 汶川地震災(zāi)區(qū)水環(huán)境與飲用水安全保障. 見 陳吉寧主著. 汶川特大地震災(zāi)后環(huán)境安全評價方法與實踐. 2012,北京:中國環(huán)境科學(xué)出版社.
71. 張曉健、林朋飛、陳超. 砷污染應(yīng)急處置技術(shù). 2010,北京:中國環(huán)境科學(xué)出版社
72. 張曉健、張悅、陳超、王歡、張素霞,城市供水系統(tǒng)應(yīng)急凈水技術(shù)指導(dǎo)手冊,2009,北京:中國建筑工業(yè)出版社.
73. 張曉健、陳超. 第九章 消毒. 見 何文杰、李偉光、張曉健、黃廷林、韓宏大編著,安全飲用水保障技術(shù),2006,北京:中國建筑工業(yè)出版社.
74. 數(shù)十位專家合編,地震災(zāi)區(qū)抗震救災(zāi)技術(shù)手冊,2008,北京:科學(xué)出版社.(本人負責應(yīng)急凈水技術(shù)部分)
75. 林朋飛;張曉健;陳超;汪雋; 含鉬廢水處理及飲用水應(yīng)急處理技術(shù)及工藝. 清華大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版). 2014, 5:613-618.
76. 米子龍;張曉健;陳超;汪雋. 淡化海水進入市政供水管網(wǎng)的鐵穩(wěn)定性. 清華大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版). 2014, 54, 10: 1333-1338
77. 廖曉斌,陳超,汪雋,張曉健.常規(guī)/臭氧生物活性炭去除有機物及亞硝胺前體物特性.清華大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版),2013, 53, 04:520-525.
78. 米子龍;張曉健;陸品品;陳超;汪雋;顧軍農(nóng). 硫酸根濃度突變對給水管網(wǎng)鐵釋放的影響. 清華大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版). 2013, 53, 05: 660-664.
79. 張智翔,廖曉斌,張曉健,陳超,謝曙光. 升流式生物活性炭系統(tǒng)中生物量、活性與凈水效果研究. 北京大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版). 2012. 49, 3: 504-508.
80. 李永紅,張偉,張曉健,陳超,汪雋. PAC及顆粒物對超濾膜有機物污染的影響[J], 清華大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版), 2010,50(9):1392-1395. EI: 20104113293645
81. 張偉,李永紅,陳超,張曉健,汪雋. 混凝/浸沒式超濾膜工藝處理微污染地表水的運行工況和處理效果研究, 清華大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版),2010,50(11):1885-1889. EI: 20111113755399
82. 李勇,張曉健,陳超,張曉慧,朱曉輝,戴吉勝. 臭氧活性炭去除水中硫醇類致嗅物質(zhì)的研究. 清華大學(xué)學(xué)報. 2009. 49(3): 390-392.EI: 20091311991098
83. 劉靜,陳超,張曉健,王洋. 兩點短時游離氯后轉(zhuǎn)氯胺的順序氯化消毒工藝研究. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2008, 29(12): 3368-3371. EI: 20090211846926
84. 劉靜,陳超,張曉健,張車瓊. 微生物殺滅效果試驗中的游離氯轉(zhuǎn)化研究. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2008, 29(11): 3054-3058. EI: 20085011775821
85. 李勇,陳超,張曉健, 張曉慧,朱曉輝,戴吉勝,許歡. 東江水中典型致嗅物質(zhì)的調(diào)查. 中國環(huán)境科學(xué). 2008, 28(11): 974-978. EI: 20085111794689
86. 李勇,陳超,張曉健,劉堯,張曉慧,朱曉輝,戴吉勝,許歡.飲用水中典型致嗅物質(zhì)去除技術(shù)研究.環(huán)境科學(xué),2008,11:3049-3053. EI: 20085011775820
87. 牛璋彬,王洋,張曉健,陳超,王生輝.給水管網(wǎng)中鐵釋放現(xiàn)象的影響因素研究[J].環(huán)境科學(xué),2007,10:2270-2274. EI, 074510909957
88. 王洋,牛璋彬,張曉健,陳超,何文杰,韓宏大.水源更換對給水管網(wǎng)水質(zhì)的影響研究[J].環(huán)境科學(xué),2007,10:2275-2279. EI, 074510909958
89. 陳超*,張曉健,朱玲俠,何文杰,韓宏大. 高藻期控制消毒副產(chǎn)物及前體物的優(yōu)化工藝組合. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2007, 28(12): 2722-2726. EI: 20080211013112
90. 張曉健,陳超*,何文杰,韓宏大,朱玲俠,王云,劉靜.順序氯化消毒工藝的研究. 中國環(huán)境科學(xué). 2006, 26(40): 454-458. EI: 20064110168922
91. 陳超*,張曉健,何文杰,韓宏大,朱玲俠,王云,劉靜. 順序氯化消毒工藝對衛(wèi)生學(xué)、消毒副產(chǎn)物和生物穩(wěn)定性的綜合控制. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2006, 27(1): 74-79. EI: 2006089716031
92. 王小文,張曉健,陳超,郝曉飛. 芳香類有機物生成氯化消毒副產(chǎn)物特性及其與化學(xué)結(jié)構(gòu)的關(guān)系. 環(huán)境科學(xué),2006, 27(7): 1603-1607. EI: 063710112252
93. 陳超*,張曉健,何文杰,韓宏大,朱玲俠. 控制消毒副產(chǎn)物及其前體物的優(yōu)化工藝組合. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2005, 26(4): 87-94. EI: 2005309266127
94. 陳超,劉揚,林朋飛,張曉健.新“水污染防治法”在保障供水安全方面的法制化建設(shè)成果. 中國給水排水.2017,33,20:11-19.
95. 張曉健, 陳超,謝繼步, 胡堅, 陳義春,陳愛民, 戴盛,顧煒,朱永林,劉柳. 自來水廠原水的調(diào)蓄與水質(zhì)控制. 中國給水排水, 2016, 32, 22:14-19(中國給水排水優(yōu)秀論文特等獎)
96. 李雪冰,付浩,林朋飛,汪雋,瞿強勇,陳超,張曉健. 水中典型磺胺類抗生素的活性炭吸附性質(zhì)探究. 給水排水. 2016,42,1: 36-41.
97. 潘正道,聶瑤,董理騰,陳超*,張曉健.應(yīng)對突發(fā)污染事故的城市供水應(yīng)急處理工程的成本效益分析初步研究. 給水排水, 2015, 41, 10:14-21.
98. 舒圓媛,王成坤,汪雋,張曉健,陳超*.含二甲胺結(jié)構(gòu)化合物消毒生成NDMA的特性研究[J].給水排水,2015, 41, 5:118-122.
99. 李雪冰,付浩,林朋飛,馬豫魯,瞿強勇,汪雋,陳超*,張曉健. pH值對活性炭吸附水中磺胺類抗生素的影響研究.中國給水排水, 2015, 31, 1:56-60.
100. 張曉健;廖曉斌;丁根寶;張智翔;董仁杰;謝曙光;汪雋;王成坤;陳超; 上向流O3-BAC工藝處理微污染湖泊水研究. 給水排水. 2014, 40: 增刊, 1-6
101. 林朋飛;張曉健;陳超.硫化物沉淀法在水源突發(fā)鋅污染中的應(yīng)用研究. 中國給水排水. 2014, 30, 11:48-51.
102. 米子龍; 鄔慧婷; 張曉健; 陳超; 李越. 低pH低堿度水源水引起供水管網(wǎng)黃水的控制措施. 中國給水排水. 2014
103. 米子龍,牛璋彬,張曉健,陳超.給水管網(wǎng)中鐵穩(wěn)定性問題綜合控制技術(shù)研究. 給水排水, 2013,09:149-154.
104. 米子龍,張曉健,鄔慧婷,陳超,汪雋.水源切換引發(fā)供水管網(wǎng)腐蝕產(chǎn)物釋放的控制對策[J].中國給水排水,2013,22:44-48
105. 米子龍,張曉健,王洋,陳超,顧軍農(nóng).磷酸鹽類緩蝕劑對給水管網(wǎng)鐵釋放的控制作用[J].中國給水排水,2013,23:52-55.
106. 鄭琦,陳超*,張曉健,陸品品,劉源源,陳雨喬.給水管網(wǎng)中耐氯分枝桿菌的滅活特性及機制研究[J].環(huán)境科學(xué),2013,02:576-582.
107. 陳超*;張曉健;董紅;顧軍農(nóng);陳國光;董玉蓮;盧益新;周圣東;馮桂學(xué);韓宏大;紀峰;陳宇敏;盛德洋;孫增峰. 自來水廠應(yīng)急凈化處理技術(shù)及工藝體系研究與示范. 給水排水. 2013, 39, 07: 9-12.
108. 張曉健; 陳超; 林朋飛. 應(yīng)對水源突發(fā)污染的城市供水應(yīng)急處理技術(shù)研究與應(yīng)用. 中國應(yīng)急管理 . 2013, 10: 11-17.
109. 林朋飛;張曉健;陳超;張車瓊. 凈水廠高錳酸鉀預(yù)處理工藝控制技術(shù)研究. 給水排水. 2013, 39, 08: 20-24.
110. 張曉健 林朋飛 陳 超等. 自來水廠應(yīng)急除錳凈水技術(shù)研究. 給水排水. 2013, 39, 12:27-31.
111. 張曉健; 陳超; 米子龍; 王成坤. 飲用水應(yīng)急除鎘凈水技術(shù)與廣西龍江河突發(fā)環(huán)境事件應(yīng)急處置. 給水排水. 2013, 39,01: 24-32.(《給水排水》雜志優(yōu)秀論文特等獎)
112. 馮碩; 張曉健; 陳超; 楊至瑜; 汪雋. 飲用水處理曝氣炭砂濾池工藝研究. 給水排水.2012, 38, 11:41-45.
113. 馮碩,張曉健,陳超,楊至瑜. 炭砂濾池在飲用水處理中的研究現(xiàn)狀及前景. 中國給水排水 2012, 04:16-19.
114. 丁衛(wèi); 盛德洋; 張曉健; 陳超; 馮碩; 楊至瑜; 楊蕊竹; 張建國. 活性碳-石英砂雙層濾池去除氨氮和亞硝酸鹽氮的特性. 凈水技術(shù), 2012,05:20-24.
115. 米子龍; 張曉健; 陳超; 陳沛君; 杜嘉丹. 淡化海水并網(wǎng)供水的管網(wǎng)鐵釋放控制技術(shù)研究. 中國給水排水. 2012,19:37-40. (《中國給水排水》雜志優(yōu)秀論文特等獎)
116. 米子龍; 張曉健; 王洋; 陳超; 顧軍農(nóng). 不同聚磷酸鹽投加量控制管網(wǎng)鐵釋放效果比較. 給水排水. 2012, S2:222-225.
117. 米子龍; 張曉健; 王洋; 陳超; 顧軍農(nóng). 調(diào)節(jié)pH值和堿度對給水管網(wǎng)鐵釋放的控制作用. 中國給水排水. 2012,38, 13:43-46.
118. 米子龍; 張曉健; 陳超; 陸品品; 汪雋; 鄔慧婷. 水源切換期用戶水質(zhì)跟蹤監(jiān)測及鐵穩(wěn)定性分析. 給水排水. 2012, 38, 03:151-155.
119. 米子龍,張曉健,陳超,陸品品,汪雋,顧軍農(nóng). 硫酸根和堿度變化對管網(wǎng)鐵釋放的影響. 中國給水排水 2012,38, 01:31-34
120. 陳雨喬,段曉笛,陸品品,王茜,張曉健,陳超*. 給水管網(wǎng)中耐氯性細菌的滅活特性研究. 環(huán)境科學(xué) 2012, 33(1), 104-109.
121. 楊至瑜,馮碩,張曉健,陳超,楊蕊竹,汪雋,周長青. 炭砂濾池去除有機物特性的研究. 給水排水 2012, 38, 01:25-29.
122. 張曉健,陳超. 自來水廠應(yīng)急凈化處理技術(shù)及工藝系統(tǒng)研究與示范. 建設(shè)科技. 2011,21:42-45.
123. 張曉健; 陳超. 應(yīng)對突發(fā)性水源污染的城市應(yīng)急供水的進展與展望. 給水排水. 2011, 387, 10:9-18.
124. 王成坤,張曉健,陳超*,汪雋. 水中痕量亞硝胺類消毒副產(chǎn)物的分析測試技術(shù). 給水排水. 2011, 37, 4:122-125.
125. 馮碩,張曉健,陳超,李永紅,米子龍. 炭砂濾池反沖洗及初濾水濁度控制方式研究. 中國給水排水. 2011, 27, 1:52-54+57.
126. 李永紅; 張偉; 張曉健; 陳超. 浸沒式超濾膜處理農(nóng)村微污染地表水試驗研究. 中國農(nóng)村水利水電 . 2010/06
127. 張春雷, 王丹, 王東升, 陳超, 樊康平. 不同凈水工藝對乙醛的控制效果研究. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2011, 32, 3: 687-691.
128. 李永紅,張偉,張曉健,陳超.浸沒式超濾膜處理農(nóng)村微污染地表水試驗研究.中國農(nóng)村水利水電,2010,06:50-53.
129. 劉靜, 陳超, 張曉健. 組合氯化消毒工藝的鹵代消毒副產(chǎn)物生成特性. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2009, 30, 9: 2538-2542.
130. 王洋, 張曉健, 陳雨喬, 陸品品, 陳超. 給水管網(wǎng)管壁鐵細菌生長特性模擬及控制對策研究. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2009, 30, 11: 3293-3299.
131. 王洋, 張曉健, 陳超, 潘安君, 徐揚, 廖平安, 張素霞, 顧軍農(nóng). 水源切換引起給水管網(wǎng)黃水問題原因分析. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2009, 30, 12: 3555-3561.
132. 張曉健; 陳超. 我國應(yīng)急供水工作任重道遠 . 中國建設(shè)信息(水工業(yè)市場). 2009, 08:14-18
133. 張曉健; 陳超. 地震災(zāi)后重建環(huán)境與市政安全評估與對策研究. 建設(shè)科技. 2009, 09:72-73.
134. 李永紅, 張偉, 張曉健, 陳超. 超濾膜的污染控制研究進展. 中國給水排水. 2009, 25, 2: 1-4
135. 李勇, 張曉健, 陳超. 我國飲用水中嗅味問題及其研究進展. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2009, 30, 2: 583-588.
136. 李勇, 張曉健, 陳超. 水中嗅味評價與致嗅物質(zhì)檢測技術(shù)研究進展. 中國給水排水. 2008. 24(16): 1-6.
137. 李勇, 張曉健, 陳超,戴吉勝, 許歡, 張曉慧, 朱曉輝. 基于有機物分子量分布的飲用水處理工藝選擇[J]. 中國給水排水. 2008. 24(21): 1-4.
138. 李勇, 陳超, 張曉健, 戴吉勝, 許歡, 張曉慧, 朱曉輝. 有機物相對分子質(zhì)量分布對O3-GAC工藝中臭氧投加量的影響. 給水排水. 2008, 34(10) : 46-49.
139. 李勇, 陳超, 張曉健, 戴吉勝, 許歡. 咸潮對城鎮(zhèn)供水水質(zhì)的影響及對策. 水利水電技術(shù). 2008, 39,10:21-23+32.
140. 李勇, 張曉健, 陳超, 張曉慧, 朱曉輝, 戴吉勝. 去除D江異嗅的飲用水處理工藝選擇研究. 中國給水排水. 2008. 24(15): 40-43.
141. 李勇; 張曉健; 陳超. 東江流域咸潮對飲用水處理工藝的影響及對策. 中國建設(shè)信息(水工業(yè)市場). 2008, 01 :33-36
142. 張曉健, 陳超, 李偉, 程進, 陳宇敏, 齊宇, 張金松, 周圣東, 賈瑞寶. 汶川地震災(zāi)區(qū)城市供水的水質(zhì)風(fēng)險和應(yīng)急處理技術(shù)與工藝. 給水排水. 2008, 34(7): 7-13.
143. 張曉健, 陳超, 李勇. 貴州省都柳江砷污染事件的應(yīng)急水技術(shù)與實施要點. 給水排水. 2008, 34(6): 14-18.
144. Aixin Hou, Benjamin Qi, Edward A. Laws, Ralph j. Portier,陳超. 卡特里娜颶風(fēng)對新奧爾良市供水、排水、污水處理系統(tǒng)和水質(zhì)的影響. 中國給水排水. 2008, 24(4): 1-8.
145. 張曉健,陳超. 新標準、新問題、新挑戰(zhàn)——飲用水新國標與應(yīng)急供水對我國城市供水的影響. 城鎮(zhèn)供水. 2007.3: 9-11.
146. 王生輝,張曉健,李勇,劉堯,陳超,王洋,牛璋彬. 硝基苯污染源水的粉末活性炭處理技術(shù)研究. 中國給水排水,2007,23(1):1-5
147. 韓宏大, 陳超, 張曉健, 何文杰, 魯巍. 優(yōu)化水處理工藝去除有機污染物的效果研究. 中國給水排水. 2007, 23, 23: 71-74
148. 周鴻,陳超,張曉健. 某市常規(guī)水處理工藝對消毒副產(chǎn)物前體物的去除. 環(huán)境與健康雜志,2006,23(5):433-435.
149. 陳超*,張曉健,王秀麗,何文杰,朱玲俠,韓宏大,李文華,劉靜. 常規(guī)工藝中消毒副產(chǎn)物前體物季節(jié)變化研究. 給水排水.2006,32(11):13-17.
150. 陳超*,張曉健,何文杰,朱玲俠,韓宏大,王恩福,李文華,劉靜.常規(guī)工藝中消毒副產(chǎn)物季節(jié)變化研究[J].給水排水,2006,07:15-19.
151. 陳超*,張曉健,何文杰,韓宏大.消毒副產(chǎn)物前體物研究的指標體系.中國給水排水.2006,22(4):9-12.
152. 張曉健,朱玲俠,陳超,何文杰,韓宏大.組合工藝控制有機物及消毒副產(chǎn)物前體物的特性研究[J].給水排水,2005,05:27-32.
153. 張聲,劉洋,王麗花,陳超,魯巍,張曉健.兩工藝流程對高藻原水中微量有機物的去除特性[J].水處理技術(shù),2005,07:54-57.
154. 陳超,張曉健,韓宏大,何文杰,胡建坤,王云.順序氯化消毒控制衛(wèi)生學(xué)指標的效果[J].中國給水排水,2005,10:11-14.
155. 張曉健,陳超,何文杰,韓宏大,胡建坤,朱玲俠,劉靜.安全氯化消毒工藝的消毒副產(chǎn)物控制[J].中國給水排水,2004,09:13-16.
156. 張曉健,陳超.住宅的可持續(xù)發(fā)展——淺議生態(tài)小區(qū)建設(shè)[J].中國住宅設(shè)施,2004,12:16-20.
157. Chao Chen. A Tale of Two DBPs in China: Carbonaceous DBPs vs. Nitrogenous DBPs. 2nd IWA Disinfection and Disinfection By-Products conference. May 14-18, 2018. Beijing, China. Plenary presentation. IWA消毒與消毒副產(chǎn)物會議大會報告
158. Chao Chen. Nitrosamine Precursor Characterization, Tracing and Control Some New Insights by the Polarity Rapid Assessment Method (PRAM). July 31 - August 4, 2017. Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley, MA. Plenary presentation. 高登消毒副產(chǎn)物會議大會報告
159. Chao Chen. Engineer’s Choice to Address the Nitrosamine Concern in Drinking Water Systems around China. Xiang Shan Science Conferences, 595th Session, Health Risk & Control of DBPs in China. Plenary presentation. 香山科學(xué)會議大會報告.
160. Chao Chen, Shixiang Li, Er Bei, Xiaobin Liao, Jun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang and Mel Suffet. Polarity rapid assessment method: A promising tool for characterizing NDMA precursors in water. 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition. San Francisco, California. April 2-6, 2017. Oral presentation.
161. Xin Li, Qiangyong Qu, Jun Wang, Chao Chen*, Xiaojian Zhang, Mel Suffet. Characteristics and Predicting Models of the Removal of Typical Odorants in Drinking Water. 11th IWA Symposium on Tastes, Odours and Algal Toxins in Water: Occurrence and Control. 14th - 16th February 2017, Sydney, Australia. Oral presentation.
162. Er Bei, Yuanyuan Shu, Shixiang Li, Jun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang, Chao Chen. A nitrosamines survey in drinking water systems around China. IWA World Water Congress, Brisbane, Australia. October, 2016. Oral presentation.
163. XM Li, J Wang , C Chen,XJ Zhang. Water quality change after desalinated seawater translated by three lining material pipes. IWA World Water Congress, Brisbane, Australia. October, 2016. Poster.
164. Hao FU, Xuebing LI, Qiangyong QU, Jun WANG, Chao CHEN, Xiaojian ZHANG. Study on adsorption of ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin onto activated carbon. IWA World Water Congress, Brisbane, Australia. October, 2016. Poster.
165. Er Bei, Yuanyuan Shu, Shixiang Li, Jun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang, Chao Chen. A nitrosamines survey in drinking water systems around China. IWA Water Summit, Beijing. November, 2016. Oral presentation.
166. Han Ding, Xin Li, Jun Wang, Chao Chen, Xiaojian Zhang. Adsorption of chlorophenols from aqueous solutions by single-walled carbon nanotubes. 7th International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2015). Hohulolo. U.S.A. 2015.12.14-21. Oral presentation.
167. Li, Shixiang; Bei, Er; Wang, Jun; Chen, Chao; Zhang, Xiaojian; Suffet, Mel. Development of an easy and efficient tool for nitrosamine precursor concentration in water based on cation exchange. 7th International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2015). Hohulolo. U.S.A. 2015.12.14-21. Oral presentation.
168. X.B. Liao, E. Bei, S.X. Li, C. Chen, J. Wang, X.J. Zhang and M. Suffet. Applying Polarity Rapid Assessment Method for Characterizing NDMA Precursors in Water. MICROPOL & ECOHAZARD CONFERENCE 2015. Singapore. 2015.11.22-26. Oral presentation.
169. Er Bei, Shixiang Li, Xiangting Meng, Yang Yang, Jun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang, Chao Chen. A preliminary study on source of nitrosamine precursors in water via biodegradation. MICROPOL & ECOHAZARD CONFERENCE 2015. Singapore. 2015.11.22-26. Oral presentation.
170. Xiaobin Liao, Chao Chen, Yueying Ouyang, Jun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang and Mel Suffet. Polarity Rapid Assessment Method: A Better Fractionation Tool for Characterizing NDMA Precursors. The 4th International Conference on Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control. 2015.11.1-3. Keynote speech.
171. Ying Wang, Jiangyong Hu, Chao Chen, Xiaojian Zhang. Effective Adsorption of Estrone from Aqueous Solution onto Sub-micron Sized Activated Carbon. The 4th International Conference on Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control. 2015.11.1-3. Oral presentation.
172. Pengfei Lin, Xiaojian Zhang, Chao Chen, Yuan Zhang. Predicting the Equilibrium Adsorption of Aromatic Contaminations in Drinking Water on Activated Carbon. The 4th International Conference on Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, Beijing, China. 2015.11.1-3. Oral presentation.
173. Xiaobin Liao, Chao Chen, Yueying Ouyang, Jun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang and Mel Suffet. NDMA Precursors Characterization: Comparison of Polarity Rapid Assessment Method and Resin Fractionation Method. ASPIRE conference. Beijing. 2015.9.20-24. Oral presentation.
174. Han Ding, Xin Li, Jun Wang, Chao Chen, Xiaojian Zhang. Adsorption of chlorophenols from aqueous solutions by single-walled carbon nanotubes. ASPIRE conference. Beijing. 2015.9.20-24. Oral presentation.
175. Shi-xiang Li, Hui-hui Yue, Er Bei, Jun Wang, Xiao-jian Zhang, Chao Chen*. Development of an Easy and Efficient Tool for Nitrosamine Precursor Concentration in Water Based on Cation Exchange. ASPIRE conference. Beijing. 2015.9.20-24. Oral presentation.
176. Li S. X., Zhang X. L., Wang J., Zhang X. J. , Chen C.* Study on Ion Exchange Characteristics of Model NDMA Precursors: Ranitidine and Dimethylamine. ASPIRE conference. Beijing. 2015.9.20-24. Poster.
177. Hao Fu, Xuebing Li, Jun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang, Chao Chen. Study On PH Effect on Activated Carbon Adsorption of Quinolone Antibiotics. ASPIRE conference. Beijing. 2015. 2015.9.20-24. Poster.
178. X. Li, J. Wang, L. Zhang, X. Zhang, C. Chen*. Adsorption of Two Fishy Odorants, Trans,trans-2,4-Heptadienal and trans,trans-2,4-Decadienal, onto Activated Carbonand Modified Carbon Nanotubes. ASPIRE conference. Beijing. 2015.9.20-24. Oral presentation.
179. Shixiang Li, Er Bei, Lejia Jiang, Huihui Yue, Jun Wang, Chao Chen*, Xiaojian Zhang. Removal and Identification of Nitrosamine Precursors in Water by Cation Exchange Technology. Drinking Water Disinfection By-Products (GRS), Gordon Research Seminar. August 8-9, 2015. Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley, MA. Oral presentation.
180. Li S. X., Zhang X. L., Wang J., Zhang X. J. , Chen C.* Removal of nitrosamine precursor in water by cation exchange: a preliminary study using ranitidine as a representative precursor. 7th IWA YWP International Conference. Taipei, 2014.12. Oral presentation.
181. Chao Chen, Xiaobin Liao, Yueying Ouyang, Jun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang and Mel Suffet. Application of Polarity Rapid Assessment Method and Ultrafiltration to Characterize the Nitrosamine Precursor in Water Treatment. IWA World Water Congress, Lisbon, Portugal: September, 2014. Oral presentation.
182. Lin Pengfei, Zhang Xiaojian, Chen Chao. The weak acidic iron coagulation process used for molybdenum-containing water treatment. IWA World Water Congress, Lisbon, Portugal: September, 2014. poster
183. Chao Chen*, Xiaobin Liao, Jun Wang, Yueying Ouyang, Xiaojian Zhang and Mel Suffet. Application of Polarity Rapid Assessment Method and Ultrafiltration to Characterize the Nitrosamine Precursor in Water Treatment. 248th ACS conference. San Francisco. U.S.A. 2014.8.10-14. Oral presentation.
184. Pengfei Lin, Xiaojian Zhang, Jun Wang, Yani Zeng, Shuming Liu, Chao Chen*. Comparison of different combined treatment processes to address the source water with high concentration of natural organic matter during snowmelt period. 248th ACS conference. San Francisco. U.S.A. 2014.8.10-14. Oral presentation.
185. Yuanyuan Shu, Chao Chen*, Xin Tang, Jun Wang, Chengkun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang. Nationwide occurrence survey of nitrosamines and their precursors in source water and drinking water around China. 248th ACS conference. San Francisco. U.S.A. 2014.8.10-14. Oral presentation.
186. Xiaobin Liao, Chao Chen*, Jun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang. Study on Mechanisms of Nitrosamine Precursor Removal by Biological Activated Carbon Process. 248th ACS conference. San Francisco. U.S.A. 2014.8.10-14. Oral presentation.
187. Chao Chen, Shannon Leavey, Stuart Krasner and Mel Suffet. Development Of An Easy And Selective Tool For Nitrosamine Precursor Characterization In Water. 2013 Water Quality Technology Conference, Long Beach, California, November 3 – 7th, 2013. Oral presentation.
188. X. Li, J. Wang, L. Zhang, X. Zhang, C. Chen*. Choice of treatment technology for three odorants in trace level: IPMP, IBMP and TCA. the 10th IWA Symposium on Off-Flavours in the Aquatic Environment. Oct 27th-Nov 1st, 2013, Tainan. Oral presentation.
189. X. Li, J. Wang, L. Y. Liu, J. Shi, X. Zhang, C. Chen*. Screening of odorants in one reservoir in China by head space solid phase micro-extraction combined with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. the 10th IWA Symposium on Off-Flavours in the Aquatic Environment. Oct 27th-Nov 1st, 2013, Tainan. Oral presentation.
190. Chao Chen*, Shuguang Xie, Xiaobin Liao, Xuebing Li, Jun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang. Application of O3-GAC process to address the emerging contaminants in drinking water treatment. The 3rd International Conference on Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control. Beijing, Nov7-8, 2013. Oral presentation.
191. Zilong Mi, Xiaojian Zhang, Chao Chen. Characterization of iron release fed with desalinated seawater in drinking water distribution systems: mechanism analysis and control technologies. The 3rd International Conference on Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control. Beijing, Nov7-8, 2013. Oral presentation.
192. Xiaobin Liao, Jun Wang, Chao Chen*, Chengkun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang. Occurrence of antibiotics in water source and its removal by O3-BAC process. The 2nd Water Research Conference. Singapore. 2013
193. Zheng Qi, Chen Chao*, Zhang Xiaojian. Organic Chloramines Formation during Reactions of Common Disinfectants with Some Typical Bioplasm Compounds in Water, The 4th IWA Asia-Pacific Young Water Professionals Conference (APYWP), Tokyo, 2012, 12, 7-10 (oral)
194. Zheng Qi, Chen Chao*, Zhang Xiaojian. Inactivation of Mycobacteria Mucogenicum in Drinking Water: Chlorine Resistance and Mechanism Analysis, The 4th IWA Asia-Pacific Young Water Professionals Conference (APYWP), Tokyo, 2012, 12, 7-10 (oral)
195. Zheng Qi, Chen Chao*, Zhang Xiaojian. Organic Chloramines Formation during Reactions of Common Disinfectants with Some Typical Bioplasm Compounds in Water, IWA World Water Congress, Busan, Korea. 16-21 September 2012
196. Mi Z.,Zhang X.,Chen C., Wang J. Iron Release from Unlined Cast Iron Pipes in Drinking Water Distribution Systems: Effect of Sulphate and Alkalinity. IWA World Water Congress. Busan, Korea. 16-21 September 2012
197. Liao X.,Wang C.,Chen C*., Wang J., Zhang X. O3-BAC process: a possible practical solution for N-nitrosamines precursor removal in source water. IWA World Water Congress. Busan, Korea. International Water Association (IWA) 16-21 September 2012
198. Liao X.,Wang J., Chen C*.,Wang C.,Zhang X. Efficiency of O3-BAC Process for N-nitrosamines Precursor removal in pilot-scale water treatment plant. 2012 IWA Disinfection of water, wastewater and biosoilds conference. Mexico city, 25-29 Novermber2012. Oral presentation.
199. Chao Chen*, Xiaojian Zhang, Chengkun Wang, Xiaobin Liao, Jun Wang, Yuanyuan Shu. The forthcoming nitrosamine concern in China: probably much more serious than THMs and HAAs? GORDON Research Conference on Drinking Water Disinfection By-Products (DBPs). August 5-10, 2012, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, USA.
200. Zhang Y., Lin P., Zhang X., Chen C*. Predicting Adsorption Isotherms of Aromatic Contaminations in Drinking Water onto Activated Carbon. 6th IWA YWP International Conference. Hungary, Budapest. 10-13 July 2012. Oral presentation.
201. Chengkun Wang, Xiaobin Liao, Chao Chen*, Jun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang. N-nitrosamines concern in the sourcewater of one lake in Yangtze Delta, China: Precursor and treatability. 243rd ACS National Meeting, Mar 25-29, 2012, San Diego, CA, USA. Oral presentation. ISTP
202. X. Zhang, Y. Li, C. Chen*, et al. Removal of volatile organic sulfur chemicals in water by ozone and granular activated carbon processes. The Ninth IWA Symposium on Off-Flavours in the Aquatic Environment: 14th-19th August 2011, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Oral presentation.
203. X. Zhang, Y. Li, C. Chen*, et al. Removal of volatile organic sulfur chemicals in water by oxidants: kinetics, choice and case study. The Ninth IWA Symposium on Off-Flavours in the Aquatic Environment: 14th-19th August 2011, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Oral presentation.
204. Chengkun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang, Chao Chen*, Jun Wang. Characterization of Natural Organic Matter as Precursors for N-nitrosamine: Based on Hydrophobicity and, Molecular SizeWeight and Fluorescence. 4th NOM conference. July 27-29, 2011, Costa Mesa, California USA. Oral presentation.
205. Pengfei Lin, Xiaojian Zhang, Chao Chen*. Predict the phenol adsorption-isotherm by the pore structure and the surface chemistry of activated carbon. 2010, 3rd IWA Asia-Pacific Young Water Professional Conference Singapore. National University of Singapore Nov 21-24, 2010. Oral presentation.
206. C. K. Wang, X. J. Zhang, J. Wang , C. Chen*. Identification of nitrosamines as disinfection by-products in drinking water using SPE-UPLC-MS/MS. 2010, 3rd IWA Asia-Pacific Young Water Professional Conference Singapore. National University of Singapore. Nov 21-24, 2010. Oral presentation.
207. Yuqiao Chen, Qi Zheng, Xiaojian Zhang, Chao Chen*. Evaluation of chlorine decay and organic chloramines formation in mycobacteria inactivation by various chlorine disinfectants. 2010, 3rd IWA Asia-Pacific Young Water Professional Conference Singapore National University of Singapore Nov 21-24, 2010. Oral presentation.
208. Xiaojian Zhang and Chao Chen. Water Quality Risk and Emergency Response for Municipal Water Supply after the Wenchuan Earthquake. International Conference on Sustainable Water Infrastructure for Cities and Villages of the Future. Beijing, 2009.11.6-9. Keynote Speech
209. Y. H. Li, X. J. Zhang, W. Zhang and C. Chen. Study on PAC-Ultrafiltration Process for Drinking Water Treatment and the Characteristic of PAC on Membrane Fouling Prevention. 3rd IWA-ASPIRE conference. Taipei. 2009.10. Oral presentation.
210. Jing Liu, Chao Chen and Xiaojian Zhang, Study on the difference of synergetic effect on different kinds of bacteria’s inactivation with sequential chlorination disinfection process, 3rd IWA-ASPIRE conference, Taipei, 2009.10. Oral presentation.
211. Chao Chen, Xiaojian Zhang, Performance of membrane water purification apparatus in the affected area of Wenchuan Earthquake, 2009 Conference of Leading Edge Technologies, Singapore, 2009.6.
212. X. J. Zhang, C. Chen, J. Wang, Y. Wang, W. Li, Y. M. Chen and Y. Qi. The technologies and measures for emergency water supply in the Wen-chuan Earthquake affected area. 4th Asia Risk Analysis and Management Conference. Beijing. 2009.5.17-19. Keynote Speech
213. Chen Chao, Zhang Xiaojian, Zhu Lingxia, He Wenjie and Han Hongda, Evaluation the change of different organic matter fractions along conventional plus advanced treatment process by resin isolation, 4th NOM conference, Bath, UK, 2008.9. Oral presentation.
214. Pin-pin Lu, Chao Chen, Xiao-jian Zhang, Qian Wang. Survey of chloramine-resistant bacteria in the distribution system in one city in Southern China. 15th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology. 2009.5, Naxos, Greece. (Win for Free Registration and Travel Bursary)
215. Y. Wang, X. J. Zhang, Y. Q. Chen, P. P. LU, C. Chen. Cast Iron Corrosion in Drinking Water Distribution Systems by Iron Bacteria and the Control Strategy. 15th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology. 2009.5, Naxos, Greece.
216. Zhang Xiaojian, Chen Chao. Emergent drinking water treatment in source water pollution accident: technology and practice in China. IWA 6th World Conference and Exhibition. Vienna. Austria. 2008.9. Poster
217. Chen Chao, Zhang Xiaojian, et al. The change of polarity of organic matter along conventional plus advanced treatment process. 2nd IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition. Perth, Australia. 2007.10. Oral presentation.
218. Zhang Xiaojian, Chen Chao, et al. The bacteria re-growth in urban drinking water distribution system in one Chinese metropolitan and the strategy of bio-stability control. 14th Health Related Water Microbiology Symposium. 2007.9. Tokyo, Japan (Win for Free Registration and Travel Bursary)
219. Chao Chen, Xiaojian Zhang, and Wang Yun, The sequential chlorination process for integrative control of DBPs and microorganism, 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. Houston, U. S., 2006.8. Oral presentation.
220. Zhang X. J., Chen C, Zhu L., Wang Y., and Liu J. Sequential chlorination disinfection to control microorganism and disinfection by-products simultaneously. 1st IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition. Singapore. 2005.7. Oral presentation.
1. 城市供水系統(tǒng)中的亞硝胺控制技術(shù)研究. 大會報告. 上海東方科技論壇,第302期,飲水安全與健康. 2017.11.3. 大會報告
2. 陳超、張曉健. 亞硝胺前體物的來源解析和去除機理. 2015年第二屆全國消毒與消毒副產(chǎn)物研討會. 北京, 清華大學(xué). 2015.7.20 大會報告
1. 城市供水應(yīng)急處理技術(shù)和實施. 重慶大學(xué). 2017.3.30; 深圳水務(wù)集團, 2018.5.21
2. 消毒副產(chǎn)物前體物——大地的奧秘和人類的隱私. 北京大學(xué), 2015.5.29; 天津大學(xué), 2015.7.6; 南京大學(xué), 2016.4.24; 山東大學(xué), 2016.4.25; 中山大學(xué), 2016.6.12; 清華大學(xué)深圳研究生院, 2016.11.24.
3. Precursors of Disinfection By-products: Earth’s Enigma & Human’s Secret. Invited by Prof. Susan Richardson, University of South Carolina. 2014.8.9
4. Precursors of Disinfection By-products: Earth’s Enigma & Human’s Secret. Invited by Prof. Tanju Karanfil, Clemson University. 2014.8.6
5. Study on characterization and treatment of nitrosamine precursors. Invited by Prof. Ching-hua Huang, Georgia Institute of Technology. 2014.8.3
6. 大地的奧秘和人類的隱私——消毒副產(chǎn)物前體物. 臺北, 臺灣大學(xué). 2013.11.5
7. Emergency Response for Drinking Water Treatment after the Chemical Spills in China: Technologies and Case Studies. Invited by Carollo Corp, Pheonix. USA. 2013.2.1
8. N-nitrosamines concern in the source water of one Lake in Yangtze Delta, China: precursor and treatability. Invited by Carollo Corp, Pheonix. USA. 2013.2.1
9. Development of a Promising Tool for Nitrosamine Precursor Characterization. Invited by Prof. Westerhoff. Arizona State University. 2013. 1. 25.
10. Inactivation of Mycobacteria Mucogenicum in Drinking Water Networks: Chlorine Resistance and Mechanism Analysis. Invited by Prof. Haas. Drexel University. USA. 2012.8.15
11. N-nitrosamines concern in the source water of one Lake in Yangtze Delta, China: precursor and treatability. Invited by Prof. Mitch. Yale University. USA. 2012.8.13
12. Removal of Volatile Organic Sulfur Chemicals in Water by Oxidants: Kinetics, Choice and Case Study. Invited by Prof. Sedlak. UC Berkeley. USA. 2012.7.27
13. N-nitrosamines concern in the source water of one Lake in Yangtze Delta, China: precursor and treatability. Invited by Prof. Sedlak. UC Berkeley. USA. 2012.7.27
14. Emergency Response for Drinking Water Treatment after the Chemical Spills in China: Technologies and Case Studies. Invited by Environmental Science and Engineering Program. UCLA. USA. 2012.4.10
15. Drinking water research in China: Demand and “Water Special Projects”. Invited by Office of Research & Development. US EPA. Washington D.C. USA. 2010.2.24
16. The Bio-Stability Problem in Networks and Development of Sequential Chlorination. Invited by National Lab of Risk Management and Research. US EPA. Cincinnati. USA. 2010.2.22
17. Red Water Phenomenon in Drinking Water Distribution Systems Caused by Changes in Water Source: Mechanism Analysis and Control Measures. Invited by National Lab of Risk Management and Research. US EPA. Cincinnati. USA. 2010.2.22
1. 短時游離氯后轉(zhuǎn)氯胺的順序水處理消毒方法 發(fā)明專利 2004100427906 排名第2
2. 一種清水池內(nèi)加氨并混合的實施系統(tǒng) 發(fā)明專利 2005100866096 排名第2
3. 應(yīng)對水中超標金屬污染物的堿性化學(xué)沉淀飲用水處理方法 發(fā)明專利 2008100560046排名第3
4. 應(yīng)對水中金屬污染的硫化物沉淀法 發(fā)明專利 2008101116673 排名第3
5. 一種適用于微污染水源生物預(yù)處理的跌水曝氣生物濾池 發(fā)明專利 2010102754679 排名第3
6. 山區(qū)飲用水的預(yù)處理與浸沒式超濾膜工藝聯(lián)用方法及裝置 發(fā)明專利 2010102754611排名第3
7. 飲用水突發(fā)揮發(fā)性鹵代烷烴類有機物污染時的曝氣吹脫法 發(fā)明專利 2010105233550排名第2
8. 移動集裝箱式一體化粉質(zhì)溶解投加裝置 發(fā)明專利2011101552104 排名第4
9. 一種移動式應(yīng)急處理導(dǎo)試水廠 發(fā)明專利2011102978000 排名第4
10. 一種用于研究給水管網(wǎng)內(nèi)壁管垢鐵穩(wěn)定性的方法 發(fā)明專利2011102583805排名第3
11. 反沖洗后增加微沖洗的快濾池初濾水濁度控制方法 發(fā)明專利 2011100834705排名第3
12. 提高氨氮去除能力的飲用水處理曝氣炭砂濾池 發(fā)明專利201110349174.5 排名第3
13. 應(yīng)對水中超標銻污染物的酸性化學(xué)沉淀處理方法 發(fā)明專利2011104340916排名第3
14. 一種去除飲用水源水中鉈污染的方法 發(fā)明專利2011102312273 排名第3
15. 抑制水源切換引發(fā)供水管網(wǎng)鐵釋放的磷酸鹽緩蝕劑投加法 發(fā)明專利201310704745.1排名第3
16. 一種使用不同極性固相萃取小柱解析亞硝胺前體物的方法 發(fā)明專利201410010059.9排名第1
17. 一種調(diào)節(jié)pH強化離子交換去除水中亞硝胺前體物的方法 發(fā)明專利201410433304.7排名第1
18. 一種基于離子交換技術(shù)富集水中亞硝胺前體物的方法 發(fā)明專利201610309222.0排名第1
19. 一種移動式模塊化應(yīng)急檢測工作方艙 發(fā)明專利 201510263824.2排名第1
20. 研究鐵質(zhì)管道電化學(xué)腐蝕和管網(wǎng)水質(zhì)變化的實驗?zāi)M平臺 發(fā)明專利201711133280.3排名第1
21. 一種用于突發(fā)性水污染事故的異位應(yīng)急處理反應(yīng)系統(tǒng) 發(fā)明專利201721793527.x 排名第1
1995.9-1999.7 山東工業(yè)大學(xué) 環(huán)境工程 學(xué)士
1999.9-2002.3 山東大學(xué) 環(huán)境工程 碩士
2002.9-2005.7 清華大學(xué) 市政工程 博士
2002.4-2002.8 山東省環(huán)境科學(xué)設(shè)計研究 兼 職
2005.7-2007.11 清華大學(xué)環(huán)境科學(xué)與工程系 博士后(獲校優(yōu)秀博士后稱號)
2007.12-今 清華大學(xué)環(huán)境學(xué)院 教 師
2004.12--今 國際水協(xié)(International Water Association) 會員
2005.10--今 國際水協(xié)(International Water Association) 消毒專業(yè)委員會委員
2011.8—今 國際水協(xié)(International Water Association) 水環(huán)境嗅味專業(yè)委員會委員
2006.8-2008.7 國際水協(xié)(International Water Association) 青年委員會委員
2008.8--今 國際水協(xié)(International Water Association) 青年委員會顧問
2010.9--今 美國化學(xué)學(xué)會(American Chemistry Society) 會員
2006.4--今 中國微生物學(xué)會(Chinese Society for Microbiology) 會員
2009.7--今 《中國環(huán)保資訊》 編委會委員
國際水協(xié)會(International Water Association)會員
中國微生物學(xué)會(Chinese Society for Microbiology)會員
1. 應(yīng)對水源突發(fā)污染的城市供水應(yīng)急處理技術(shù)
2. 消毒技術(shù)開發(fā)和消毒副產(chǎn)物控制
2010年 中國環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)會青年科技獎
2010年 北京市水務(wù)科技獎(第3位)
2009年 華夏建設(shè)科技二等獎(第3位)
2008年 全國五一勞動獎狀(集體獎成員)
2008年 首都勞動獎狀(集體獎成員)
2007年 清華大學(xué)先進集體(集體獎成員,第3位)
2007年 天津市科技進步二等獎(第18位)
2002年 山東省科技進步一等獎(第6位)
1. Liao XB, Chen C, Chang CH, Wang Z, Zhang XJ, Xie SG (2012) Heterogeneity of microbial community structures inside the up-flow biological activated carbon (BAC) filters for the treatment of drinking water. Biotechnol Bioprocess Eng. 17: 881–886.
2. Shuo Feng, Shuguang Xie, Xiaojian Zhang, Zhiyu Yang, Wei Ding, Xiaobin Liao, Yuanyuan Liu, Chao Chen*. Ammonium removal pathways and microbial community in GAC-sand dual media filter in drinking water treatment. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 2012, 24(8) : 1-8.
3. Feng, S; Zhang, XJ; Wang, QF; Wan, R; Chen, C; Xie, SG. Heterogeneity of ammonia-oxidizing community structures in a pilot-scale drinking water biofilter. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2012, 70: 148-152.
4. Yuqiao Chen, Chao Chen*, Xiaojian Zhang, Qi Zheng and Yuanyuan Liu. Inactivation of persistent Mycobacteria mucogenicum in water: chlorine resistance and mechanism analysis. Biomed. Environ. Sci. 2012, 25(2): 230-237.
5. Wang C.K., Zhang X.J., Wang J. , Chen C*. Determining the Reactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter as N-nitrosamine Precursors: Hydrophobicity, Molecular Weight and Fluorescence. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. In press.
6. Wang C.K., Zhang X.J., Wang J. , Chen C*. Detecting N-nitrosamines in water treatment plants and distribution systems in China using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering. 2012, DOI. 10.1007/s11783-012-0412-0.
7. Wang C.K., Zhang X.J., Wang J., Chen C*. Factors controlling N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) formation from dissolved organic matter. Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering, in press.
8. Du, PF; Chen, JN; Chen, C; Liu, Y; Liu, JG; Wang, HT; Zhang, XJ. Environmental risk evaluation to minimize impacts within the area affected by the Wenchuan earthquake. Science of the Total Environment. 2012, 419: 16-24.
9. X. J. Zhang, C. Chen*, P. Lin, A. Hou, Z. Niu, J. Wang. Emergency Drinking Water Treatment during Source Water Pollution Accidents in China: Origin Analysis, Framework and Technologies. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 1: 161-167.
10. LI Y. H., WANG J., ZHANG W., ZHANG X. J., CHEN C.*. Effect of Powdered Activated Carbon on Immersed Hollow Fiber Ultrafiltration Membrane Fouling Caused by Particles and Natural Organic Matter. Desalination. 2011, 278, 1-3: 443-446
11. LI Y. H., WANG J., ZHANG W., ZHANG X. J., CHEN C.*. Effects of coagulation on submerged ultrafiltration membrane fouling caused by particles and natural organic matter. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56, 6:584-590.
12. C. Chen*, X. J. Zhang, L. X. Zhu, W.J. He, H. D. Han. Changes in different organic matter fractions during conventional treatment followed by advanced treatment. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 2011, 23, 4: 582-586.
13. W. Zhang, X. J. Zhang, Y. H. Li, J. Wang, C. Chen*. Membrane flux dynamic in the submerged ultrafiltration hybrid treatment process when removing particles and natural organic matter. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 2011, 23, 12: 1970-1976.
14. X.J. Zhang, C. Chen*, J. Ding, A. Hou, Y. Li , Z. Niu, X. Su, Y. Xu, E. Laws. The 2007 water crisis in Wuxi, China: analysis of the origin. Journal of Hazardous Material. 2010, 182, 130-135.
15. Y. H. Li, W Zhang, X. J. Zhang, C. Chen*, J. Wang. Characterization of fouling in immersed polyvinylidence fluoride hollow fibre membrane ultrafiltration by particles and natural organic matter. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2010 18: 309-314.
16. Xiaojian ZHANG, Chao CHEN*. Emergency drinking water treatment in source water pollution incident: Technology and practice in China. Frontier of Environmental Science and Engineering in China. 2009.6.
17. Li Y, Zhang X, Chen C. Reviews on Analytical Technologies of Sulfur Odorants in Water with Chromatography. Progress in Chemistry. 2009.
18. Wang, Y; Zhang, XJ; Feng S; Chen C. Study on inactivation of iron bacteria isolated from real drinking water distribution systems by free chlorine and chloramine. Annals of Microbiology, 2009, 59 (2): 353-358.
19. C. Chen*, X. J. Zhang, L. Zhu, J. Liu, W. He, and H. Han. Disinfection by-products and their precursors in a water treatment plant in north China: seasonal changes and fraction analysis. Science of the Total Environment. 2008, 397: 140-147.
20. S. B. Xie, J. Yang, C. Chen, X. J. Zhang, Q. L. Wang, C. Zhang. Study on biosorption kinetics and thermodynamics of uranium by Citrobacter freudii. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 2008. 99, 1, 126-133 .
21. C. Chen*, X. J. Zhang, W. J. He, and H. D. Han. Comparison of seven kinds of drinking water treatment processes to enhance organic material removal: a pilot test. Science of the Total Environment. 2007, 382: 93-102.
22. C. Chen*, X. J. Zhang, W. J. He, and H. D. Han. Simultaneous Control of Microorganisms, Disinfection By-products by Sequential Chlorination. Biomed. Environ. Sci. 2007, 20:119-125.
23. X. J. Zhang, C. Chen*, and Y. Wang. Synergetic inactivation of microorganisms by short-term free chlorination and subsequent monochloramination in drinking water disinfection. Biomed. Environ. Sci. 2007, 20:373-380.
24. C. Chen*, X. J. Zhang, Y. wang, L. Zhu and J. Liu. Waste water disinfection during SARS epidemic: aiming for microbiological and toxicological control. Biomed. Environ. Sci., 2006, 19: 173-178.
* Corresponding author
25. 陳吉寧主著,汶川特大地震災(zāi)后環(huán)境安全評價方法與實踐,2012,北京:中國環(huán)境科學(xué)出版社(本人負責 第二章 汶川地震災(zāi)區(qū)水環(huán)境與飲用水安全保障 的部分內(nèi)容)
26. 張曉健、張悅、陳超、王歡、張素霞,城市供水系統(tǒng)應(yīng)急凈水技術(shù)指導(dǎo)手冊,2009,北京:中國建筑工業(yè)出版社.
27. 何文杰、李偉光、張曉健、黃廷林、韓宏大編著,安全飲用水保障技術(shù),北京:中國建筑工業(yè)出版社. (本人負責 第九章 消毒 的部分內(nèi)容)
28. 數(shù)十位專家合編,地震災(zāi)區(qū)抗震救災(zāi)技術(shù)手冊,2008,北京:科學(xué)出版社.(本人負責應(yīng)急凈水技術(shù)部分)
29. 李永紅,張偉,張曉健,陳超,汪雋. PAC及顆粒物對超濾膜有機物污染的影響[J], 清華大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版), 2010,50(9):1392-1395. EI: 20104113293645
30. 張偉,李永紅,陳超,張曉健,汪雋. 混凝/浸沒式超濾膜工藝處理微污染地表水的運行工況和處理效果研究, 清華大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版),2010,50(11):1885-1889. EI: 20111113755399
31. 李勇,張曉健,陳超. 臭氧活性炭去除水中硫醇類致嗅物質(zhì)的研究. 清華大學(xué)學(xué)報. 2009. 49(3). EI: 20091311991098
32. 劉靜,陳超,張曉健,王洋. 兩點短時游離氯后轉(zhuǎn)氯胺的順序氯化消毒工藝研究. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2008, 29(12): 3368-3371. EI: 20090211846926
33. 劉靜,陳超,張曉健,張車瓊. 微生物殺滅效果試驗中的游離氯轉(zhuǎn)化研究. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2008, 29(11): 3054-3058. EI: 20085011775821
34. 李勇,陳超,張曉健. 飲用水中典型致嗅物質(zhì)去除技術(shù)研究. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2008, 29(11): 3049-3053. EI: 20085011775820
35. 李勇,陳超,張曉健, 張曉慧,朱曉輝,戴吉勝,許歡. 東江水中典型致嗅物質(zhì)的調(diào)查. 中國環(huán)境科學(xué). 2008, 28(11): 974-978. EI: 20085111794689
36. 王洋,牛璋彬,張曉健,陳超,何文杰,韓宏大. 水源更換對給水管網(wǎng)水質(zhì)的影響研究. 2007. 28(10): 2270-2274. EI, 074510909958
37. 牛璋彬,張曉健,王洋,陳超,何文杰,韓宏大. 給水管網(wǎng)中鐵釋放現(xiàn)象的影響因素研究. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2007. 28(10): 2275-2279. EI, 074510909957
38. 陳超,張曉健,朱玲俠,何文杰,韓宏大. 高藻期控制消毒副產(chǎn)物及前體物的優(yōu)化工藝組合. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2007, 28(12): 2722-2726. EI: 20080211013112
39. 張曉健,陳超,何文杰,韓宏大,朱玲俠,王云,劉靜. 一種新型安全氯化消毒工藝——順序氯化消毒工藝的研究開發(fā). 中國環(huán)境科學(xué). 2006, 26(40): 454-458. EI: 20064110168922
40. 陳超,張曉健,何文杰,韓宏大,朱玲俠,王云,劉靜. 順序氯化消毒工藝對衛(wèi)生學(xué)、消毒副產(chǎn)物和生物穩(wěn)定性的綜合控制. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2006, 27(1): 74-79. EI: 2006089716031
41. 王小文,張曉健,陳超,郝曉飛. 芳香類有機物生成氯化消毒副產(chǎn)物特性及其與化學(xué)結(jié)構(gòu)的關(guān)系. 環(huán)境科學(xué),2006, 27(7): 1603-1607. EI: 063710112252
42. 陳超,張曉健,何文杰,韓宏大,朱玲俠. 控制消毒副產(chǎn)物及其前體物的優(yōu)化工藝組合. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2005, 26(4): 87-94. EI: 2005309266127
43. 王成坤,張曉健,陳超*,汪雋. 水中痕量亞硝胺類消毒副產(chǎn)物的分析測試技術(shù). 給水排水. 2011, 37, 4:122-125.
44. 馮碩,張曉健,陳超,李永紅,米子龍. 炭砂濾池反沖洗及初濾水濁度控制方式研究. 中國給水排水. 2011, 27, 1:52-57.
45. 張春雷; 王丹; 王東升; 陳超; 樊康平. 不同凈水工藝對乙醛的控制效果研究. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2011, 32, 3: 687-691.
46. 劉靜; 陳超; 張曉健. 組合氯化消毒工藝的鹵代消毒副產(chǎn)物生成特性. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2009, 30, 9: 2538-2542.
47. 王洋; 張曉健; 陳雨喬; 陸品品; 陳超. 給水管網(wǎng)管壁鐵細菌生長特性模擬及控制對策研究. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2009, 30, 11: 3293-3299.
48. 王洋; 張曉健; 陳超; 潘安君; 徐揚; 廖平安; 張素霞; 顧軍農(nóng). 水源切換引起給水管網(wǎng)黃水問題原因分析. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2009, 30, 12: 3555-3561.
49. 李永紅; 張偉; 張曉健; 陳超. 超濾膜的污染控制研究進展. 中國給水排水. 2009, 25, 2: 1-4
50. 李勇; 張曉健; 陳超. 我國飲用水中嗅味問題及其研究進展. 環(huán)境科學(xué). 2009, 30, 2: 583-588.
51. 李勇, 張曉健, 陳超. 水中嗅味評價與致嗅物質(zhì)檢測技術(shù)研究進展. 中國給水排水. 2008. 24(16): 1-6.
52. 李勇, 張曉健, 陳超,戴吉勝; 許歡; 張曉慧; 朱曉輝. 基于有機物分子量分布的飲用水處理工藝選擇[J]. 中國給水排水. 2008. 24(21): 1-4.
53. 李勇, 陳超, 張曉健, 戴吉勝, 許歡, 張曉慧, 朱曉輝. 有機物相對分子質(zhì)量分布對O3-GAC工藝中臭氧投加量的影響. 給水排水. 2008, 34(10) : 46-49.
54. 李勇, 陳超, 張曉健, 戴吉勝, 許歡. 咸潮對城鎮(zhèn)供水水質(zhì)的影響及對策. 水利水電技術(shù). 2008, 39:21-23.
55. 李勇, 張曉健, 陳超, 張曉慧, 朱曉輝, 戴吉勝. 去除D江異嗅的飲用水處理工藝選擇研究. 中國給水排水. 2008. 24(15): 40-43.
56. 張曉健; 陳超; 李偉; 程進; 陳宇敏; 齊宇; 張金松; 周圣東; 賈瑞寶. 汶川地震災(zāi)區(qū)城市供水的水質(zhì)風(fēng)險和應(yīng)急處理技術(shù)與工藝. 給水排水. 2008, 34(7): 7-13.
57. 張曉健; 陳超; 李勇. 貴州省都柳江砷污染事件的應(yīng)急水技術(shù)與實施要點. 給水排水. 2008, 34(6): 14-17.
58. Aixin Hou, Benjamin Qi, Edward A. Laws, Ralph j. Portier,陳超. 卡特里娜颶風(fēng)對新奧爾良市供水、排水、污水處理系統(tǒng)和水質(zhì)的影響. 中國給水排水. 2008, 24(4): 1-8.
59. 張曉健,陳超. 新標準、新問題、新挑戰(zhàn)——飲用水新國標與應(yīng)急供水對我國城市供水的影響. 城鎮(zhèn)供水. 2007.3: 9-10.
60. 王生輝,張曉健,李勇,劉堯,陳超,王洋,牛璋彬. 硝基苯污染源水的粉末活性炭處理技術(shù)研究. 中國給水排水,2007,23(1):1-5
61. 韓宏大; 陳超; 張曉健; 何文杰; 魯巍. 優(yōu)化水處理工藝去除有機污染物的效果研究. 中國給水排水. 23, 23: 71-74
62. 周鴻,陳超,張曉健. 某市常規(guī)水處理工藝對消毒副產(chǎn)物前體物的去除環(huán)境與健康雜志,2006,23(5):433-435.
63. 陳超,張曉健,王秀麗,何文杰,朱玲俠,韓宏大,李文華,劉靜. 常規(guī)工藝中消毒副產(chǎn)物前體物季節(jié)變化研究. 給水排水.2006,26(11):13-17.
64. 陳超,張曉健,王秀麗,何文杰,朱玲俠,韓宏大,李文華,劉靜. 常規(guī)工藝中消毒副產(chǎn)物季節(jié)變化研究. 給水排水.2006,32(7):15-19.
65. 陳超,張曉健,何文杰,韓宏大.消毒副產(chǎn)物前體物研究的指標體系.中國給水排水.2006,22(4):9-12.
66. X. Zhang, Y. Li, C. Chen*, et al. Removal of volatile organic sulfur chemicals in water by ozone and granular activated carbon processes. The Ninth IWA Symposium on Off-Flavours in the Aquatic Environment: 14th-19th August 2011, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Oral presentation.
67. X. Zhang, Y. Li, C. Chen*, et al. Removal of volatile organic sulfur chemicals in water by oxidants: kinetics, choice and case study. The Ninth IWA Symposium on Off-Flavours in the Aquatic Environment: 14th-19th August 2011, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Oral presentation.
68. Chengkun Wang, Xiaojian Zhang, Chao Chen*, Jun Wang. Characterization of Natural Organic Matter as Precursors for N-nitrosamine: Based on Hydrophobicity and, Molecular SizeWeight and Fluorescence. 4th NOM conference. July 27-29, 2011, Costa Mesa, California USA. Oral presentation.
69. Pengfei Lin, Xiaojian Zhang, Chao Chen*. Predict the phenol adsorption-isotherm by the pore structure and the surface chemistry of activated carbon. 2010, 3th IWA Asia-Pacific Young Water Professional Conference Singapore. National University of Singapore Nov 21-24, 2010. Oral presentation.
70. C. K. Wang, X. J. Zhang, J. Wang , C. Chen*. Identification of nitrosamines as disinfection by-products in drinking water using SPE-UPLC-MS/MS. 2010, 3th IWA Asia-Pacific Young Water Professional Conference Singapore. National University of Singapore. Nov 21-24, 2010. Oral presentation.
71. Yuqiao Chen, Qi Zheng, Xiaojian Zhang, Chao Chen*. Evaluation of chlorine decay and organic chloramines formation in mycobacteria inactivation by various chlorine disinfectants. 2010, 3th IWA Asia-Pacific Young Water Professional Conference Singapore National University of Singapore Nov 21-24, 2010. Oral presentation.
72. Xiaojian Zhang and Chao Chen. Water Quality Risk and Emergency Response for Municipal Water Supply after the Wenchuan Earthquake. International Conference on Sustainable Water Infrastructure for Cities and Villages of the Future. Beijing, 2009.11.6-9. Keynote Speech
73. Y. H. Li, X. J. Zhang, W. Zhang and C. Chen. Study on PAC-Ultrafiltration Process for Drinking Water Treatment and the Characteristic of PAC on Membrane Fouling Prevention. 3rd IWA-ASPIRE conference. Taipei. 2009.10. Oral presentation.
74. Jing Liu, Chao Chen and Xiaojian Zhang, Study on the difference of synergetic effect on different kinds of bacteria’s inactivation with sequential chlorination disinfection process, 3rd IWA-ASPIRE conference, Taipei, 2009.10. Oral presentation.
75. Chao Chen, Xiaojian Zhang, Performance of membrane water purification apparatus in the affected area of Wenchuan Earthquake, 2009 Conference of Leading Edge Technologies, Singapore, 2009.6.
76. X. J. Zhang, C. Chen, J. Wang, Y. Wang, W. Li, Y. M. Chen and Y. Qi. The technologies and measures for emergency water supply in the Wen-chuan Earthquake affected area. 4th Asia Risk Analysis and Management Conference. Beijing. 2009.5.17-19. Keynote Speech
77. Chen Chao, Zhang Xiaojian, Zhu Lingxia, He Wenjie and Han Hongda, Evaluation the change of different organic matter fractions along conventional plus advanced treatment process by resin isolation, 4th NOM conference, Bath, UK, 2008.9. Oral presentation.
78. Pin-pin Lu, Chao Chen, Xiao-jian Zhang, Qian Wang. Survey of chloramine-resistant bacteria in the distribution system in one city in Southern China. 15th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology. 2009.5, Naxos, Greece. (Win for Free Registration and Travel Bursary)
79. Y. Wang, X. J. Zhang, Y. Q. Chen, P. P. LU, C. Chen. Cast Iron Corrosion in Drinking Water Distribution Systems by Iron Bacteria and the Control Strategy. 15th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology. 2009.5, Naxos, Greece.
80. Zhang Xiaojian, Chen Chao. Emergent drinking water treatment in source water pollution accident: technology and practice in China. IWA 6th World Conference and Exhibition. Vienna. Austria. 2008.9. Poster
81. Chen Chao, Zhang Xiaojian, et al. The change of polarity of organic matter along conventional plus advanced treatment process. 2nd IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition. Perth, Australia. 2007.10. Oral presentation.
82. Zhang Xiaojian, Chen Chao, et al. The bacteria re-growth in urban drinking water distribution system in one Chinese metropolitan and the strategy of bio-stability control. 14th Health Related Water Microbiology Symposium. 2007.9. Tokyo, Japan (Win for Free Registration and Travel Bursary)
83. Chao Chen, Xiaojian Zhang, and Wang Yun, The sequential chlorination process for integrative control of DBPs and microorganism, 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. Houston, U. S., 2006.8. Oral presentation.
84. Zhang X. J., Chen C, Zhu L., Wang Y., and Liu J. Sequential chlorination disinfection to control microorganism and disinfection by-products simultaneously. 1st IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition. Singapore. 2005.7. Oral presentation.
1. 短時游離氯后轉(zhuǎn)氯胺的順序水處理消毒方法 發(fā)明專利 2004100427906 排名第2
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11. 反沖洗后增加微沖洗的快濾池初濾水濁度控制方法 發(fā)明專利 2011100834705排名第3